We now live in an age where people will give a game with bad controls, unresponsive AI...

We now live in an age where people will give a game with bad controls, unresponsive AI, and awful camera an 8/10 because muh aesthetics.

We've lived in this age for a loooooong time.

The controls aren't completely bad, touchy, but not unplayable.

The AI is hardly unresponsive, it was meant to be like an animal, and that's what it acts like. Dogs don't always come when called, and cats sure as hell don't listen when you demand they don't climb on your shit.

This. Just look at The Witcher 3. Geralt handles like you're shouting commands at a half deaf mule and people still fucking LOVE that game.
Me too. 120 hours and I fucking hate how unresponsive and clunky everything is.

The same can be said for retro games, people still jerk all over that. especially Sup Forums.

The Last Guardian is shit artistically and graphically, it's just so dull, especially the gameplay, and in a post-Journey world they can't release something like this for AAA pricing. It's a mediocre puzzle platformer with emotional manipulation as the biggest draw. But of course these games get a pass for being japanese, when it's been proven that none of them are actually good.

this post wasn't worth being made into a pasta


I think you're a faggot op

Considering 8s are seen as "good" to most people, you're making quite a fuss over something that is hardly being praised as perfect. Hell, almost every review has made it clear that the game has its drawbacks. Nobody is calling it the second coming of Christ.

It would have been nice if they had made the valley a little more open. Not a total sandbox, mind you, but at least have some variety in the ways you can explore it. That way, you could have some sense of freshness with each adventure, as opposed to the Ico-like linearity that is present.

Another thing I think that would have been neat is if the truth about the barrels had been shown before Trico is lying near dead after fighting that one guardian. The player (and the boy) would know that they're feeding trico people, but continue to do so as there's no other way to help him recover.

Nigga I really have no clue what you are talking about. I mean the horse mechanics are strange went trying to canter but outside of that there is no issues with controls at all.

Wanted to make a resident evil joke but I'm not sure on the last few points exactly.

Really? Maybe I've been playing too many JRPGs where movement is concise and perfect because I fucking haaaated even walking with Geralt.

>Considering 8s are seen as "good" to most people

AA-AAA games are rated by journalists on a scale of 7-10, so to translate it into normal 1-10 measurements you use (N-7)*3+1
so a metacritic score of 83 for the last guardian is really more of a 4.9/10, a mediocre game

no mans sky, on the other hand, is a 71 -> 1.3/10, ie awful

The animation is pretty fantastic tho.

Although I really hate the artsy shit they did with the boy, no idea what prompted that decision. He looks so fucking out of place, he looks like a character out of 2005 secondlife.

Just like Shadow of the Colossus and ICO.

Try replacing the pic with a souls game you'll get way more hits

Like sure nobody is panning the game but nobody is jumping off the roofs for it either, you're acting like it's gone home or something

You're right user
This nigga is a fucking retard who must've suffered from a stroke because Gerald handles like shit

You are a fucking idiot, congratulations.


I was fucking shocked (desu) when I found out the truth, but it was never really pushed beyond that.

Your math is garbage, as is the concept of a 10-point grading scale. Xplay literally had the right system with 1-5.

And TLG is at least a solid 3.