So Sup Forums wanna talk about dinosaur games?

So Sup Forums wanna talk about dinosaur games?

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Why the fuck isnt there a good survival horror dinosaur game, there should be hundreds of them for fucks sake

There's saurian that's in kick starter

There's guardians of orion but that's mostly a grind fest.

Ark is pretty much the only one worth playing. Which really says something about how bad recent dinosaur games have been....

Was that not the game that had bad rep for using textures from other games? I'm probably thinking about something else.

I would not classify ark as a dinosaur due to how inaccurate it is with its mythical creatures thrown into the mix....

[x] ugly
[x] kickstarter
[x] unity
[x] bad shaders
[x] indie survival open world
[x] random same-y foilage

so many red flags

different orion game, iirc

It caught my eye although it does remind me of stomping lands... I like how feathery the carnivorous dinos looked!

Thanks for clearing it up senpai thought Orion sounded familiar.

Don't forget
[x]shit-tier servers

Thats only in the dlc map. The other 2 maps are populated with creatures based on real extinct animals

>TRUCKING through hours upon hours of this shit just because fucking DINOSAURS
>play for fucking ever
>Go on 2 week vacation out of town
>Base ransacked all dinosaurs dead
>Shoulda played single player nerd!
I just wanted dinosaurs with friends

Indeed.... at least the isle improved its server ping... but I know what you mean. Ark still suffers from this.

>T-rexs spawning in the snow biome killing dire wolves and mammoths.

The dinosaurs look quite cool tho, but I don't get why the environment always suffers so hard at the hand of indie developers. Its like there is no heart or love put into it and they just end up relying on random generated patches of fake-looking same-grass and same-trees, especially with the great inspiration/reference of the dinosaur planet documentairy or jurrasic park (JP2 almost solely features woods/terrain)

Yea thats the elitist crowd im afraid.

If anyone cares about mobile games one just came out called Durango. Real time multi-player crafting survival stuff with a story pretty neat

I think as far as dinos and environments when I think turok nailed it

Let me check it out thanks for the heads up

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