>finally getting into the series, love sci-fi stuff just never got around to playing >brand spanking new rig, can run everything on high or max >go to get ME series from steam >Mass Effect 3 is not on PC
.....what the fucking fuck? So I just play the other 2 and then borrow my friends PS3 or something? This is bullshit.
ME thread I guess.
Leo Jones
>Mass Effect 3 is not on PC
Levi James
>>Mass Effect 3 is not on PC If only they'd spared us. But alas. It is on pc, you're just retarded.
Aaron Roberts
ME3 is Origin exclusive. You wanna play it, you gotta suck it up, and install Origin.
Tyler Price
user here's the thing about EA...
Sebastian Reed
It's on Origin you retarded piece of shit, Steam isn't the entirety of the PC market.
That said, pirate the whole shit, so you get all the DLC missing from the Steam versions and don't feel extra shitty for investing money on top of time on the series once you see ME3's ending.
Jeremiah Morgan
Your gonna have to use Origin senpai, it's fucking shit. But why would you wanna play ME3 anyways
Christopher Allen
Oh, my bad. So basically I have to get Steam part II: EA Edition just to play the last game of the trilogy. Kind of stupid, but whatever.
Or yea, maybe I will just pirate it I'm new to PC gaming, obviously. While I have you all here though, any suggestions on good PC games? RPGs, shooters, mmo, whatever the fuck I don't care, I just wanna play some games this holiday break.
Jackson Carter
Dark souls Rising Phantom Pain Doom GTA V DA1 Morrowind (get mods to make it loks better) Fallout: NV Deus Ex: All of them. System Shock Bioshock 1 Alpha Protocol
Michael Morales
Here an advice: You buy the Mass Effect Trilogy on Origin when it's on sales then pirate the games with all DLCs >Good PC games Warband Stalker Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
Asher Martin
WoW (yes it is fun especially if you're a new player, you won't have all the vanilla oldschool player complaints because you weren't play the game then, it's good...well it's okay, and fun at least, which is the point of video games, right?)
FF XIV Black Desert if for nothing else but the character creator
Uhhh..are there any other good MMOs guys? R-runescape?
Cooper Williams
Bentley Phillips
Spelled Dota wrong mate.
Kevin Morris
>russian-infested hellhole
Why would you do that?
Caleb Roberts
>Dark souls Maybe the first one, II and III are awful >Rising Lmfao. Or he could play a good hack and slash not based off a shitty overrated franchise
>Phantom Pain Uh..not if he doesn't play Metal Gear, horrible game to start the series on. Even if he does, it's still shit >Doom Maybe for single player, and then delete it forever >GTA V Finally, you named a good game! >DA1 Yes >Morrowind (get mods to make it loks better) Yes
>Fallout: NV Yes >Deus Ex: All of them. No. >System Shock Yes >Bioshock 1 Overrated as fuck. Maybe pirate this one >Alpha Protocol Hahahahahahahhahaa you want him to get kane and lynch too?
Cameron Stewart
>12 year old epicenter
Why would you do that? MOBAs are shit, the correct answer is not to suggest any
Anthony Ortiz
Deus Ex (the original one) System Shock: Enhanced Edition System Shock 2 X-COM (classics and the remake) Postal 2 The Witcher ARMA II + the expansions
You can get all of these games for like 20 bucks from steam during sales.
Jason Cooper
Owen Lewis
>ME3 is not on PC
James Rodriguez
Mass Effects is for casuals in the first place kiddo
Noah Evans
And then there's this guy.
Joseph Young
but im right tho
Matthew Ward
No you're not, that's the point. You've got your head so far up your ass from sniffing your own farts that you can't differentiate your opinions from the truth, the truth being that video game opinions are opinions, not some shiny truth given unto thee by an archangel from heaven.
Sebastian Lopez
So I posted mine, where are yours? A lot of those games simply aren't that great. I mean Alpha fucking Protocol?
Robert Sanchez
>I mean a video fucking game? Yeah how dare they play video games.
Nathaniel Sanchez
Also, sparing someone from playing shitty games and wasted Hard Drive space is nothing short of being a guiding, glistening, guardian angel, faggot.
Jaxon Parker
>I mean Alpha fucking Protocol? Alpha Protocol is the best interactive story of all time, idiot. And the gameplay is perfectly passable.
Carson Davis
Yeah man loll superman 64 and big rigs are great haha! Duke Nukem Forever too, solid title! Video games are all fun and if someone suggests their opinion on which someone should get I can't disasgree with them with my own opinion hahah!
