Not going NCR

>Not going NCR
What's wrong with you, user? Do you hate freedom?

>loving freedom
>not going House

>autocracy is freedom

I was always too lazy to listen to factions and learn what do they stand for so I just fuck their shit up for fun
>mfw blowing up Brotherhood of Steel without even knowing who the fuck are they

why is this game getting daily threads

I sure do love my police state!

>Not going Wild Card

>Play an RPG
>don't even attempt to pay attention to the story/dialogue

Do I have a game for you.

it has since the day it was released


nice dodge you retarded fuck

NV babies trying to make their inferior game relevant again now that FO4 has shown how a true game should play.

I killed them because I didn't want to be treated like a dog

They really dropped the ball in NV with NCR vs Legion. Legion territory is meant to be much safer than NCR (i.e. no raiders and law & order) but you never see this, just the ISIS tactics of Caesar.

you need to be more subtle than this to get a reaction, try claiming the removing skills was a good and streamlined or something


It was a bit more complicated than that.

I know they wanted to expand on Legion more if they had a few more months of time. Damn shame.

Because it's a good game.

I answered your question you mongoloid fucking nigger


What was The Legion's policy on ghouls and super mutants?

nice bait
ps. bet you chose rail road

>600 hours
>still havent completed an ncr playthrough

>wanting to be part of a faction like the NCR or the Legion
>not wanting to be part of a comfy, tight-knit tribe and have your own unique culture, identity and way of life


>there will never be another fallout set in/near the core region
kill me

>600 hours
>never fucked with legion assholes

You can blame Bethesda for that.

>see a super mutant charge at me
>instant reflex is to light him up



Are you forgetting the most based faction with the most American Ideals?



enclave get

Unrepentant exclusivist fascism is an american ideal?

