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le 3 good games that got ported to PC console

What's happening?

Dreamcast 2 is coming. Do you live under a rock, user?

You called?

what games? Shenmue 1 and 2?

It's 1999 again? Wew, time to be disappointed by Star Wars and listen to Mambo No. 5!

The correct slogan is "It's thinking", you horse sucker.

uzume is SO COOL

Yes, this is Patrick.

yea and sonic adventure 1

Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Space Channel 5, Sonic Adventures 1 & 2... I forgot if there's anything else.

It's 1998 m8
time to listen to number girl and watch the supra dominate JGTC

It's never happening.

i fucking wish, but sega hates money

those fucks also refuse to port jsrf

Pretty much this. Dreamcast emulation is finally good enough to try out some of these games and I have to say other than Capcom vs SNK 2(which is available for PS2 anyway) the console was nothing but a huge disappointment with severe lack of good games.

You're an idiot if you think Shenmue 1 and 2 HD ports aren't happening, they officially said they're looking into it many months ago as some assets are super trademarked, and they want Shenmue 3 to be much closer to release before releasing something like that.

It's almost guaranteed to happen.


Do you know where I can find a tatoo parlor?

That soft core porno voice... YES!!!!11

>Dreamcast 2

What can you tell me about the Wude?

>tfw Shenmue III won't have the same hilarious voice acting

Propeller Arena
Skies of Arcadia
Heavy Metal Geomatrix


>Soul Calibur is THE best 3D fighting game ever made


seaman and shenmue are not good games
i say this as a dc fanboy who loves those games
but they're not good in any sense
seaman is literally: talk to leonard nimoy the fish, also hope you got an infinite supply of watch batteries because the second your vmu battery dies the game fucks up
shenmue is shenmue, name cats, walk around, harass children and the elderly

if you want a good obscure DC game (not that shenmue is obscure but w/e) Cosmic Smash is one of my favorites on the system.
Essentially it's 3D breakout made by the Virtua Tennis team with a cool minimalist graphics style and great music. Think of it as Rez tennis.

Are threads like these why you think /vr/ sucks?

Your taste is all kinds of backwards.

What do you mean?
The fact I'm capable of acknowledging flaws in the things I like? The fact that I'm clearly an ubermenschen and therefore the things I enjoy could be harmful to lesser beings?

/vr/ doesn't suck

They enjoy games, doesn't that mean they eat shit by this board's standards?

Sup Forums only hates AAA games and they are not wrong about that

They also hate the Dreamcast.

And Sonic.

I don't get the hate for dreamcast, I have more games for it then on both PS3 and PS4 combined.
Sure, some games after years got ported either to xbox or PC but that doesn't mean the console was pretty great with short life span, but same could be said to newer consoles now.

Its not hate,most people haven't even played a Dreamcast game.