Why is FF9 the best game in the series?
Why is FF9 the best game in the series?
I thought seven ate nine.
I'll see myself out.
you son of bitch
Less effeminate male feels, more fun badass swashbucklery.
I have never even heard of 9 nobody asks about it
I've never seen its box art before
It's up there but not the best, if you're asking my opinion OP.
Because it tried to be what you remember FF games to be. Not what they really were, how you remember them.
I also have a theory that certain low poly games just hit a sweet spot in the mind when in motion and we fall in love with them. Even if the graphics aren't overtly good, something about low poly makes it awesome.
>ranking 7 as the best
The fuck are you, 14? Grow an opinion that can't be bought for a google search.
Best music, environments and chocobo hot and cold
You forgot to mention reddit.
It isn't because V exists
9 fags will never recover
>don't you dare to like popular one lest you want waterfall of buzzwords as reply
>you'd be better off to like some of the shittier ones to appear more refined
oh hey its final fantasy nin*falls the fuck asleep*
......its BORING!
Don't type english if you don't speak it well enough in the first place.
9 would be best if it werent for the slow fucking battle intros which is why the ''remaster'' made it fucking perfect
The graphics may not be anything special by today's standards, but I'll be damned if IX wasn't one of the very best looking 3D games on PS1.
Garnet's big ass.
But the whole last part of the game was about Kuja's feels and how he has trouble controlling them. Hell, after Zidane gets separated from Tantalus there isn't that much swashbuckling either.
Low poly games just flick my autism just perfectly. I still replay MML games from time to time and just finished the Ghost in the Shell PS1 game. They both have sublime style. GitS game was surprisingly good too, all these years later. Its a shame they went more in the rainbow six action route instead of staying in the tanks in the later games.
Because it was made in Hawaii, all the devs were enthusiastic about the project, including Nobuo Uematsu (who pushed himself to his limits on the OST) and Hironobu Sakaguchi (who said it represented "everything Final Fantasy should be").
A game this good can never be made again in today's world. It's a work of art
>7 at the top
dude come on, go play some actual fucking games for awhile rather than parroting gamefaqs
Alright guys 9 is the best I'll take part in your echo chamber!! Disregard the fact that I also put 12 high on my list despite it being one of the most divisive games in the franchises, I'm just some parrot who obviously hasn't formed his own opinion!
12 is best
Suck my dick
Pretty much no one in this thread thinks 9 is the best. But we can all come together in agreeing that you're a parrot who is incapable of forming independent opinions without mass approval.
I do.
Tactics is best, but im playing 9 for the first time right now and loving it
This and vivi. Can't stop listening to the ost while playing xv
IV > VII > X > VI > IX > V > XIII
gameplay wise
V > VII > IX > X > VI > IV > XIII
That's not VI or VII. Hell, that's not even V...
no, "we" won't come together to agree on that you contrarian faggot
Haha nice one furfag. How is it the best when X exist?
V > all the rest
yes, X is a flawless masterpiece
>i have no argument
>how is IX the best when the worst FF exists?
I fail to see the logic
9 is literally the worst JRPG to exist, just because it pleases your twisted furfag fetishes doesn't make it any good.
I was agreeing with you, dumbass.
>everyone who likes IX is a furry
here's (you)r (you)
then explain why it is the highest rated FF on metacritic
you know 12 had just as much fur bait if not more than 9.
>Terrible cast
>Forgettable characters and hideous designs, many of them blatant furbait
>Slow combat even slower than the SNES FFs
>Less customisation than previous FFs
>Claims to be a throwback to older FFs when it isn't at all and doesn't resemble them in any way and the older FFs did what people claim this game does far better
>12 gets a pass
nice try
>First post best post
>NicoNico reports that MyNavi polled 401 male and female university students (200 men and 201 women) in Japan and asked them if they had ever played a game in the Final Fantasy series. And how did they reply?
>Yes - 119 students (29.7 percent)
>No - 282 students (70.3 percent)
>copy pasta who didn't play the game
Ooh soft
>Looney Tunes has a rabbit that talks
>Blatant Furbait
>Fable 2 has a dog that's your friend
>Blatant Furbait
>Farms have animals
>Blatant Furbait
Because it just is.
