Some Resident Evil 7 info, for those interested. Stuff is starting to get more spoiler'y now.
>Alyssa Ashcroft from Outbreak, Clive O'Brian from Revelations; are mentioned in articles in-game. >Game has an interconnected level design, but is also split up into chapters. >Lockpicks can be used to find additional resources. >Old coins are used in a shop located in an old trailer, you can upgrade and buy new weapons. >Weapons include pistols, magnums, makeshift flamethrowers. >You can get a bag to increase your inventory slots by 4. >There is a crafting and repair system; also a weapon "sharpening" mechanic. >Checkpoints are present, and seems to be tied to difficulty. With Madhouse functioning like old RE with limited manual saving. >A puzzle must be solved to acquire the shotgun. >You fight insect enemies at one point in the game.
I just want to see actual gameplay before I buy it. I want to see mechanics and monsters/zombies/ghosts/whatever designs.
Jaxson Moore
running away is the main mechanic since gunplay was an afterthough and slapped together late in development since it was never planned
Ryan Jones
They went and remade the entire game 1 month before release to feature gunplay.
Jackson Sanders
I'll need source on that bullshit.
Jason Lee
>>Game has an interconnected level design, but is also split up into chapters.
Preorder cancelled.
Parker Stewart
Source: >>
Easton Carter
Its bait just ignore them they won't be able to produce a reliable source.
Jordan Thomas
Chapters aren't really a problem in theory, it's not like Resident Evil hasn't had chokepoints before.
Ayden Price
Shotgun puzzle
Adam Sanders
So the only enemies are the rednecks and the slime zombies?
Nathaniel Young
yeah and you can't kill the rednecks
Oliver Gomez
I hope that means they are going to remaster Outbreak with online
Adrian Jenkins
>trailer shows axe and a gun >they remade the whole game and add gunplay!!!!! here's a (You) for the effort
William Gutierrez
crapcom idf working extra hours i see
Dylan Gray
>Remaster Outbreak
Seeing as it would require service maintenance I doubt it. But who knows.
Henry Gomez
This and release Mercs 3D with more characters on better hardware.
I like it a lot actually just for the gameplay admittedly flawed as the graphics and enemies jittering in at a distance, pretty good for a launch title imo.
Levi Price
They arent going to spoil the whole game in the trailers user. There has to be more stuff, like in every other RE game.
Ayden Young
How is that a puzzle? Just pull the rifle by the stock out and you got a shotgun.
Jayden Turner
360636581 >noooooo why is he telling the truth!!!! >I know I'll call him out as a shill that'll teach him!
Bentley Murphy
You have nothing to disprove it so...
Also this game was made for vr with a regular system as an afterthought hence the you can use guns but they dont really do anything type bullshit.
Ill pick up the goty edition a few years down the road.
Nicholas Bell
>This and release Mercs 3D with more characters on better hardware.
They should just take RE6 and make an entire Merc game out of it.
Only thing that game is good for anyway.
Evan Stewart
Problem is this isnt considered a game anymore. Just walk to trigger events jump scares.
Jose Bell
>You have nothing to disprove it so...
Prove Santa Claus doesn't exist.
Can't huh? Checkmate.
Joshua Cox
Nice ad homonin
Connor Perry
I haven't played 6 yet but that's what I hear unanimously.
Joshua Reyes
Unanimously where? Not even on Sup Forums people are that stupid.
Nathaniel Brown
>Doesn't understand how burden of proof works. >Starts throwing around words such as "ad homonin".
Look, it's trying to argue, how cute.
Asher Hill
I called you a homo, but k keep me posted.
Nicholas Baker
That guy was baiting from the start. How about not replying to that idiot?
Jack Ramirez
>PC demo next monday Are you ready for that datamining?
Aaron Scott
>I called you a homo, but k keep me posted.
Imagine being both gay and retarded like you though.
Charles Flores
What are you going to datamine, the demo won't be part of the full game so you are not going to get any spoilers for the full game.
Justin Rogers
There's always something. Unused assets, filenames, etc. etc.
Juan Miller
Those last few and thats the best you can come up with? Seriously?
Jacob Gonzalez
I just want to fucking find out how you trigger the third giggle 100%
I've hit that fucking painting so much, i've shot at it, I've tried not going into the video world; nope, nothing.
Christopher Adams
Eh I'm not too keen on the change in gameplay. 6 has been the best of the 4-6 trilogy in that regard and im gonna miss co-op. I hope they dont go too nostalgia on this one because its not fucking 1998 anymore and theres a reason the "you cant see shit enjoy the ''suspense'' lmao" angle genre is mostly dead. the less throwbacks they have to that, the better i just hope we dont get a RE:amnesia edition trilogy now, because that shit has gotten stale as well
Parker Sanchez
>Those last few and thats the best you can come up with? Seriously?
