I was a Nintendofag as a kid so I completely missed this entire system.
What would you say the 10 most must-play PS1 games are, if you had to narrow it down?
I was a Nintendofag as a kid so I completely missed this entire system.
What would you say the 10 most must-play PS1 games are, if you had to narrow it down?
Talladega Nights
darude sandstorm
Crash Bandicoot series
Spyro the Dragon
Brave Fencer Musashi
Rival Schools
Chrono Cross
1. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
2. Alundra
3. Wild Arms
4. Spyro
5. Suikoden 2
6. Final Fantasy 9
7. Legend of Legaia
8. Twisted Metal 2
9. Ape Escape
10. Tales of Destiny
No particular order.
Actually, replace Final Fantasy 9 with Breath of Fire 4. Don't know how it slipped my mind.
You're pretty cool.
Here's mine, no order:
>Ape Escape
twin-stick 3D platform game, uses the second stick for the items
>Dino Crisis 2
although somewhat similar to Resident Evil and the lot, it's much more focused on action (the first game is pretty much Resident Evil with dinosaurs)
>Ace Combat 2
imagine a world where fighter planes carried like 40 missiles, great fun
>R-Type Delta
slick shoot-em-up, fantastic presentation, very well designed
>Silent Bomber
great action game about setting and throwing bombs
>Omega Boost
superb mech game, made by the Gran Turismo devs, I like it more than Zone of the Enders on PS2
>Ghost in the Shell
another great mech game, this time controlling a spider-tank
press l1+r1 to dash, this is important
fun 2D platformer with 3D stages, rip wallet
>any of the Ridge Racer series games
I'll say R4 for the list because it's gorgeous even though I like Rage Racer more, good 'ol drift racing
>Wipeout XL
futuristic racing game that handles nothing like F-Zero, very hefty feeling to the vehicles
tl;dr: go play Dino Crisis 2
The Unholy War
Twisted metal 2 or 4
Gran turismo 2
Nypd future cop
Thanks user.
Neat list, I think I'll check a couple of these out on my PSP. Particularly Omega Boost and Ghost in the Shell, since I've been looking for an excuse to delve into mech stuff.
Metal gear solid
Resident evil 2
Twisted metal 2
Crash bandicoot 2
Final fantasy vii
Silent hill
Vagrant story
Symphony of the night
Legend of dragoon (fuck you, I liked it)
You could probably swap out some of these for parasite eve, Dino crisis 2, or chrono cross.
A lot of great choices here - kudos on love for Silent Bomber, though good luck finding that one in the wild for non-scheister prices. I have been exploring the PS1 library for the first time for the last few years as I missed out on it growing up.
My recommendations would be:
(/ denotes an either/or situation)
Breath of Fire 3 / Breath of Fire 4
R-Type Delta
Resident Evil 1: Director's Cut (not the "dualshock edition") / Resident Evil 2
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
Castlevania Chronicles / Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (both excellent for different reasons; I like Chronicles more)
Metal Gear Solid
Kagero Deception
I'm really sorry for you, user. Being stuck with Pretendo 69 is a cruel fate.
I was missing out on PSX too, but I at least had a PC at the peak of its gaming library.
>pretendo 69
don't be that guy
although that being said, I can't really think of ten N64 games off hand that I like now (the ones that come to mind are Crusin' USA, Star Wars Racer, F-Zero X, and Banjo Kazooie), I played the machine a bunch back in the day
>Ape Escape
>Crash Bandicoot 3
>Silent Hill
>Spyro the Dragon 3
>Metal Gear Solid
>Final Fantasy VII
>Resident Evil
>Croc Legend of the Gobbos
>Tomb Raider
>ten N64 games off hand that I like now
N64 is less loved in my mind as I get older, but that doesn't stop the Zeldas and Mario from being masterpieces. Along with your Jet Force Gemini, Kirby, Mischief Makers, and so on.
It fares in some ways better than the Saturn (and I love the Saturn) because it has a solid line up of exclusives and unique games with their own identity and pushed boundaries (whereas Saturn's exclusives too often seemed like copy-cats or straight-up arcade ports).
>N64 is less loved in my mind as I get older, but that doesn't stop the Zeldas and Mario from being masterpieces.
SNES were better.
Not that user, but I don't think the SNES Mario beat out the NES Mario's, let alone N64 Mario.
However, I do believe the NES Zelda's beat out the N64 one's.