It's great in every way.
X is a proto-XIII and a dog-piling of the worst aspects of Final Fantasy games, and JRPGs as a whole.
But its the most popular jrpg out there
I'm going to marry Freya!
but it's not, you are thinking of dragon quest
I am talking about internationally. japan is only one part of the world
Tidus is even more popular than Cloud
Reminder Princess Garnett and Selena Gomez look similar. You cannot unsee this anymore.
Not so fast.
Reminder you have eye problem
Anyone know the idea settings/plugins for FF9 on EPSXE?
Can't quite get it right.
I love you user
>slow as fuck
>imbalanced gameplay (lmao 10 calculators!!)
>overdramatic plot, might as well read an actual book
>game treated you like an idiot even though its obvious some characters are going to betray you
Draw your bait, Ramza!
>slow as fuck
imbalanced gameplay (lmao 10 calculators!!)
>>overdramatic plot, might as well read an actual book
game treated you like an idiot even though its obvious some characters are going to betray you
now this is bait
>MFW the PC trailer when it first came out
From this point on, nobody can say any negative things about FFX. Only nice, positive things.
Posting this picture to remind you all Final Fantasy is dead.
but I can, the game had a terrible romance going on. Rikku was more of a better love intrest than Yuna. Yuna was chosen because she is the main female role. There was no chemistry between the two main characters.
Filthy rats. You disgust me.
Why is exdeath the best villan
He's not. I won't accept a fucking tree as villain
that's what makes him even greater
i'm still waiting for when 9 gets a sequel
i rather enjoyed the after years
he can hide as a splinter?
9 was always my favorite. Dagger best heroine
I couldn't be bothered to give a flying dickflip about Yuna and tidus, but rikku and auron grabbed my attention, I wishrugged they'd focused on that instead
Also ff9 has best bahamut, second is ffvii bahamut zero, bottom is ffx and his thug ass self
I love 9, it has it's flaws but it's my fave.
usually people who hate it is because of character designs or the slow battle thing. Really the game has flaws, like the shitty mini game you ate forced to play, but 9 is one of the best final fantasy out there.
Why do you regard 7 as better than 6, 9 and 12?
Was it the first Final Fantasy you played?
>hey look it has a black mage and castle
>its a throwback to classic final fantasy!
Every time
9 ended, it's a great game that doesn't need a sequel or a remake. What steam did was fine, but there is no reason to continue, to do that would only ruin the story.
Post comfy FF9 music!!
You know who are the audiences of FF9? The people who never play FF1-6 because muh graphics and like to pretend they did because you know, a throwback and hipsters who hates popular opinion so they disregard 7 and 10 exists. Also furfags
>but 9 is one of the best final fantasy out there
what makes you think that?
my nigga
>not posted based evil forest theme
well, it has a good story for one, as much as some would ignore, it does follow the basic story arcs and ends on a high note.
Game play at first is slow, but you have a lot to work with depending who is on your party and how you use them.
you can have AP to make your characters stronger in specific fields and still keep it simple.
Music is very beautiful and fits each area you walk into.
Choice in art design is subjective but still works for what they are going for, areas are vastly unique and have an abundance of secrets to find.
Characters are all unique, and though this is my opinion, extremely likable and don't fall into the teen angsty trope.
That's a few things I can think of off the top of my head.
It did almost everything right
Because it's the creator of FF favorite FF
But for real atmosphere and ost were top notch plus Zane was like a pussy chasing bro. Characters were good too. Ending was great.
There's a FF9?
>There will never be another good Final Fantasy game
It's a fun game, but there's no denying it had a lot of drawbacks that could easily put people off.
Battle times could be long, and only half of the party had interesting character arcs.
12 is my favourite numbered Final Fantasy and Vagrant Story is my favourite side game
think he means Zidane
the game is best played on an emulator.
>map the R3 button to frame unlock
>Battles last 3 seconds