Expansion to the best RPG on the 3DS was just released in Europe

>expansion to the best RPG on the 3DS was just released in Europe
>no threads on Sup Forums

fuck you let's talk about SMT

There are no threads because the game's fucking shit.
Apocalypse killed the series.

You know there's a problem when Persona is closer to mainline than an actual mainline SMT game.

There's been tons of threads, I was seeing an SMT thread like, every day for a while.

Everyone has already played this
>He STILL hasn't hacked his 3DS

>he went bonds

except the gameplay is excellent and that's all that matters
>muh story
go play a different series

Everyone already talked about it, talked about the positives, the negatives, and finally had an overwhelming agreement that they wanted to fuck Krishna.

1. It was mediocre
2. Piracy is rampant on this site. 95% of all Euros here already played it.
3. Dagda a cute, bonds a shit

I can't start smt iv:a until I finish 4's neutral route

and I can't fucking will myself to pick up my 3ds because of how fucking tedious the neutral route is

Do things go that bad for OG SMT guy?

Where does Nanashi fit in after going massacre?

very very much so

>doing bonds
That fight was fucking 11/10 in Massacre. Telling Satan your goals and denouncing YHVH yourself were moisture inducing.
Currently fucking Toki in my new universe

The very top right, he destroys the universe and becomes God

>choose the bonds ending
>complain about them talking about bonds
Should've become the new God, fuccboi.

Raidou already did the bonds nonsense. and that might as well be mainline what with the akarana corridor and future raidou shenanigans

Apocalypse's story would have been much better if Asahi decided that the universe should be destroyed and reborn so that she could gain power and stop being worthless after she was killed by Shesha. The lack of friend killing in bonds sucked.

Kill your friends boyo

friendship is only for Persona shitters

Raidou worked alone though, when was he ever a bondsfag?


>not in WINNING tier

Does anyone else feel this game was super easy compared to SMT4?

Even on normal I was having so much trouble with the beginning part. Unless you had the right demons, you were almost fucked going into a boss fight.

SMT4:A is just a walk in the park. Especially how fast you can swing your sword now, you can always get the first strike. Recruiting is so much easier and the enemies don't do as much damage.

Well he had the cat and his boss.

Yea, and the overworld and dungeons felt nerfed too. The original game had the perfect mix of difficulty.

Shouldn't you be out of your rebellious phase.
The issue with Persona is that it's an effortless circle jerk. This man and I worked for his smile.

it ramps up gradually, unlike IV which was hard as balls until Medusa and then became easy.

Strange Journey is the only game that managed to remain fucking hard the whole way through

not him, but while I do agree with you on Persona, I always enjoyed SMT for not falling into the muh friendship shit. I'd prefer it if they just stayed away from that completely, even if it wasn't done as badly in Persona 4 although Persona 2 was excellent in that regard

>The original game had the perfect mix of difficulty.
The game was retarded hard until you get to Tokyo then it gets too easy, the difficulty curve in IV was fucking retarded and was the worst part of the game.

You literally go around town talking to people and collecting friendship energy to power up the thing that opens the final dungeon.

just like IV now that I think about it

maybe because everyone from EU already played it? you don't even need to hack your 3ds to bypass region lockign

fucking retarded nig

but devil survivor overclock was released years ago

Compared to Apocalypse were its easy all the way through? I dont see the problem. You start weak, and get stronger as you go along. Its kinda idiotic to think that the enemies would segregate themselves in order of strenght.

Were you playing on war?

What else is he supposed to do, go the edgelord route? Killing your friends in SMT wasn't supposed to be evil or edgy.


Which I thinks is the tragedy of SMT4. SMT4:A would've been perfect as a gateway game for newcomers given how much marketing money they spent promoting SMT4 rather than A. SMT4 should be more the "lesser promoted" game because the hardcore audience is going to buy it anyway.

as someone who just got the game, should I be playing on war?

I dunno man I thought IV:A on war at least was more challenging than SMT4, I actually died two or 3 times.

No . Play on Apocalypse.
And enjoy the game.

Yes, it's the man's way to play.
Makes bosses an actual attempt instead of a weakness punching curbstomp.

Can someone explain why massacre was necessary?
Just because Dagda's an edgy teen doesn't mean he didn't have a good plan. Why does everyone think that everyone getting ascended is a huge backstab? Couldn't they continue to be friends in the new universe even if they don't have to rely on anyone?

navarre was the best queen-waifu

They wanted the undertale audience

I prefer persona tho.

Also, that last map looks annoying.

I played on War and it wasn't really difficult.
Going by previous threads, Apocalypse is artificial difficulty and there needed to be a difficulty in between.

Pretty much this.
Massacre was good but have a lot of fuck ups in that route, even in bonds exists a lot of mistakes.