Saturn didn't really have too much in the way of worthwhile exclusives because no one had the machine.
really, it's a fair bit of a shame, multiplats were always going to look worse, but the hardware had enough of a featureset to make exclusives look decent, even if it required a lot of effort on the dev's part
Bulk Slash and the Panzer Dragoon games are easily my favorite Saturn exclusives, but I really can't think of much else other than those two. Oh, and Keio Yuugekitai.
two of those are fucking imports
maybe I'd enjoy Burning Rangers more if I owned a US copy and could understand the directions
and NiGHTS never clicked with me
Same here OP. I feel like a lot of the PS1s library is shovelware and even many of the games that were good back then have aged like crap.
Though I really haven't given it a fair shake and I'm sure there are some great games. After realizing my PS3 could play PS1 games last year I bought Air Combat and Bushido Blade. Can't really recommend AC since it came out before analog controls.
>playing MGS when Twin Snakes exists
>playing shitty platformers like Spyro and Crash when Mario exists
>playing FF7 on PS1 when superior PC/PS4 ports exist
>playing RE when REmake exists
>playing the original Tomb Raider when Anniversary exists
>>playing MGS when Twin Snakes exists
You have every reason to, as the original has better voice acting, better cutscene direction, and better game design.
there's no reason to play AC1 when Ace Combat 2 exists (which supports analog control, looks drastically better, has a much better flight model, etc)
it's a straight upgrade
Virtua Cop 1 and Virtua Cop 2 were fun games although they require a CRT-based television set.
The Virtua Fighters were fun, IMO, and so were Daytona USA and Sega Rally Championship.
I think House of the Dead came out for Saturn but I never was able to get a copy of that game.
Metal Gear
Parasite Eve
Front Mission 3
Silent Bomber
Tekken 3
Resident Evil 2
Vagrant Story
Megaman Legends
Crash 2
yeah I've been meaning to check that out one of these days. Also AC3: Electrosphere just got translated finally.
Looking back, the No Games Station really had nothing going for it. Just a bunch of platformers and JRPGs, if that's your thing.
Replace Grandia and Silent Bomber with Tenchu Stealth Assassins and Castlevania SotN and you've got a great list here.
metal gear solid
resident evil
resident evil 2
resident evil 3
silent hill
final fantasy tactics
castlevania symphony of the night
gran turismo
ace combat 2
Everybody shut the fuck up
Metal Gear Solid
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Team Racing
Symphony of the Night
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
Spyro 2
every one of those is a port
and the Saturn was a brilliant machine when it came to ports
VF2's arcade port is fucking brilliant. Renders at a higher resolution than arcade (or anything else on the machine really), keeps a solid 60fps, it's a real technical marvel.
it only loses lighting (which ironically makes the game looks less blocky on the Saturn because the Model 2 only did flat shading) and backgrounds (which are a bit of a shame with the major drop in quality)
wish the Daytona ports were good (supposedly, the Japanese CE version is a lot better than the US CCE, but that's just hearsay to me, I don't actually know -- US CCE has fucked up handling even if they made the graphics passable)
my list earlier in the thread only had two platformers on it and zero RPGs
>replace Silent Bomber
you fucking what
>a ton of lists have Spyro
>they all have a different Spyro game
So which one's the best?
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
CTR: Crash Team Racing
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
Metal Gear Solid
Jumping Flash
Legend of Dragoon
Wild Arms
Final Fantasy VII
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Spyro 1 has some interesting level design. Feels pretty vertical and open. 2 and 3 are about equal in quality -- much better bosses and gameplay variety.
It's very close. Spyro 2 is probably the game in the series you would show your thawed out caveman friend.
I've found that the most common order is 2>1>3, but it completely depends on who you are.
really they are all good, just depends on what you want
Spyro 1 is the most basic Spyro game
Spyro 2 adds power ups to levels that you need to perform different tasks
Spyro 3 adds 4 additional playable characters each with their own playstyle and their own mini levels
>only one mention of Brave Fencer Musashi
y'all niggas gay
this list, but swap Castlevania with Ape Escape
why not just add those to the list and swap nothing? "swapping" makes no sense.
Lord Oh Pee said 10 and 10 only.
You have a limit of 10
Crash Bandicoot 1,2,3,CTR,Bash
Spyro 1,2,3
Parappa the Rapper
Ape Escape
Parasite Eve
Legend of Legaia
Play Squaresofts - entire catalogue it's better than every gane ever made on the N64. Yes one single developer BTFO an entire system library. Start with FFVII.
as much as I like Jumping Flash, I'm amazed at that game making anyone's top-10 list (it's also ridiculously easy and kind of ugly)
resident evil 2
silent hill
gran turismo
tekken 2
final fantasy 7
twisted metal
rouge trip:vacation 2012
the few that i remmeber from the good ol days
Watched a stream of that awhile back, it actually looked really fun to me. Been meaning to try emulating it.
more for the history
being one of the first 3D platformers ever, beating out Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot by a year
You know I've sperged out a few times with the swapping and completely missed that OP did actually limit himself to 10. My bad fellas, I'm a faggot.
