PC isn't being discussed here, but be aware I have one and with certain games I prefer console.
Arriving Saturday is
God of War Origins Collection Killzone Trilogy Collection Uncharted 2
Things of note.
I'm aware of the PS4 Uncharted collection. I'm aware of what multiplats are better on the 360 as I have one and those.
I was tempted to get the SH HD collection but all the threads Digital Foundry video showed me the error in judgement and I didn't get it.
What I mostly need help with (but not limited to) are which JRPG's to get. I think all I'm actually missing may be one of the Persona games and Tales of Xillia 1 + 2.
I'm also likely unaware of any Japanese game that may be different on the PS3 vs 360, I know Star Ocean is one of them, still undecided about which version to get.
Grayson Bailey
And that Rudolph game was a gift that I can't bring myself to get rid of.
Anthony Jenkins
>Tell me what I'm missing from my PS3 collection. a PS3
Eli Turner
it's not in the pic....
Jack Ross
Also unsure if I should buy all the missing Ratchet and Clanks.
Camden Perry
>The other Soulcalibur games. >Shin Megami Tensei games. >Dragon's Dogma. >F.E.A.R Series. (I like them all.) >A bookshelf that fits them all. >A filing/organising system.
David Hernandez
Yakuza 3 and 4 Heavenly Sword Sly Collection Ratchet Collection God of War Ascension Persona 4 Arena/Ultimax Folklore
(Also on PS4) Heavy Rain Valkyria Chronicles
Jordan Wood
Nigga the only smt on ps3 is p5, unless you're talking about the psn ps2 classics
Landon Parker
>psn ps2 classics Yeah, them ones.
Though I'm not as into Digital Devil Saga as Nocturne or Persona 3.
Chase Lewis
It looks like you already have all of the PS3 games, OP.
Jace Kelly
Daniel Rivera
Infamous 1 and 2 3d dot game heroes Tales of xillia 1 and 2
Gabriel Lee
> F.E.A.R > Consoles
> Dragon's Dogma.
Better on 360, and now PC, you didn't follow the rules.
>A bookshelf that fits them all. >A filing/organising system.
Been too lazy, but maybe alphabetizing is something I should do
Heard Ascension was horrible. Heavenly Sword costs a bunch, but I want it. I actually forgot about the Yakuza's Heavy Rain PS4 version is better, I almost got it on PS3 though.
Better on 360
Was going to get the Infamous collection
Already have 3D Dot, look again.
OP even said I know about ToZ.
Nolan Hernandez
Do Yakuza 3 and 4 have any new PS4 versions ?
Because they're apparently $45 each on Amazon, I'll buy them if they're the only versions.
Jordan Price
So far,
Yakuza 3 + 4 Ratchet games, possibly not the collection due to 16:9 issues ? Sly Collection Heavenly Sword God of War Ascension Folklore - Literally never heard of this Heavy Rain - Maybe hold out for PS4 version Tales of Xillia 1 + 2 Infamous 1 + 2
Wyatt Murphy
Im not seeing Kirby's Epic Yarn
Liam Green
Try reading the actual text again retard
Levi Morales
I read it the first time. I just didn't care
Lucas Hughes
> autism
Austin Peterson
Get Atelier Rorona plus.
Cooper Gomez
Ooh no somebody called me a name. Guess I'm gonna cry and kms.
Get real though There's a lot you're missing from other consoles.
Ryder Campbell
Autism confirmed
Oliver Phillips
Is two worlds fun? I've heard mixed things
Ryder Stewart
As others have said, you have everything. The cost to acquire the games people are mentioning in this thread would be ridiculous if you are doing so in 2016.
Adrian White
heavenly sword is $5 on ebay
Aiden Peterson
You're missing Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2, you fucking casual
Jace Powell
Resonance Of Fate
Lucas Parker
was a gift, never played it.
I don't buy used discs
Thought those were Vita, not into crazy weeb stuff.
Yeah, many of those that are left are $30+ each.
Brayden Nguyen
NieR Catherine Vanquish infamous collection Shadows of the Damned Lollipop Chainsaw Tokyo Jungle (psn)