Hands down best hallway and rock paper scissors simulator I've ever played

Hands down best hallway and rock paper scissors simulator I've ever played.

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say that to the last dungeons, not online, and see what happens!

Dumb weird story, but it felt fresh and unique at the time and I enjoyed it a lot. The visuals were neat.

It's barely on the Top 10 of the series, but god I'd be happy enough if the series got back to this level of quality.

>favorite matchups
>most hated matchup
>favorite stage
>stage you want legalized
>favorite player

Inside Sin is just as much of a hallway as the rest of the game and I always have that sweet No Encounter sword equipped anyways.

>but god I'd be happy enough if the series got back to this level of quality.
You'd be happy if Toriyama wrote another story and characters? Just how bad is XV...

I liked the summer holiday resort-vibe this game had throughout

also great music

bad guy looked retarded though


You clearly haven't played SMT.

I've played Persona 3 and 4

>great music
This is one thing that has been consistent with the series at least.

After playing XV, I've started thinking about giving X another shot. I hated it before and never tried to play it again. Maybe I'll grab X/X-2 HD and give it a go one day.

Servants of the Mountain is easily one of the best songs from the series, so fucking good: youtube.com/watch?v=h-iAPNfg7kA.
>Inb4 Uematsu fangays say otherwise

At least Final Fantasy 10 had a story with a beginning and an end that didn't feel completely cut to shit.

Lulu a best.

I'm glad my PS2 still works to play X and X-2 whenever I want. I can't deal with the awful texturework they did for the remaster,

>>Inb4 Uematsu fangays say otherwise

nah, this is pretty much peak uematsu


I wish people were nicer to FFX. It didn't do anything wrong.

>Maybe I'll grab X/X-2 HD
Don't do it man. Emulate it instead.

Watch a movie or read a book if you want a story, faggot. XV plays better than this archaic turn-based garbage, and that's what matters.


You know FFX had the same Hallway centric design as 13, but Ten seems to get much less flak for it.

>but Ten seems to get much less flak for it.

Not on Sup Forums it doesn't.


Jecht is a fantastic boss battle
>One of the few battles that actually challenges you
>Music sounds like a dog trying to sing rammestein
>Him taunting you through the fight.

Because it had towns and shit and you could talk to NPCs and do everything you could in normal FFs.

The character and stories weren't dogshit either.

FF13 is just a shit game period, FFX isn't.

Not sure if you're retarded but he didn't do that song and it sounds nothing like him.

The first Final Fantasy I ever played. Also the only one.

>but Ten seems to get much less flak for it.
That's because there's nothing inherently wrong with linear games.

Case in point: FFXV is the most open world a FF game has ever been and its fucking awful.

FFXIII is linear in a very bad way.

Omega Dungeon is the last one and your arguments could be made about any FF game prior to 10.

Every Final Fantast except World of Ruin from VI and XII are pretty linear for most of the game, like you said there's nothing wrong with that but X and XIII are pretty much cream of the crop hallway simulators.

Its atlus usa screwing you

then maybe it's the reason for it being good

and excuse me for not knowing every fucking little detail of the game's music production, especially when it's mostly his name being placated on the entire thing

except X is the same hallway simulator as XIII only this time it has NPCs you can talk to and you can revisit said hallways

Please explain how FF7 isn't a hallway simulator and FFX is.

I mean I just don't know how you could associate that with Uematsu, assuming you've played any games I-IX.

Midgar is a hallway simulator also that was headed by Toriyama who did X and XIII (really makes you fucking think) and yes once you get to the world map it's still quite linear up until the airship but the presentation of the world doesn't make it feel like you're on a straight line from A to B even though you really are most of the game.

X and XIII streamlined too much in my opinion.

This song is shit.

>Happy Festival Fireworks
I am honestly surprised Wakka didn't get a punch to the face for that.

>it is but it doesn't seem like it because the presentation
Care to explain?

Also FF9, not hallway simulator? The entire FF series was hallways up until X-2.

uh, I got too close to sin's toxin


sometimes, talented composers get bored of their style and might switch shit up to try something different

I assumed he was that guy and it's not an unlikely thing to assume


i think the reason XIII gets more flak is because people expect games to progress over time

>it's tye-dus for years
>suddenly japs troll america and say it's tee-dus
When's hiroshima pt 2?

So the illusion of choice keeps it from being a hallway simulator despite the overworld being a series of roadblocks until the plot progresses?

Nice argument.

There's a difference between changing our style and then doing something like that in Uematsu's case.


I don't understand why you're so triggered. Yes having open areas like that create an illusion of freedom in which people aren't going to think "wow I'm just going in a straight line", X and XIII can't say the same. Also in that section you can go to Kalm, the Chocobo Farm or even to the Mythril Mines.

All FF games minus XII and XV are extremely linear. If FF1 - FF9 didn't have open worlds, basically an area select screen like what FF10 has, you'd be calling them hallway simulators as well. Consider FF7, the game will continue onwards for literally every single player:

>bombing mission
>cross dressing mission
>infiltrate shinra mission
>save aerith from hojo
>fight rufus
>leave midgar
>go to cosmos canyon
>go on the cargo ship

FF7 hides its linearity better than FF10 because of its world map, which is extremely blank. FF7 locks progression behind shit like "get on the boat" or "acquire an airship."

