Do we need any further proof?
Overwatch: Family Edition
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if Rein is the father why doesn't Pharah look like him at all? a 8 foot German man is going to pass down some of those genes
Pharah is 5'11". That's pretty tall for a woman. Not freakishly huge like Rein or Roadie but still tall.
How much of that height comes from his armor
still doesn't have any german features. i don't buy it.
pharah has a voice line that she was a fan of Rein growing up, maybe she's just being friends with him
Her face certainly doesn't look egyptian either.
Alright fuck it, she's British as fuck. Born and raised sacking the Queen's dick.
Father figure, certainly. Biological father, not necessarily.
Her dad is probably 76
>Ana and Jack in that photo
>Pharahs lighter skin compared to her M
>76 stating that pharahs mother wouldve been proud of her, implying he knew her well, meanwhile she denies that he'd know her well at all
They probably key it a secret to try to prevent Pharah from joining Overwatch.
I don't know about that but goddamn she looks cute in that fishing spray
I hope this Pharah spray means they open her up to be more cute in general.
Her super serious manner doesn't fit her super cute face.
Pharah doesn't need to be cute. She's perfect the serious way she is
So, no lewd skins this time?
People got too triggered by Halloween mercy?
everyone leave
>not lewd
>Ana's rare skins are named after jewels
>Reinhardt's rare skins are named after metals
>Pharah's rare skins are named after jewels and metals
Stay in denial though
>memeing with a stupid noncanon winter picture
as usual
>Appearing in photo together means you bang eachother in the Overwacth universe.
Look at all these mercyfags being cucked by Torbjorn. Also Tracer is now prbably enjoying some hot monkey dick.
>tall for a woman
Not much its been shown in the comics and other official artwork that he is tall as fuck.
BTW, wasnt Blizzard going to announce a character being LGBT?
Whatever happened to that?
>Reinhardt arm wrestles with zarya
Omg zarya is Reinhardt's daughter
>junkyard and roadhog are tanning together
Omg gay couple confirmed
they'll probably do it in a comic or some shit
>Omg zarya is Reinhardt's daughter
More like fuck buddies
Zarya is fucking Mei, it's been revealed as canon
>>junkyard and roadhog are tanning together
>Omg gay couple confirmed
isn't it?
fucking read
>Torb fucks Mercy
Pharah would be a lot Whiter if this was the case
Arab Mother w White Dad = Pretty fucking White looking kid
I hope she's Lucios child
And? There's literally nothing of worth in that post. All it says is that Pharah knows who her dad is in-universe and that it's no mystery. Prove me wrong that Rein isn't Pharah's dad. OH WAIT, YOU CAN'T. Stay salty, 76fag.
Lucio doesn't have a dick
>Tracer and Widowmaker get matching sprays
The way she talks to soldier and rein doesnt indicate a father at all
why would she mention that she had a poster of him when she was a child if this was the case, who the fuck has a poster of their dad
Rein is a pretty cool dad
i wish
Rein is a pretty hot daddy
The sprays and and skin names are more than enough proof. You're probably one of the same cunts that thinks Mei's ping pong skin isn't canon.
If Rein was my dad I'd have a poster of him too, he's one of the world's greatest hero's. My mom was a model when she was younger and I kept a poster of her pinned up for ages.
Why are there like 10 overwatch threads on Sup Forums
Do we really have nothing else to talk about?
just because you want to fuck your parents doesn't mean the rest of the world does Freud
thats the point.
She doesnt talk to soldier or rein as if they were her father at all
no matter how the father looked, pretty girls almost always clone themselves when they get pregnant with a girl
No steam sale yet
And he time traveled
all the new triple A get only talked around the first week and forgotten.
You mean like every skin?
When there's official word about who fucked whom, that'll be proof.
Otherwise it's fucking headcanon. You should be ashamed for caring so much.
It's unsurprisingly McCree, his new skin gives him a GAMF belt.
not everyone is an autist that treat their parents like their parents. i haven't called my parents by mom or dad since i was in like junior high. pharah not calling rein daddy or papa doesn't mean anything.
>this is overwatch guise
>Whatever happened to that?
It was a ploy to get people to forget that Blizzard has always been the most regressive conservative game company since Nintendo and that they've been openly anti-LGBT for the majority of their existence.
Now that being anti-LGBT is frowned upon, they're forced to cover their tracks.
Don't worry though, I'm sure eventually they'll have someone confront them about it at one of their panels and someone will offhandedly say "Oh yeah Tracer's bisexual or whatever." and then consider the topic resolved.
It's the Game of the Year, man.
I never said it was Overwatch.
I was just posting proof that winter skins can be just as lewd as any other type of skin.
Not my fault Blizzard wasn't clever enough to jump on the sexualized Santa Clause skin idea and get loads of money from Reinhardt fans.
Only because porn can be lewd doesnt mean that not porn must be lewd
Winston's technically nakey
As someone wrote in the thread:
>TLDR: We haven't decided yet lol
That would be some /ss/ shit.
user we should hold hands sometime
Why Mercy is such a slut
Doesn't matter anyways cause Pharah is older than Lucio
She doesn't have a ping-pong skin. All she got is a tiny spray.
And then you have Mercy's witch and imp with no tits skins that have to be equally canon.
He probably meant spray
>5'11'' is tall
When will you manlets learn
>for a woman
No, it's really not. That's about 'average' for a woman. 5'10 is the cutoff for womanlet, just as 6'10 is the cutoff for manlet.
can you stop this meme pls
women are allowed to be short. it's cute. men who are short are pathetic. stop harassing poplar you nigger
You are sexist man
>women are allowed to be short
If you want a shit tier son that will be a manlet sure.
Personally I'd blow the brains out of any kid I have with a woman that is under 5'10.
Its equality user, don't be sexist.
That only applies to people with weak genes like you. If you have strong genes the mother of your child can be 4'11 and your son will still be 6'0+.
women are allowed to be fat man its just thicc
you are part of the problem
So you want him to be a fucking manlet like I said?
>wait all year for Mei to get a single skin
>finally comes
>it's the shittiest skin in the entire game
wh-why does blizz hate Mei
She is pretty tall for a woman and taller (and lighter skinned) than her mom
that being said it still doesn't make much sense for Rein to be her dad based on the interactions she has with him "Rein, you know I had a poster of you on my wall as a kid"
That's her mom
She already looked like a santa
>>it's the shittiest skin in the entire game
It's not Zarya's punk skins though
Nice bait
at least Zarya's punk skins aren't fucking 3,000 credits
goddammit blizzard fuck you
>inb4 Reaper is Pharah's dad
or even better
>inb4 Ana was single by choice and had a sperm donation
>Blizzard hating any waifu in Waifuwatch: The Game
>with their rampant buffs and infantalized features and modern pandering.
I am glad Winston finally got a skin and it's even pretty good. I have to hope I am lucky enough to get it as a drop (fuck you witch mercy)
So how about Matthew Mercer saying he supports Mcenji? Wew.
5'11" is tall for any woman outside of Scandinavia, especially Egypt. Have you ever seen Taylor Swift standing next to like.... any other american woman?
Basically said he's gay for Genji
But it's cuter to think that she's trying hard to be serious when deep down inside she's super cute and likes animal plushies
Fareeha got best skin.
They already did.
Winston likes male gorillas.
Those fucking eyes man
>Pharah gets best skin
>Widow gets next level highlight intro
>Zarya gets best emote
>Meifags btfo
No winston loves me
Because she's fat. Suits her because fat people are atrocious and lazy