Rewriting Dagda......I feel very bad because I think he is not the same after that, even if he is a god.

The actual act isn't edgy at all, though.
You tell the group that you're siding with Dagda, and they regretfully attack you.
Then when you go in for the finishing blow on each party member, there's an option to comfort them before killing them.

The game felt mediocre but it's still one of my favorites of the year. It's the only game that made me feel something, and thats only when I killed Gaston since he's the only character that grew on me.

Wasn't it luck or gratitude or something he was collecting? I'm pretty sure it wasn't the same shitty friendship magic in Persona and IV:A.

>I prefer persona tho.

That's a betrayal. In other SMT games the characters all pick their own path and are willing to kill you for it just as you are willing to kill them. In this game you're all on the same side until you suddenly decide to backstab them.

It's setup so thay dagda can be reincarnated as the Persona 5 MC

I think how you fix it is bring back sword animation speed. The sword in the new game is too fast, you can always get the first strike in.

You can get Tetrakaran or the magic reflect skill too early.

Recruiting needs to be harder.

Hitrate needs to be nerfed too. SMT4:A have higher hit rate than SMT4.

Well, i mean, i know nothing about SMT more than they are pretty darn OP in power level-sake.

So you've never played them and no nothing about them, but prefer Persona to them?

Its an RPG with a mute protagonist. Stop implying.

So, was /our boi/, Dagda, wrong?


Playing Nocturne, already played P3, P4, and SMTIV. Should I go for Apocalypse next or play some older Megaten?

Well, they seem pretty long...and dark.

And i have to start playing P4G soon, so...

are you actually 12?

>fuck you let's talk about SMT

Played SMT I-IV Final this year. Still need to play Strange Journey. It was fun. III's my favorite. IV Final was better than IV. The people who say it has too much Persona are retarded.

May as well play Apocalypse since you've played SMT IV. Otherwise play Strange Journey or Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2.


19 in April.

Post your godslayers.

In which case you might as well get the first SMT out of the way because it gets really rough and any other title will pamper you with its accessibility. When I say I rough I don't mean hard. Just a lot of inconveniences like a random encounter on every step and having the map behind a menu.

>Sup Forums
>loaded mastema
really original

I like this conclusion.

I've been wanting to try the first one. I heard guns are the best weapons and there's really something appealing about facing the demon apocalypse by just shooting everything.

I actually played a bit of DDS1. It was pretty good, not sure why I stopped. Just kinda forgot about it.

On another topic, I really like the app system in IV and (assumedly) IVA. Is there any chance of it coming back for another Megaten title?

Are there any good doujins of Flynn being raped by Lucifer and Merkabah?

>Mastema was one of Akira's demons
>his main nigga
>yet Mastema didn't have a role in Apocalypse

probably. It was also kinda there in Strange Journey, but you could only equip a few at a time

Mastema needs to have a main role in every game

Soul Hackers let you equip hacks. But only a few at a time.


Are you talking shit about the best angel?

Those faggot partners don't decide what side I wish to be on, I was an asshole the entire game and those braindead retards still acted like I was a bondsfag.

>isn't a robot
>Tiny manlet that isn't even the size of a skyscraper
>isn't YHVH's second in command

>muh betatron

I hope Demonicas stick around as endgame armor for every future SMT.


There is literally only 1 doujin for IV and its just Isabeau being raped by the Ashura-Kai.

there was one that /smtg/ was obsessed with involving Jonathan and Lilith that never got scanned

Demonee-Ho kinda sucked in 4A.

I understand why people don't like the store but

1. it's a spinoff not a true mainline game

2. the battle system and gameplay were improved, especially the way that smirk let them fix mudo/hama and provide a new "x effect if y condition" for other spells

the people that don't like it have shit taste imo

Lilith? Wasn't it Lucifer in Hikaru form?

Strange Journey and Digital Devil Saga are probably better choices. Strange Journey is one of the best games in the series period.

Strange Journey is the greatest game ever made

You're right now that I think about it

It's not a spin-off.
It's an indirect sequel to a mainline game and uses the same gameplay style.

I gave up on IV once I realized I was completely stuck on the world map due too a glitch or something. It's too bad because it was a more accessible mainline SMT game and SMT has the best JRPG combat I've ever seen.

>Strange Journey is the greatest game ever made

it's not even the best jrpg

it is though

funny joke user

Earthbound is a meme game.

It's true that it became popular due to the internet, but it is legitimately great and I've been a fan of it since I played it on SNES when I was like 7

the fact that something became a meme doesn't mean it isn't actually great, Sup Forums has never been able to handle that

yeah but Strange Journey is better

strange journey is better than earthbound (shit) but it's a pretty mundane game if you played old CRPG

this is some of the worst taste i've ever seen