Wii U version cancelled

>Wii U version cancelled

Welp. Not surprised, Wii U is a rotten corpse but it still stings a little.

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Makes sense.
Switch version possible instead?

yes they are moving development to the switch. WiiU is dead

It's already confirmed that it will come to Switch however it seems like it won't be launched with the PC, PS4 version.

They're swapping to a Switch version, smart move.

Goddamnit, Wii U is the only console I have. Damn sure not buying a console just for this. They better be offering a refund of my pledge then.

Get it on Steam, unless you have a toaster. I believe there is also a GOG version.

>not having a PC

>Stardew valley

Will Zelda be the last game for WiiU?
>mfw WiiU owners had to wait an extra year so they could port it to switch

they had no choice. wii u can only run shit games