So, did ya?
So, did ya?
hah, I used to when I was new to the game. Resting in his bed and getting rekt by the dark brotherhood felt like instant karma also.
Now that I'm more familiar with the game though I usually use the chest behind the stair in Ald Ruhn Mages guild and the containers in the smith area as my base and then teleport around from there, using the creeper in caldera as my moneymaking place.
I always use Ralen Hlaalo's house, since he's already dead, there's good room, and I like Balmora.
Commanding the mudcrab merchant and getting it to walk all the way there took forever. Then I did the same with Asciene Rane so I could get to Mournhold faster.
>mudcrab merchant
Why, just why. Even without the crab money is so easy to get in Morrowind it's nearly useless
OCD, I suppose.
quit shilling your shitty meme game
Fuck off retard, it's not 90's anymore.
Looking to replay this game again. Anyone got some good mod suggestions to spice it up a little bit? Not really looking for big overhauls or anything, game is really good without mods as is.
lmao the fuck is this pixelated shit anyway