Sup Forums plays XCOM

XCOM's Gonna Give It To Ya

Sorry if I'm late. I had to do some shit. And now we're gonna do some shit, too!

Last time, we:

>got a FUCKLOAD of ayyships downed
>raided them for LODSEMONE
>they just keep coming
>but we have no psionics yet
>now we have to raid a ship we couldn't drop, so we waited it to land
>gonna have 50 aliens attacking us

Let's do this shit.

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Remove ayy

Bunch of Floaters around.

You can't see them because it's gorilla warfare, tho.

You can see this one, and the sublime performance of the Führer.

Hello Commander

Shit; they're everywhere.
Gotta heal this nigga.

Welcome Back commander

Not like these puny wounds will stop us from purifying the evil.

The fuckers can float everywhere, so I gotta watch every single corner of the map.