>team gets obliterated
>that one guy that goes "we'll get 'em next time ;)"
Team gets obliterated
>We get 'em on the next round
>enemy player "GGEZ" after a win
>totally rape them the following round
>they leave right at the end before anyone says anything
He's right tho. Learn from your mistakes and kick ass next time, mang.
>>enemy players only start talking shit once they have a clear victory
EGB was amazing.
how was it
Bustin inside her would make me feel good if you know what I mean
In the /gif/ archives, it's 4 posts deep in a "Hentai!!" thread.
>that guy who complains and shittalks making everyone feel like shit so they do even worse because of the pressure
It's on every porn site there is. Just search ghost busters or zone.
>4v1 sudden death
>Obliterate everyone
>that one fuccboi who types the >:3 face
That's the right attitude.
Someone post more SFW screens of the Zone shit
>pic unrelated
>play team game
>things are looking good
>a message comes up in chat
>it's in portuguese
>"nob tema"
>not having :3c as a tag
>Team mood down in the dumps after losing multiple rounds
>That one guy who makes an effort to keep morale high
At worst it dulls the pain of losing. I'm too negative to try it myself though.
What did he mean by this?
>we get completely anally devestated
>game ends
>guy from other team: rekt