ITT Incompetent Studios that you know could do better

ITT Incompetent Studios that you know could do better

how do you know they can do better, OP?

Anything Ubisoft

Because theyve done good shit in the past

good choice OP, it's a shame they don't put effort into their games and make choices that actually matter.

the one that really grinds my gears is the unbelievably incompetent team behind Hearthstone. they consistently release shit content that is horribly balanced with most cards either being complete garbage or super overpowered. There's always at least one class that is utter dog shit and one class that is dominant. They take forever to add basic features whilst giving bullshit excuses, absolutely refuse to take advantage of the game by regularly buffing/nerfing cards, and in the very rare cases they actually do they nerf cards so hard that they basically delete them.
Literally the most worst team I've seen work on a major game.

*take advantage of the game being digital.

100% Ninja Theory

Their games are all competent... except for the fact that the gameplay is a huge snorefest.

And Tameem has a fetish for vulnerable/damaged women.

The biggest problem(besides their shit engine) is the fact that they're pumping out so many games at one time. If they put all of their effort behind one game I think there'd be meaningful choices, more detailed environments, and actual puzzles. Compare the quality of Lis to a typical telltale game. Outside of the writing it's not even close in terms of quality, and TTG is probably a more talented studio.

I played and really enjoyed this game when it came out and stopped playing cause I got bored. I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to play it after all of the expansions and cards they've added, it has one of the most daunting paywalls in F2P history.

I really want to play it but I know that I'll either have to spend 200 hours getting any cards or like a fortune on packs.

Remember Sam and Max Devil's Playhouse? That was such a good game, they seemed to have spent so much effort into it and all these news ones just seem rushed and lacking.


no they haven't

Why try when you can just get rights to well known franchises and do your paint by numbers trash with them that seems to sell regardless?:

No company should ever nerf or buff anything. Games should be left as they are at release.

never develop a competitive game

Telltale's very hit-and-miss for me. Sometimes I enjoy the story and characters so much that I can look past the ultimate outcome being the same. i.e. First season of Walking Dead and Tales from the Borderlands.

Other times it's kind of B-tier all around. And it doesn't even matter that the finale has more ending variation because, I've lost investment in most of the characters by that point. i.e. Walking Dead season 2 and Game of Thrones.

So how bad did Batman end up being? It got shit for threads, even less since the finale came out.

>Compare the quality of Lis to a typical telltale game.
That's a good example. Going from the second season of Walking Dead to Life is Strange really emphasized how threadbare the second season felt compared to the first.

Say what you will about Life is Strange's cheesy dialogue, the environments were great and filled to the brim with things to observe and random people to talk to. Half the things that Clementine could examine in season 2 didn't even give extra dialogue for it.

I wish Tim wasn't such a cockweasel.


I used to enjoy TTG until I played Until Dawn after the Super Bowl with a group of friends. I tried to finish off The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones after that and couldn't. I'm not familiar with Super Massive Games but they did Telltale better than Telltale and I loved it.

telltalegames are retarded

It's the entire 5 episodes thing, for me it's an annoyance. everything they do seems to be forced into the 5 episode format

it's actually limiting them because even though the premise always is "meaningful choices" you have a very limited range of possible scenarios that have to take the previous episode into account and somehow still work

it's an illusion of choice and it's basically Mass Effect 3 tier

I think this choices thing could be done much better if it was just one long 10 hour game than 5 chunks of shit that are 2 hours each

I thought it was fine. Maybe not top-tier, and the Telltale Hobson's choice formula is still there, but there were still good moments with some decent twists on the usual Batman origin story.

Literally every single AAA studio.
It's fucking infuriating.

Tales from the Borderlands works best for the branching choices, because it's not trying as hard to make every episode about some Earth-shattering moral choice. More often than not, it's about finding new comedic scenarios.

Characters live and die, but it's not like Walking Dead where the entire focal point of an episode will be choosing to save one character, only to watch them brutally die in the intro of the next episode.


I've been a long-term fan of Bioware, but I feel like they're being pulled in a lot of different directions these days.

Though at its core I'm worried about them sticking with the barren open-world template, when that was never their strong suit.

Tales from the borderlands is god tier

Game of thrones is shit tier

I feel like they've peaked and are now on the downward spiral into mediocracy. They're doing too many games for already existing IPs and not doing enough of their own shit, which is what they excel at. Bayonetta 1 and TW101 are phenomenal games with tons of depth in them. Bayonetta 2 is shallow as hell and MGR:R is fun for a while, but just doesn't even compare to their previous successes.
I want Automata to be good, but given that it's still Taro that remains to be seen. The only other upcoming games form them that we know of is scalebound, a game based on Granblue of all things, and a mobile game.

"You either die a gyro or live long enough to see yourself become the fill-in" -Stephen King

>TWD was a smash hit
>They didn't follow through with the choice mechanics, but it was ok, they're just a small studio
>Got millions and millions of dollars
>Expanded the studio
>Their next games were just as bad, if not worse