Work on your game, nigger

Work on your game, nigger.

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So does everyone just download GameMaker like adobe or are there actual incentives to buy it?
Is it cheap?
Is it easy to pirate?

>trying to balance numbers on 86 classes without help
>don't trust anyone from fiverr

I think most people using it now got their license when they had that huge sale on the humble bundle.

Also, if you want to get around to using GM, might as well wait a few months, since they are releasing GM 2 anyways.

complete software with all add ons cost 15 dollars recently on Humble Bundle

If you aren't memeing, I know that feel. I do everything except programming, so designs, music, gameplay, etc. is all me. Balancing stats for characters or dozens of weapons is a nightmare. Even if I think they are balanced, I have to wonder if I have bias towards some things that I like more.

What programs do you guys use for texturing models in?

>Tfw I can't code so I have to make a fucking text adventure game

kill me

The free version is almost exactly like the full version except it's limited in what platforms you can export to and you'll be forced to have a "Made in GameMaker" splash screen. I just used free version for ages while waiting for a sale to happen.

The worst feel.
Doesn't help that none of the programmers I work with want to do personal projects either so I'm stuck hunting unreliable externals online