Seeing as you couldn't come up with anything better yourself, I'd say it got the job done.
Gabriel Gray
How are you having trouble with that shit? There are tons of youtube videos that explain step by step how to do it.
Luke Mitchell
I just hear 6's best gameplay is Mercs.
Juan Johnson
>grab fuse >grab notebook >trigger stairs >grab bolt cutter and vhs >pick finger and hand, read the wall painting >point dresser >go upstairs, trigger second giggle >go to basement, point to the corpse before grabbing the valve >pick lockpick outside valve room >get axe >hit painting
Josiah Fisher
Sure you did roastie.
Owen Johnson
>6 has been the best of the 4-6 trilogy in that regard and im gonna miss co-op.
RE6 had pushed the franchise in a direction it couldn't continue in if it wanted to stay relevant. RE4 was one thing, but RE6 was literally just a linear corridor shooter with a few fancy mechanics.
Hunter Allen
Joke's on you, you're bumping a thread for a game you don't like.
Good job helping to sell RE7, I'm sure Capcom are very pleased.
Elijah Cruz
Not nessecarily a source, but am I the only one who feels that the gun animations are a bit meh? They feel unpolished to me.
Dominic Green
>we want the unfinished early access hide and seek/walking simulator audience >we want the twitch streamer/youtube reaction video audience >but there's guns that do nothing and item boxes so its resident evil
Do betting sites allow you to make your own bets? Because I KNOW this game isn't shipping finished, I'll put good money on asura's wrath ending dlc situation, I can fucking smell it.
Cooper Scott
You are not getting to the painting part fast enough. The first 4 giggles need to be done pretty fast in a row. The 5th is related only to rewatching the VHS tpe.
Daniel Ortiz
Buy game, play few hours and get a refund.
>Its a brutal fucking cycle of life.
Parker Jenkins
I pre-ordered the deluxe edition so I'll be getting all the dlc free.
Camden Wright
Is the one year vr exclusive true?
Henry Edwards
>if it wanted to stay relevant. Its Capcoms second best selling game. And in all review sections of people that actually played the game, meaning not metacritic but steam, psn or xboxlive its received very highly.
I know you dont like the game, but come on. No need to grasp that hard. They could've easily gone full Uncharted: Splatter edition, and still make millions.
>linear corridor shooter I have to chuckle everytime I read something like this, because the only reason 4 isnt regarded as such, is due to backtracking. I'm glad they threw that over board.
Jaxon Ortiz
>Buy game, play few hours and get a refund
Damn you sure beat the system there buddy.
Brody Campbell
You know I honestly would not do that shit if in todays shit tier vidya world we had demos for everything.
Adam Richardson
There's no difference in gameplay. It adds a combo-counter but thats it. 6 has the best mercenaries mode due to them perfecting the 3rd person gameplay. But saying its the only thing the game is good for, is like saying licking the plate is the best thing about lunch.
Luke Gray
Re6 was linear, but it in no way was just a corridor shooter with a few fancy mechanics. The combat is like one of the best tps combat ever.
Aiden Gonzalez
>Its Capcoms second best selling game.
It is.
And it has still not reached the amount it needed to sell, almost 5 years later. Capcom's second best selling game of all time was considered a disappointment for them. So naturally they won't make another one like it.
Cameron Davis
Flat out lie. The combat is much faster paced and actiony in 6 than in any other, also the animations are far more ridiculous. You can do a hurricarana and a german suplex in story mode
Gavin Myers
>implication and guesswork - the post I hope you didnt expect a serious reply to that nonsense
David Murphy
>The combat is like one of the best tps combat ever.
It's clunky as fuck and character movement feels floaty, like they're moving on ice.
Juan Martin
>Re6 was linear, but it in no way was just a corridor shooter with a few fancy mechanics. The combat is like one of the best tps combat ever.
I'm sorry but it was.
It doesn't matter how good your mechanics are if the game isn't properly designed around them. RE6 is designed to be playable as a generic shooter.
Zachary Bennett
>Flat out lie. What about it is a lie? Nigga I'm literally saying that the 3rd person combat is fast paced and "actiony", that they threw the most remaining bits of tank controls over board, in favor of qol improvements such as being able to shoot while moving.
Gavin Reyes
You don't want to piss the statue off, it has a shotgun.
Ethan Lopez
>this fucking thread >people defending RE6
You guys caught the Metroid decease.
Chase Ward
>if the game isn't properly designed around them. But it is. Its perfectly designed around the mechanics. The enviroments perfectly complimented the new controls. That guy is totally right with what he says.
Nathaniel Baker
>implication and guesswork - the post
What's implications and guesswork?
You're arguing with offical Capcom statements, Resident Evil 6 was a commercial disappointment. Here, right from the horse's mouth.
