what's so good about a cpu announcement?

They'll present Vega too right?


Shitting all over Intel right now... :D


So far beating the Core i7-6900K in their tests.

>matches 6900k that has a tdp of 140w
>ryzen is 95w tdp

No Vega in Battlefield show off...

Are you trying to kill me with cringe??!?!


It's going to be about Intel's death sentence.


I don't know why you would ever believe this. Have you invested that much cash in AMD hardware?

She just mumbles lol... xD

houhouhou houhouhou houhouhou

affirmative action ftw

did we get release dates

Q1 for Zen.

Vega they didn't say.

>we are all about 4K gaming
>it's not about 120-144FPS gaming.
Are they out of touch, or are they in touch with normies?

whats the difference, i havent been keeping up

Zen is their new CPU architecture, which is supposed to save us all from Intel.

Vega are their new GPU architecture supposed to compete against the GTX1070 and GTX1080.

4k is the better benchmark desu

I had an R9 390.

Its already finished, user.

Your fault for being late.

Anyway it was shit.

Jesus. Why do they even bother.

>Zen is their new CPU architecture, which is supposed to save us all from Intel.
>Vega are their new GPU architecture supposed to compete against the GTX1070 and GTX1080.
Please let this be real. I really want to move away from intel and nvidia so bad. While they are at it, if they can make an OS fo vidya so I can finally move away from windows my dream will be complete.

And a shittier gaming experience in most games. A stable 120-144FS on a monitor that supports those frame rates is a better gaming experience in a vast majority of games over 4K.

That's right, but 4k is still the better benchmark.

You might as well get mad at synthetic benchmarks like Firestrike while you're at it, since they're not even games

>That's right, but 4k is still the better benchmark.
Okay, why?

>giving a shit about benchmarks

You should use Steam OS then.

There are no such thing as a graphic card built for 4k at the detriment of 1080/1440p... If it runs 4k BF1 at 60 fps, it'll be far faster in lower resolutions...

>buying hardware completely blind

Because that's the most stressful actual gameplay test for graphic cards? You dense or something?

>4k is more stressful than stable high fps
>4k at 30 fps is fine, ITS 4K AFTER ALL
>500 stable FPS is nothing, it's not even 4K

You are indeed dense. nvm..

not an argument

You can't even comprehend the argument in the first place.

Different variations on "you are a dumb dumb" is not an argument. Come back when you have one.

Please explain how running a game on demonstrably taxing settings is a bad benchmark

Holy shit user, I guess you're right. How is it I can run CSGO at a stable 500fps max settings at 1080p but then get drops of 32-55fps, 4K? max settings?
Damn crazy, that 500fps is more intensive it seems.

>using CSGO as a benchmark for framerates

not reading all that shit you were arguing about but do you realize csgo is essentially a 10 year old game designed for toasters in the first place

>How is it I can run CSGO at a stable 500fps max settings at 1080p but then get drops of 32-55fps
if you get drops it is not stable

Not an argument