Was the second half rushed or just poorly designed?
Was the second half rushed or just poorly designed?
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the whole game was kind of rushed in the sense that they had a full story planned but had to cut it due to limited time.
>poorly designed
nah, simply given picrelated.
The first half of DaS must've been a bitch to make since they never really went back to that style (BB was close tho). Shame because it was the best content this series ever had
>Dialogue from an unused storyline. It appears that you would meet Oscar outside of the Asylum, perhaps initially at the Firelink Shrine:
A pleasure to meet you. Sage Frampt has spoken to me about you. I am Oscar of Astora. I wish to thank you for ringing the Bell of Awakening. I have received the word of Sage Frampt. I will be fine. You ought to focus on yourself. May we each fulfil our respective purposes!
A pleasure to meet you. Sage Frampt has spoken to me about you. I am Oscar of Astora. I am told that you rang the Bell of Awakening, and received the word of Frampt. That is a wonderful thing. We are all counting on you. I only wish that I had such a purpose.
I am preparing to leave. I will follow Sage Frampt's instructions, and will seek Anor Londo by way of Sen's Fortress. I hope that we meet again somewhere, one day.
I am preparing to leave. I cannot just stay here. I must find my own purpose. I hope that we meet again somewhere, one day.
>Ultimately, Oscar would become an antagonist near the end of the game, choosing to follow the opposite path from the primordial serpent the player confides in:
So, it was you… I had a feeling… I shall destroy you, as fate has commanded me… Foolish pawn of Darkstalker Kaathe… And fiendish Dark Lord…… I have waited for thee……
Foolish slave of the Gods, and pawn of Frampt…… I will kill you…… And become the true Dark Lord…
Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith felt rushed since they weren't polished enough and re-using Capra, Taurus and Asylum felt cheap considering you had to go through the zone, if it was optional I wouldn't have cared as much.
Maybe it's just me, but DaS1 didn't feel nearly as enjoyable to explore as Demon's Souls, almost every zone had something I hated, blowdart snipers, Anor Londo archers, the rafters, New Londo as a whole etc.
Depends on the area. Some of them, like Anor Londo and Lost Izalith, were just bad designs that were doomed from the start. Demon Ruins and the Duke's Archives could have been decent, but it's pretty obvious they didn't have the time to make enough enemy types to fill the areas with. Tomb of the Giants is a bit of a clunker as well; kind of a cool gimmick but tedious to navigate and blatantly low-effort.
The bosses are a big fucking problem too since they pretty much all suck shit, except arguably Four Kings and maybe Nito.
Poorly designed because it's rushed.
Why do people dislike 4 Kings so much?
it's just a DPS check
running meme on Sup Forums is to hate the four kings with a fiery passion
This. Specially Lost Izalith
>half the enemies are reused bosses
>the other half are those gargoyles that nobody even knows what they do because you can just spam attack them to death
>eye-searing visuals
>bed of chaos
>pvp watchdog
Nande kore?
Tells you if the invader is using external cheat programs and it helps with finding server nodes to connect to if the game fails to do so automatically
was a necessity back when I played it on PC because steam servers were constantly going down and players would get stuck on dead nodes etc.
Nice, I will install it and give das1 a replay.
why are there so many cheaters in the forest on ds1?
more like are they ever going back to das1 style with future souls games?
I just want Dark Souls 1 level design back.
too bad ds3 is the last one
Low iq niggers like you don't belong in the souls community. Anor Londo and Crypt of the Giants are amazing. Only demon ruins and lost izalith and crystal caves are bad. Kys nigger.
>Crypt is amazing
Yes it is. One of the best levels in the game together with Blighttown. Fuck off shitters.
Ahaha he keeps going!
Anor Londo is amazing? Really?
You see I've seen this SHIT opinion thrown around for so many years now, and I don't fucking get it. You arrive on some balcony with a beautiful view of a city and that's where the excitement stops. The lighting sucks, the enemies in that area are fucking shit, most of it consists of repeating textures and huge open areas you have to run through to get to the interesting content. What the fuck is there to like? Honestly? It has nowhere near the design of Undead Burg, Sen's Fortress or any of that early game shit.
you would agree with this guy
I have hope
Anor Londo is huge and interconnected greatness. If you don't like the graphics mod it on PC or are you too retarded to do that? Kys nigger. The only bad zones/levels in DaS are the ones I mentioned earlier.
What's great about it? The uncanny level design? The giant knights you fight by hugging their dicks? The knights of Gwyn you walk around and backstab in their respective big yellow blob rooms? The repeat of the same boss you fought before twice, but easier because the gimmick has been stripped away? The fucking walks you get to go on because there's nothing else to do for more than half of the area?
No seriously, I enjoyed Dark Souls on release, but I never accepted that part of the game onwards. You need some serious brain damage to enjoy the same bland blobulous view for longer than 30 seconds.
Rushed. The areas are in a clear descending order of how much they were worked on.
Grave of the Giants (plus Catacombs) and the New Londo Ruins are complete experiences.
The Duke's Archives is clearly a half-finished concept, with rotating bookcases that lead to literally pointless balconies and the jail area being completely unfinished. The Crystal Cave is arguably either minimalistic or slapped together with enemies from previous areas.
And everyone knows that Lost Izalith was shoved together with the few assets they had made. The Centipede Demon was likely already done, and the basic root-covered structure was set with its initial pathway, but nothing else was ready. That's why half of the enemies were copy-pasted from other parts of the game with one or two attacks each and why the boss was a huge fucking disappointment.
>hype the fuck out of 4kings end game boss
>make the area a struggle to progress through assuming the kings will be hard as shit
>all you have to do is run to them and whack them bare in mind they have like only 2 movesets
Hoe do people defend this trash.
>hype the fuck out of 4kings end game boss
Literally what
The game doesn't even mention them
You just drop down a hole and whack them and move on
Neither, it was fine.
Not as good as the first half to be sure but they idea that it's some irredeemable mess is just a dumb meme.
Sure on your 57th playthrough when you already know where everything is, where to go, etc. it can be kinda tedious but the lordvessel opened the game up lot originally, it was when you really finally got to explore the world you've been fucking around in rather than get led down linear paths. The new areas aren't amazing by any stretch but they're also far from bad. Bed of chaos and 4kings were bland bosses, but not offensively egregious and Nito and Seath were okay, and Sif was pretty tight.
Otsuka: Earlier we were talking about Half breed Priscilla, but are there any other characters whose role changed dramatically as development progressed?
Miyazaki: Oh there are many, for example Andre of Astoria. Originally he played a far more important role in the story.
Satake: Andre is no longer related to Gwin is he?
Miyazaki: Yes, we took that out. He was originally a descendant of Gwin whose task it was to protect a door within the fire link shrine. In the end he was going to push aside the goddess statue to let you progress, but as development progressed he became just a simple blacksmith. Haha
Waragai: But there are still those statues that look like him around the game world aren't there?
Miyazaki: Yes they are aren't they. but I don't think they are related, they're simply vessels which hold the embers.
DS II is such a brown, nasty mess in comparison.
you have the same mage build as me but I also used kalameet's sword
Yeah, too bad some dickhead said, that they need to start from scratch. Still my favourite Souls game.
if you think the graphics changes are because of the development issues you're a retard
I'm not solely talking about graphics, but everytime I see images like this I get reminded that DaS2 could've been even better if the b team had the time and the creative freedom.
thanks to 10 year old hardware, they had to downscale the game and we will never know what happened to the original graphcis