>dad walks in
Dad walks in
Other urls found in this thread:
and says this is why Mom walked out on us, you fucking weeaboo faggot
>fat tits
>round face
>thin thighs
"Whew, thought you might turn out gay."
Why are blonde THICC girls so perfect?
Jury's still out on that one. All anime watchers turn into cock-loving faggots eventually
"Why do they all look the same, son?"
>anime watchers
>character is from a video game
This is why Sup Forums is shit, redditors don't know the difference.
Are you winning son?
lmao wat a tard
That's from a video game you 'tard
if literally all of them turn into faggots then it's a pretty simple equation, you retard
I miss you, dad.
Alri Carlton.
"Hello?......yes, I need help!......My old man just walked into my home!......no......no, he's been dead for ten years!......right......you'll be her in ten minutes?......Great! Thanks, Ghostbusters!!!"
This, back to >>>/reddit/ fags
>his screen is visible to someone walking into the room
lmao retard
Truly the bad times have only just begun.
Behind you Winston! Haunted pants!
>he hasn't been keeping his door locked since he was a child
lmaoing at your life.
What the hell is that outfit?
Why so thick animu girls always have a face that is completely different?
What kind of anatomy is this?
>redditors start coming in mass
>loli = pedophiles
>forcing the T H I C C meme
>can't tell the difference between video games and anime
>think Japanese games are all shit or 'weeb'
>keep making e-celeb threads
>literal who twitter caps
Poor user
But if anything, I'd walk in my dad playing SV.
Is this for real?
>post anime reaction image
I wish the mods still banned people for being idiots.
From the top.
blog.Sup Forums.org/
Anybody wanna tell me there are fucking floating pants behind Winston and nobody cares?
This place used to be in the top 20.
>user can't into ass fangs
I blame the american scum
Every day in the evening Sup Forums turns to shit. I attributed it to eurocucks getting back home from work, but then I remembered that it's also the time when amercans start to wake up. So either eurocucks shitpost all night long, or US of A faggots do. The difference in mindboggling stupidity and normalfaggotry is astounding, I thought that most of the retarded posts were made just by faggots pretending to be normies, but now I'm sure that THEY ARE NORMIES.
Oh shit lemme guess. All the new traffic has to do with the election and Sup Forums? God damnit just what we need more poltards.
I haven't played Ghostbusters, but it's Ghostbusters, so I'd assume it's some kind of ghost, buster.
It's okay if you drew her.
I don't mind Sup Forumstards. I mind r/thedonald fags trying to be Sup Forumstards.
We...err...THEY used to; but after about 6 years of doing so we realized that we were just banning each other and occasionally ourselves.
I mean themselves. Right.
More recent version here.
I was hoping after the election there would be a much larger drop, but I guess not.
So eurocucks. Got it.
Must be too smalltime to bother with then.