Go get ready for school, mommy pack your lunch yet?
Hey great opinion. I disagree though, so I figured I'd post mine on a board where people share opinions/suggestions. The angry kiddie bridgade is out in full force, can't handle when an opinion doesn't match up with your own shitty ones. Cute.
Elijah Smith
>sparing someone from trying video games and forming an opinion of his own is nothing short of being a guiding, glistening, guardian angel
Yeah, whatever amigo, keep huffing those farts.
Ryan Parker
>Played through ME1 several times back in 2007-8 when it launched on 360 >Recently picked it up on Steam, figured I'd replay it since it'd been years >Start it up >... >It plays like absolute dogshit They really should just remake ME1 and improve the TPS gameplay. Goddamn its so shit.
Ryder Jenkins
>I can post my opinion and talk about how that's all saying a game is good or bad is >but if you disagree with my personal taste you're just an asshole!
Keep being the biggest hypocritical idiot around, mate.
Matthew Jackson
Evan Reyes
Leo Miller
You still haven't posted anything remotely approaching an opinion on anything, though. Looking at your handwaving of that other guy's list, your taste is shite tho, so maybe you'll spare us.
Jose King
Good taste except for GTA5.
Thomas Rivera
So wtf happens with the geth in 3 if you get tali killed in 2. No desert drama or does her role get picked up by some other space gypsy?
Sebastian Nguyen
>You still haven't posted anything remotely approaching an opinion on anything, though
Only I have, you just disagree with it. Which is fine, but you need to remove your head from your ass now. OP doesn't have to listen to my post, he also doesn't have to listen to the guy I responded to.
He actually is free, like you and I, to form his own opinions on games and pick what he likes.
Brandon Anderson
What's wrong with GTA V?
Lincoln Martin
It's popular.
Jason Long
Casualized, consolized SJW garbage with POC protagonist shoehorned in for no reason
Connor Wood
So Is Dark Souls, Morrowind, New Vegas and DA1.
What's the requirements for Sup Forums to accept a popular game again? It actually has to be good or something?
William Gutierrez
>any of those comparable in popularity to motherfucking GTA
Elijah Rodriguez
I'd rather play an actual game with russian scum than play it's retardedly uninspired weeaboo 11-year old targeted reboot.
John Taylor
>Betehsda games aren't just as popular as ROckstar ones
Get out from under your rock. I'll give you Dark Souls, though at this point it's gone full mainstream. You're psycho if you don't think Fallout and Elder Scrolls aren't just as known as Grand Theft Auto.
Jordan Gutierrez
>Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls isn't popular. Skyrim is.
Nathan Brown
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 if you like RPG-esqe turn strategies. Gothic (be careful about outdated controls, game is 15 years old). Maybe some RTS games, Red Alert 2 and Age of Empires 2 I remember fondly.
Ryan Richardson
But Oblivion started DLC business.
Owen Bell
>Oblivion isn't popular as all hell
Your delusions know no bounds. I will give you Morrowind, everyone bandwagond to ES with Oblivion. Starting to think you weren't even alive in 2006. You probably don't even know that game released in 2006.
As for Fallout, 3 started the mainstream BS. And Fallout is pretty much GTA and Mario tier in household video game name brand. Stop being dumb bro, you're factually wrong. It's very obvious all you browse on the internet is Sup Forums
Colton Cooper
>Alpha Protocol >bad Maybe you're just a retarded millennial.
Jordan Edwards
Someone mentions open world RPGs and literally the first thing you will hear out of their mouth is Elder Scrolls series. It's like call of duty dude bro tier in casual conversation at this point. Go outside.
Jayden Nguyen
Isn't everyone here? I'm 27, so I guess I am a retarded millennial.
Alpha Protocol has way too many flaws for me to say it's good. Doing some good things doesn't automatically make the things it does horribly disappear
I liked things about Remember Me and Mirrors Edge too, and I wouldn't consider them good games.
Your insult is humorous because you probably are just as old if not younger than me. Either way it has no bearing on my opinion. Iv'e played plenty of good games, and plenty of eh games, and plenty of bad games.
Jeremiah Cooper
Yea but no sane person spent money for a horse armor. All the fuckheads that bought such things for extra money are the reason dlcs are unavoidable now
Elijah Miller
Missing his point though.
Hunter Price
>with POC protagonist shoehorned in for no reason Are you acting like San Andreas didn't exist you fucking twat?