>hurr I want my vocal minority hugbox back durr i'm sorry baby. better luck next thread
Nolan Stewart
>implying it won't be booby-trapped
Jayden Long
I didn't said that you dummy. I'm telling that people are defending a bad game just because Capcom changed the formula again. Not even RE4 caused this amount of autism back in the day.
Brody Peterson
How does it feel to suck at a game you've never played?
Nolan Jenkins
>The enviroments perfectly complimented the new controls.
Only Mercenaries maps, and a few times when the campaigns open up.
Most of the levels are cramped and just awful. The first Chris mission being a standout example.
Jordan Gray
>You know I honestly would not do that shit if in todays shit tier vidya world we had demos for everything. Good news for you, RE7 has a demo.
Isaiah Ortiz
Come on please. Don't be so fucking gullible. First of all Sterling is an old-school RE fag, who never tried to hide his dissapoitment with nu-RE and shat all over RE6 whenever he had the chance.
So the first thing to cross of the list is the click-bait title that its a failure. It failed to achieve the predicted amount of sales based on calculation and marketing. So? Its still a huge success as far as investement and sales go. And Capcom profits were still rising due to the game, even in the year that post is from.
And yes, saying that they didn't continue based on that, is not only pure guesswork, but also shows a significant lack of understanding on how the industry, hell, any investment works.
So let me repeat: >implication and guesswork - the post
Nathan Ramirez
Well thats just wrong user. You're wrong.
Joseph Martin
It sold 6 million copies, capcom just has unrealistic goals for their games, a ton of better games that are considered successful sell less than half of that
Noah Reed
>people are defending a bad game but 6 is the best RE since 2 :^) to me it sounds exactly like you want your vocal minority hugbox back >Not even RE4 caused this amount of autism underage confirmed
Jose Adams
>And yes, saying that they didn't continue based on that, is not only pure guesswork, but also shows a significant lack of understanding on how the industry, hell, any investment works.
Then please tell me, if RE6 was such a good investment. Why didn't they make more like it? Why wasn't RE7 RE6-2?
If RE6 was a money making formula for Capcom, why change it?
Grayson Johnson
>If RE6 was a money making formula for Capcom Well it obviously is based on the sales. But even more so, Resident Evil is a money making formula for Capcom. >Why didn't they make more like it? They did. In fact they made three whole main games, and some side titles based on the same 3rd person formula, refining it ever since.
You're trying to extrapolate a change in direction based on pure guesswork. Stop being retarded user.
Ryder Edwards
>You're trying to extrapolate a change in direction based on pure guesswork.
Is assuming RE7 changed direction because RE6 was a commerical and critical failure "pure guesswork?"
Back during release window it fell 2 million copies short of its predicted sales.
"The flagship title Resident Evil 6 (for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360), despite recording brisk sales when it debuted, subsequently lost its momentum, resulting in the failure to achieve planned sales and fulfill its role as a driver of sales expansion,"
It's right there dude.
Ryder Myers
To me it seems they change it up every so often just to keep it fresh, 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10 probably be a brand new take
Josiah Howard
>Its right there dude What is right there? The basis for your guesswork is. Capcoms prediction doesn't mean that the game desperately needed to sell that amount. Its simply what they hoped, even predicted to get out of it, based on investment in marketing and the market itself.
Failing predictions, doesn't make it a commercial faliure you idiot. The game still sold like hotcakes. As said before: Capcoms second best selling game. That Capcom hoped for more and was disappointed is another thing completely. It is by no means a commercial failure. Critical failure is something up for discussion, since there are many reviews like Sterling's, who didnt even finish the game and just ranted about the change in direction. In Japan for example its (iirc) amongst the highest rated RE games.
So yeah, pure guesswork. You're saying nothing new with each reply. You just throw that statement around like its saying anything besides, Capcom miscalculating their predictions.
Joseph Butler
>>Alyssa Ashcroft from Outbreak, Clive O'Brian from Revelations; are mentioned in articles in-game. I don't believe you. Why would they only bring back literal whos? >>Game has an interconnected level design, but is also split up into chapters. Sounds plausible. >>Lockpicks can be used to find additional resources. See last response. >>Old coins are used in a shop located in an old trailer, you can upgrade and buy new weapons. Don't like this idea at all. It worked in RE4 but I can't picture this working without completely breaking atmosphere. >>Weapons include pistols, magnums, makeshift flamethrowers. We already knew this. >>You can get a bag to increase your inventory slots by 4. Sounds plausible. >>There is a crafting and repair system; also a weapon "sharpening" mechanic. I really hope this is false. >>Checkpoints are present, and seems to be tied to difficulty. With Madhouse functioning like old RE with limited manual saving. I recall reading otherwise. I believe there will be manual saving on all difficulties, but madhouse requires limited save items (ink ribbons) as well.
