Darkest Dungeon

Bought it on Vita today, haven't played since before corpses were a thing - and even then I only played briefly.

Beginners tips?

And when the fuck do I open Quirks? Should I just go wild to a certain level, or? From what I read, it sounds like it would be best to open on successful expeditions til I have 5+ ones.

Other urls found in this thread:


the game has tons of guides online, it's too hardcore for Sup Forums so you won't get help here.

doesnt matter if you open quirks or dont.

Try using heros that have some synergy between them.

for example lunging with the grave robber from the fourth spot puts the crusader in the 3rd position from the 2nd position which means he can do a holy lance and a move forward.

Also jester hellion and occultist are the best classes.

I'm going to post this picture. Use it and nothing else.

Thanks lad, not op


This alone will probably help a lot. Thanks!


Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

When you are nearing the end of your mission, DONT OPEN ANY NEARBY CRATES, CHEST ETC.
Finish the mission, snuff out torches and go back for them for more loot.

Having an antiquitarian on the party spawns very profitable antiques. Abuse is a must.

Keep you starting Highwayman and Crusader alive. If either one dies you restart from scratch.

Immediately remove quirks like Kleptomaniac that force your heroes to do stupid shit while in the dungeon

How is the Vita port?
I heard there was shit about the rear touch screen, and I don't want any of that.
Also, do not light stacks of books on fire.

>mfw they buffed finale

easy game

Here yah go

Don't remind me

You can turn off the touchpad. It's annoying to control, and is kind of small, but I guess it works well enough.

>When you are nearing the end of your mission, DONT OPEN ANY NEARBY CRATES, CHEST ETC. Finish the mission, snuff out torches and go back for them for more loot.

Sorry, I don't think I understand this one.
I'm still early on, but I guess an example would be when there's a treasure in the final area after a battle to snuff torch and then loot?

>Keep you starting Highwayman and Crusader alive. If either one dies you restart from scratch.

r u fuckin srs

Should I bench them?

>Sorry, I don't think I understand this one.
No light means more goodies drop at the expense or buffed up enemies. Clear the NEARBY area, finish the mission, come back for loot.

>r u fuckin srs
No but do it for bragging rights

>Going to do lvl 5 boss
>Everyone afflicted before you even reach boss.

The game is fun after the first round of bosses, but after that you realize the game is balanced poorly for higher ranks. Your skills don't scale as well as your enemies' who get a push, stress, and mark in one move. The game can be frustrating when you attempt to do a high level dungeon or boss and lose your entire party and their good trinkets.

If things start going south, try to retreat with at least one person so you can keep the trinkets the fallen hero had.

As bad as the RNG is sometimes, I'm still enjoying the game after 100 hours.

You are supposed to figure out the more retardedly overpowered shit like for late game playing.

>do it for bragging rights

Doesn't seem to be on PSN version.


So do you guys do torch, or no torch runs? I've done no torch runs for like 95% of my play through, but for bosses and the darkest dungeons, do you guys actually run torches to reduce the RNG or what?

I've finally made it into hard mode dungeons as well lately after falling off the game a bunch of times and Jesus are they some bullshit.

Every motherfucker has AT LEAST 70% stun resist and half of them are sitting on 50% prot. And yeah, not to mention these all in one moves like what's it called Boar Rush?

>one hit
>rank 1 sent to rank 4 immediately
>huge damage

When enemies have high protection, use DOT like blight or bleed, if you can stack lots of it will be only a matter of time

Is the game randomized or does everyone have to go through the same set of dungeons and enemy encounters?

The gameplay looks like fun, but I'm looking for something with a definitive ending and not just a series of randomly generated rooms.

The problem with DOTs in high dungeons is that they

a) keep all monsters alive for a while so you can't spike anyone eliminating their actions


b) most of them are immune to at least one kind of dot, plus I'm not sitting on enough Plague Doctors


The game's layouts/encounters/loot are randomized but the overall progression is fixed, i.e. unlocking the bosses in every dungeon on every difficulty and then opening up the final Darkest Dungeon.

All the boss battles and Darkest Dungeon runs have the same layout as far as I can tell.

Healing and recovering heroes cost a ton of money, replacing them is free. Have an expendable crew who's only job is to go in with no supplies and grab as much loot as they can mule

Then get some Plague Doctors
>turn 1: double stun
>turn 2: double blight
>turn 3: double stun
until they're gone


will pick it up whenever it goes on sale

lmao, you just bought a game that objectively, OBJECTIVELY sucks huge swinging donkey dick!





>be me
>fall down stairs
>for a minute my ears really rang and vision really was blurred
I thought it was a meme to make games and movies more "immersive"

That's a whole lot of words to say
>the game is easy if you have the most optimal strategy
>reddit is shit and Red Hook is lazy

> Even with the game being so simplistic you obtain full effective mastery in 5 hours max (meaning, you don't actually understand everything but you understand enough that you easily win

>full effective mastery in 5 hours max





I keep hearing that the end game is a mess. Is it true, Sup Forums?




Didn't a recent patch ruin the game due to overabundance of rng and forced "use this x class and y skill"?

Isn't that every patch?

>And now the True Test, Hold fast or Expire.

is this one of the games that cant be pirated on the vita?

nah, it's just you coming up with new formations



The best tips I can give is to focus on damage output rather than suvivability.

Neutralizing the enemy is more important than healing. Even if you keep your party at full hp, stress will eventually get you.

Take a high crit character on every mission. Because the only thing better than killing a monster before they can take their turn, is doing it and also getting stress healed for it.

Damage over time is only good against high protection targets. It's better to kill/stun one or two enemies on the first turn than get your shit pushed in by 4 cunts while you wait for them to bleed out.

Related to the first tip: Speed is the best stat in the game. It turns 4v4s into 4v2s, and in doing so, massively lowers the damage and stress you take. And since it lowers your stress, you end up losing less money.

yeah but when it goes big it goes real big

dunno, I just read the steam reviews, I think in one time it went on sale I checked the reviews and it recently released a major patch