James Nelson
Overwatch Dead Space 1 and 2 at least Battlefield 2/2142 Unreal Tournament 2004 Divinity Age of Empires Undertale Dying Light Minecraft WoW FF XIV Watch Doge 2 Dishonored 1 and 2 League of Legends
Charles Nguyen
San Andreas knew it was a game about niggers though, and made no attempts to sanitize it.
In GTA V Franklin (aka the nigger) is somehow the only rational character in the game, while all the others are MUH CRAZY WHITE PEEBLE LMFAO CUZ
Luis Wilson
That doesnt make oblivion popular tho. I have tons of casual gamer friends, and the rpg genre was by far the least popular. Because these kind of games were too nerdy for the masses. Atleast around here.
Jaxson Ross
>when it's on sales
I wanna start playing too but I don't feel like waiting til this happens. So...should I just pirate ME 1 and see how I feel after I finish it?
Or can I start with 2? If 1 is unplayable in 2016 and I can skip it I'd rather start with 2. Unless I need 1 to understand the full story.
Someone help.
Joseph Carter
The people that post in online communities, or your select group of real life acquaintances that happen to play video games are not necessarily representative of the video game industry consumer base as a whole.
Isaac Watson
League is a lot more mechanically rewarding and has a 1 on 1 git gud or die feeling to the top lane. Mid lane is all about being a planning and plotting master, using your skills to turn the tide of the game in your favour which is intellectually stimulating. Jungle is all about control of the entire map, it's the perfect position for autists. Support speaks for itself, you prop up what your teammates want to do like a little slut and that can be fun if you're in the mood. ADC is fun because you have to be careful about your positioning while at the same time not being such a pussy that you can't carry the entire team on your back. There's also no tanks in Dota (no real tanks) and the characters in the game are pretty bland fantasy tropes as apposed to League design of just making a cool champion which may or may not be a homage to characters from other medium (Zed and Rengar are basically The Shredder and The Predator in a MOBA), although the champions they make nowadays are little in depth such as Jhin who is a god-tier video game character on his own standing and incredibly engaging to play. As someone with 1900 hours or so in Dota there's just not enough to make me want to play it instead of League.
Jack Foster
Evidently you don't though,. Oblivion is very mainstream and very popular.
it's okay to admit you're totally wrong. Because you are.
Kevin Phillips
>Mass Effect 3 is not on PC
Origin only, save yourself the BS and don't bother with it.
Nathaniel Murphy
>mfw all the people telling him to get EA ORIGIN TM BUY NOW
fucking pirate those shit games, bioware doesn't deserve money neither does EA
Zachary White
Correct, which my post doesn't imply nor say at all. I don't know why you sperged out and typed a bunch of text in all caps in green before you got to your point but, thanks for that I guess?
Elder Scrolls is extremely popular. It didn't gain popularity only in 2011. No one would have been excited for Fallout 3 in 2008 had Bethesda not been an established name of making open world games with Oblivion 2 years prior
You really are dragging this out. You are wrong, factually. Elder Scrolls is just as known as GTA, Mario, Halo and fucking Call of Duty. Bethesda didn't just start being a big name company in 2011.
Grayson Robinson
Everyone in this thread is fucking with you.
Get Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines off GoG. I know it sounds awful but basically it was a good game at its core and its fans have been doing unofficial patches for years to fix it and restore content and now it's actually really fucking good
What's your steam?
Lucas Moore
Get GTA V because trying to play the whole game in first person is fucking hilarious. Game is clearly not built for it at all.
Ian Williams
>You are wrong, factually.
And where is your proof to back up these "facts"?
Gavin Fisher
not him but you are retarded if you can't accept that Oblivion and Fallout and Skyrim and all the Bethesdashit except for Morrowind are ultra mainstream you giant fag
Jacob Rodriguez
I'd drudge them up, but I have a feeling you wouldn't do the same to prove that it wasn't popular back then.
Pretty sure, you, or whomever made the claim that it wasn't known first, anyways. So I think the evidence to that claim has to come before mine, if you really wanna do this
Otherwise we can just keep insulting each other until we taper off, that might be easier as I am kind of lazy and want to go eat breakfast and play some Smash Bros
Mason Murphy
Why did you ignore this part of his post?
>No one would have been excited for Fallout 3 in 2008 had Bethesda not been an established name of making open world games with Oblivion 2 years prior
Do we need to go post E3 2008 videos for you?