Also where is your source?
Adrian Morris
What? Are you saying linear level design would be better? Are you fucking retarded?
Angel Roberts
>Failing predictions, doesn't make it a commercial faliure you idiot. The game still sold like hotcakes. As said before: Capcoms second best selling game.
That's a complete fallacy, you can sell 100 million copies of something and it can still be a dumb investment, it all matters on how much money and time you spent on it. Saying RE6 is Capcom's second best selling game means absolutely nothing without context.
Resident Evil 6 wasn't worth the investment, because if it was, you'd be playing a second game as Jake in Afghanistan or something right now.
Ian Thompson
Not him, but non-linear usually boils down to backtracking in these games, mixed with "lol there was no enemy here first, but now there is one". I can do without that
Blake Roberts
>Not him, but non-linear usually boils down to backtracking in these games
So just like RE1 and literally every Metroidvania? I'm more than okay with that. Anything but another linear corridor shooter like RE6.
Nicholas Gonzalez
>you can upgrade and buy new weapons.
I don't like this. It's the mark of neo-RE.
Cameron Hill
>Saying RE6 is Capcom's second best selling game means absolutely nothing without context. Yes and the context is that it was a huge commercial success for the company. What makes it a dumb investment you moron? They obviously got their money worth out of it. It failed to meet their hopes and predictions. Thats something else entirely. Learn to differentiate.
>because if it was, you'd be playing a second game as Jake in Afghanistan or something right now. I can't stop you from being retarded, but at least I can point it out.
Connor King
then why does 4 exist? 3 was a commercial and critical success? how do you explain that?
James Smith
Chapters, you retard. Chapters, they ruin everything.
Caleb Rodriguez
You can technically upgrade weapons in RE2 with weapon parts. And in RE6 you had to find all the weapons since it replaced money with skill points.
Chase Reed
>Yes and the context is that it was a huge commercial success for the company.
It fucking sold 2 million copies under their projected sales. It had a 200 man dev team. It had a good launch but quickly took a swan-dive in sales.
I can provide sources from Capcom themselves, meanwhile you have nothing to show for that says otherwise.
If you are going to be making claims, have something to back you up.
Julian Smith
Well Metroidvania is one thing, RE1 another altogether. I hated backtracking in RE1, in fact in every horror game. Mostly because of the utterly predictable and nonsensical enemy placements that come with it.
Easton Cooper
Chapters don't necessarily have anything to do with level design, dipshit. It's like if in REmake you reached Chapter 2 after beating the snake boss. It wouldn't change anything, it would just be a means of tracking progress. Who gives a shit.
Andrew Perry
>I hated backtracking in RE1, in fact in every horror game
Well it sounds like this series just isn't for you then as you clearly just don't appreciate what made the original games great in the first place. I for one am excited they're choosing to go back to this level structure.
Jaxson Powell
>then why does 4 exist? 3 was a commercial and critical success? how do you explain that?
Because REmake was originally a massive bomb, which prompted RE4 to take a more action focused direction mid-development.
Jose Hughes
You got a source that isn't your gaping asshole?
Thomas Lewis
>It fucking sold 2 million copies under their projected sales. we've been there you idiot. Capcoms prediction is not a fucking measure of success. Please learn to differentiate. As your last "source" proved the game had a big hand in raising Capcoms fiscal profit even.
>I can provide sources from Capcom themselves Sources for what you fucking idiot? For what? You have absolutely no source for any claim you make. You copy paste Capcom's wrong predictions for the game, and that's it. Thats all you have. And that alone is in absolutely no way a "source" for that stupid statement you made up.
You're just parroting the same prediction as if it means anything. But it doesnt. Thats neither how game development or investments work. Oh and btw, RE6 had about 600 people working on it.
Jayden Adams
>If you are going to be making claims, have something to back you up. but user, you're the one making claims without sources. what you're trying to say and what you post are two different things altogether
Nolan Gonzalez
This is completely wrong. The first versions of 4 were already an action game. Which were scrapped. And the final version came to be because Mikami didn't want a game that felt the same as 0. Nothing at all to do with REmake. Stop pulling shit out of your ass. Almost makes me think you're that guy
Cooper Lewis
>Sources for what you fucking idiot? For what? You have absolutely no source for any claim you make. You copy paste Capcom's wrong predictions for the game, and that's it. Thats all you have. >And that alone is in absolutely no way a "source" for that stupid statement you made up.
The fact that the game sold well and was a good investment, show those to me.
You talk about "guesswork" and how RE6 was actually a success. But you have absolutely nothing to show for it.
You say that selling 2 milllion underneath your projected sales doesn't say anything, and in the same breath you say that RE6 is Capcom's second best selling game; implying that does say something.