It seems everybody forgot this exists, didnt see a thread about it since October, why is that?

It seems everybody forgot this exists, didnt see a thread about it since October, why is that?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because PCfags are cancer, OP.

It's a great game but low-key and under the radar for a ton of people

Why don't you make a thread about it instead of complaining about how there are no threads then?

No. Really. Why?

That's right.

Because you don't care either just like everyone else.

Flavor of the month is a phrase for a reason.

Move on or make a thread. If it dies, no one cares and you should move on. If it doesn't die, then enjoy your thread.

Simple as that.

I don't have a PS4, so why would I talk about it?

Seems like reddit is more your place

what are you talking about?

Everyone who liked the game has moved on. I blame the lack of longevity on lack of multiplayer and terrible sharing features.

If I can't build with friends, they should have at least made it possible to visit what your friends have built, and that isn't restricted to a small ass box.

I played the demo on Vita and thought it was pretty fun, but I'll wait to play the full game for when I buy a PS4.

Multiplayer is all that matters in building games, Squeenix fucked the dog with that one.