Matthew Collins
Generally, providing arguments to support your theory is beneficial for convincing people of its validity. In regard to Alpha Protocol, you provided none.
Alpha Protocol has plenty of player agency and one of the best systems of choice and consequence, without hanging onto an arbitrary good-bad morality scheme. "Choices that matter" - such a buzz-phrase, yet this game did it much better than most. It has lively characters and a decent espionage story.
The gameplay and shooting mechanics are flawed but passable. Playing through stealthily and doing hand-to-hand combat was oddly satisfying.
Liam Ortiz
Close, but you should in fact pirate VtMB. The devs who made it have gone bust, if you buy the game then all the money goes to Activision, who were the ones that killed the devs in the first place.
Jose Collins
Not him but why did it get slammed so hard anyways?
Seems like it went hidden gem tier pretty fast.
Zachary Ramirez
Bottom one is CoD4, by the way.
inb4 >sales numbers are not at all an indication of mainstream success!
Mason Barnes
Actually now it's owned by Paradox, and a royalty program has been set up both by the guys that used to be White Wolf, and the guys that used to be Troika.
But whatever.
Hudson Collins
I didn't know! Well, shit. Buy it then, I guess.
Josiah Baker
Stop playing after ME2, you'll thank us later.
Julian Kelly
Get Sleeping Dogs
Gabriel Martinez
Joseph Rogers
Tali's aunt replaces her in ME3 then. No peace between quarians and geth, naturally. You end up sacrificing a side.
Angel Bailey
the fuck is origin access?
Justin White
don't bother they're trash also not even sci fi just fantasy
Cameron Murphy
psn+ but for EA branded AIDS
Liam Martin
>Mass Effect >not sci-fi just fantasy
nigga, you just went full retard
Nicholas Cruz
the "extra cool club" of Origin. They get to play games early, get to play betas and shit early and some games become free if you're an origin member
So basically it's Playstation + or Live GOLD. God I fucking hate Origin. What is EA's deal.
Nathaniel Martinez
Leo Thomas
Oh god look it's a Star Wars retard
Jeremiah Diaz
actually he's right, eezo is mana and is used by writers to handwave and explain pretty much everything
Jayden Scott
>So basically I have to get Steam part II: EA Edition just to play the last game of the trilogy
You also need Origin to get any DLC for the second game, because EA's split with Steam happened before that came out. Enjoy paying for it in "Bioware Points" too. :^)
Pirate everything, dumbass.
Easton Peterson
lol? So you pay for an extra membership to test shitty buggy beta early access games?
Aaron Davis
Because the reviewers don't play in-depth. They saw the obvious gameplay shortcomings and didn't bother playing enough of it to experience the actual RPG.
Obsidian Entertainment really deserves more credit in my opinion. With the right budget, those people are capable of making better RPGs than the likes of current Bioware and Bethesda. KOTOR2 is fucking fantastic, Neverwinter Nights 2 is also good, and Fallout: New Vegas is still circling above Fallout 3 and 4.
Jack Flores
You're right but Pillars and Tyranny was bullshit
they should do something else
Nicholas Wood
Only EA game I've bought is Titanfall 2 and I don't regret it.
Bentley Martinez
I'd rather buy 12 months of Humble Monthly than subscribe to EA's, because fuck at least I get to keep my random junks when I cancel it
Jackson Miller
BUT WAIT. There is more
If you cancel your sub, you can't play any of the games any longer, where as if you buy it regularly, it becomes just like steam.
So you basically borrow games for "free" (not really because you're paying 7 a month to be able to play them all) but they take it back the second you cancel
Get why we hate Origin yet?
Ayden Kelly
All this thread has done is convince me to re pirate ME and to buy Alpha Protocol.
I fucking love Sup Forums sometimes.
Also what's the best zombie game out right now? Dying Light? Is Dead Rising 4 any good?
I like to kill zombies, with friends. So whatever suggestions fit that mold.
Asher Williams
Dying Light is decent, all that parkour and shit, basically that's what Dead Island done right RE4 remains good after 10 years RE5 Coop is good RE6 is fine if you ignore the plot
Jason Campbell
>Get why we hate Origin yet?
No, stop using it. I never bothered using it and all the games are shit.
Julian Hughes
DayZ is a fantastic survival simulator (although pretty realistic and slightly buggy). Lots of fun with friends and roleplaying can be done amazingly well.
Levi Lee
>If you cancel your sub, you can't play any of the games any longer Just like PS+