Did the actors sign off for their likeness?

Did the actors sign off for their likeness?

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Could Agent 47 beat Kevin with prep time?

>WhenI was young I thought the bad guys were Jews trying to ruin Christmas. I don't know where I got tat idea, I just imagine that to happen a lot in America

where the fuck did this guy grow up, kazahkstan?

A long time ago.



Every civilized and intelligent person knows about the hooknose menace.

They're called the sticky bandits you uncultured swine.

>Not the wet bandits

That is as sad as the James quall video of him being a little Caesars sign guy

is it free?

How is that sad? The guy has moved on and is just having a little fun.

Yes, comes with the December patch

Well, Marv was Jewish

Shit like this makes me want to buy Hitman now. Seems like every other game is dlc filled trash nowadays but they actually care about their fans.

No, he should always be what I thought of him as and nothing else! His life does not exist outside my scope of autism! Grr me angry at violation! I'm gonna go play Smash Melee in angry fashion because I'm so angry at this sad display of violating my perceptions!

It is ok user. I am getting old too, and feel it. You are not alone friend.

I wish I didn't suck at Hitman games or I'd buy this

You could pit Kevin against the protagonist of every stealth video game series at once and he'd still come out on top.

>just having a little fun

I don't think there's any fun in being so poor that you have to be the fucking sign holder for a two-bit restaurant chain just to get by.

He's talking about Daniel Stern.

ho ho ho.

>Outer Kevin

Is the always online DRM still a thing? I thought I heard that they were changing it somehow, but that might have been wishful thinking getting stuck in my head.

You have to be online to unlock everything but you can use your unlocks offline now. Still a bit shit really but slightly better than it was.

I'm fucking annoyed you can't make your own contracts offline

Yea, they really gave the bare minimum for offline play.