Metal Gear Solid
That's it.
Okay, legitimate question here.
Why is it that whenever there's a PS1 games thread, literally nobody recommends Tales of Destiny 2 (Eternia)? I had a good time with it, a lot more than most RPGs being recommended. Was there some massive flaw that I just don't remember?
Never mind this post. I'm a faggot. I missed the 10 game limit op placed on himself.
found the faggot
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil 1+2+3
Dino Crisis 1+2
Silent Hill
Spyro the Dragon 1+2
I didn't play weeb shit when I was a kid, though, so I can't speak for Final Fantasy 7, Xenogears, etc.
it's definitely a solid game, and it's extremely impressive as an actually good pre-1996 3D platformer
really though, both issues still stand, it's not top-10 material on a machine with as much good shit as the PS1
and Jumping Flash 2 doesn't fix any of 1's issues either
Tales of Eternia is fucking great.
shit, I remember getting into that game enough that I learned how to read Meredy's scribbles and tried to learn how to speak it
and as much as I've gone on about Meredy, Farah a best
Probably because less people played it than those other games they listed my main man. My good main man.
It wasn't Tales of Destiny which most people already had. Too many good games man, if you're wise enough to be onto the Tales games back then, you're wise enough to be onto plenty of other really good shit that's worth your time and money too. That isn't to say it's a bad game by any stretch; I haven't played it, only ever had the first one, so I don't know myself.
I would love a remake of the first Jumping Flash. Imagine the gameplay with strafing.
holy shit. and add multiplayer
Monsters Inc.
I'm going to reply with a list assuming we're back in 95-2001 and whether or not any of these got ported later is irrelevant. Also, while these may not necessary be the true top 10, I want to dabble in multiple genres:
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Resident Evil 2
Silent Hill
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Tomb Raider
Final Fantasy 7
Legend of Mana
Suikoden 1 and 2 (it's basically one game)
Crash Bandicoot 3
Final Fantasy VII
Tekken 3
Dino Crisis
Twisted Metal 2
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Bloody Roar 2
Resident Evil 3
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Parasite Eve
you can drop RE3, you already have the better game on there, Parasite Eve
add in a Spyro game
Lunar (silver star story and eternal blue)
Tales of Destiny (1 and 2)
Soul reaver
Legend of legaia
Chrono cross
Many more, this was one of the best systems
FUCK I forgot Rayman and my list needs a hard platformer
Dropping Silent Hill. There's already a better horror game and a tps on my list.
New list
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Resident Evil 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Tomb Raider
Final Fantasy 7
Legend of Mana
Suikoden 1 and 2 (it's basically one game)
I had the N64 and I still missed out on it. I only played Wave Race, Hydro Thunder, Offroad Thunder, SM64 and Pokemon Stadium. And I was awful at all of them.
Did anyone else play Colony Wars? No one ever mentions it.
>Soul Reaver, a full 3d adventure game
>You know remember that it's first game, Blood Omen, started off as a top down 2d dungeon crawler
God damned ps1 was versatile as fuck.
final fantasy tactics
final fantasy 9
crash bandicoot 2
spyro the dragon 2
metal gear solid
vagrant story
suikoden 2
valkyrie profile
final fantasy 7
parappa the rapper
Only 10? This is hard, there are so many good games. In no particular order:
1. Tekken 3
2. Ape Escape
3. Chrono Cross
4. Final Fantasy Tactics
5. Metal Gear Solid
6. Crash Team Racing
7. Silent Hill
8. Dino Crisis 2
9. WipEout 3
10. Bust A Move 2 Dance Tengoku Mix
I tried to pick games of different genres.
1. Spyro the Dragon
2. Spyro: Ripto's Rage
3. Spyro: Year of the Dragon
4. Crash Team Racing
5. Crash Bandicoot: Warped
6. Ape Escape
7. Final Fantasy 7
8. Twisted Metal 2
9. Twisted Metal 4
10. Legend of Dragoon
Ace Combat 2
Armored Core
Blood Omen
Soul Reaver
Metal Gear Solid
Silent Hill
Symphony of the Night
Twisted Metal 2
I don't have two more because I was also a Nintendo kid and am currently making my way through the PS1 treasure trove myself.
It's like the devs went, wait, this console does 3d? Eh fuck it ok!
>Also AC3: Electrosphere just got translated finally.
it's so nice
the game text has actually been translated for a while, it's just the second disc patch wasn't released
Spyro, Crash, Ape Escape, FFVII
Forgot him as well. Rayman is life.