The world map really over ever opens up for FF games during the endgame, which is really no different than FF10 giving you a lot of endgame content. I was so glad FF10 got rid of the world map and replaced it with gloriously handcrafted levels.

FF10 has way more endgame content and rewarded exploring the map and airship select screen. I do think passwords and coordinates you put in the airship can be bullshit, but they're no more bullshit than finding Yuffie.

This is literally what I've been saying the entire time, every FF is linear but the presentation and handling of it is why people give X and XIII more flak than others.

I'll just say: I'm not going to defend linearity, I just think the negativity surrounding the concept is stupid. I feel like I have a pretty neutral view on linear games, and I have a neutral view on open world. Some of the worst games I played are open world while some of the best are open world.

Which is funny that people bitch about XV's open-world even though its virtually the same as the overworld/world map of past games just more detailed.


Not triggered just don't understand how that train of thought works. It's okay, you're just different from me.

They're both very linear games to me and the illusion of choice is something I'm glad they omitted in later titles. Unnecessary. Would rather just travel in a unique environments than an overworld map.

There were also sidetrack areas in X like Monster Arena, Remiem Temple or backtracking for spheres.

X and XIII definitely had the best looking areas.

Its pretty fucking upsetting how ugly FFXV truly is in comparison to FFXIII. Its even more depressing that FFXIII is the best looking FF.

FFXIII is the best looking game from that generation.
>Amazing art direction
>Amazing soundtrack
What went wrong.

X still looks decent 15 years later. Truly ahead of its time graphic wise.

The cast, leaving most of the plot as optional infodumps and lack of onscreen /ss/.

>Amazing art direction
>Amazing soundtrack
This is what upsets me the most, that all that talent and effort in those areas went to this game.

So cynical. Much edge.

The problem with X isn't that it doesn't hide its linearity. It's that the dungeons are goddamn hallways.

like the rest of the early ff series?

Same fag X-kun.

>Gets disproven
>You t-t-triggered bro?

Its anonymous bro. Your bruised ego counts for nothing here.


uhm let's try that again. i should go to sleep now i guess

>gets disproven
>me and the two other anons are all in agreement
You can't make up this kind of stupidity.

-It still slams you with tutorials up until like 70% of the game.
-The open world isn't until the very last bit of the game.
- The combat system while it has depth has no incentive to use said depth at all
- Party is largely bland and other characters are hardly used properly
- Story exposition is either completely non-existent or requires you reading tons of Indexes/Entries
- No side-quests until the ass end of the game and NPCs are virtually non-existent

Some of the other FFs have these problems, but not all at once, that is what is wrong with XIII. XIII-2 and LR-XIII do a lot to fix some of these problems quite heavily which is nice though.

>- The combat system while it has depth has no incentive to use said depth at all
They should've done a better job at designing enemies to take full advantage of the combat system rather than just a handful of high tier Ci'eth Stone Missions.

Same thing with X, the only fight that really takes full advantage of its system is Yunalesca.

I feel like Yunalesca gets all the praise but other bosses like Spectral Keeper get ignored. I always find the Spectral Keeper more difficult than Yunalesca.

Probably because people forget about him, I honestly did until you mentioned him. That is a great fight and it also made cool use of the contextual "moves" you could take in that game. I wish there were more fights like that.

Honestly X and XIII's battle systems (both designed by the same guy) if put in a game where enemy encounters forced the player to actually get good with all the nuances would be really fun.

Stop generalizing the experience. I visited every town many times, for instance I took a world tour when I got the airship (I visited every place about 4 times across the game) and I visited Gold Saucer well over 10 times. First time when I got the Buggy fixed. All of this on my first playthrough, which was also my first JRPG. I was much more thorough on many playthroughs where I wanted to experience everything. Although I never figured out how to get all the Fort Condor missions no matter how hard I tried to return as often as possible.

Besides there are actual optional locations (Fort Condor and Gongaga being the most significant) in VII on the way instead of at the end side of the journey. So there's a sense of discovery, free roaming and choice.

This experience can be described as more open and categorically different design.

Naturally you can just run through VII, but that's true for XII as well, so what?

In the first playthrough of X I just went to Sin as soon as possible. (I had to grind a bit first, so I did see some places again, but it wasn't my actual intent.)

I agree whole-heartedly. X also has Seymour, which takes advantage of how the system works and somewhat the Petrification Dragon, but even then, those are largely due to how well you can use Rikku/Items/Ship and "Do you have these things unlocked in the Sphere Grid for Yuna yet?".

But yeah, no game really has all that much to really get the most out of the combat system, except for maybe VIII since the Junction/Draw system completely focuses in on it entirely, which I personally like, but I totally see why people wouldn't like it.

Most FF games just sort of don't really have anything beyond 1-4 bosses/enemies that take advantage of how each game works.

Sinspawn Gui does a good job too I think, then the Barthandelus fights in XIII do a good job as well - bunch of casuals get filtered on those ones.

dont feel like going to Sup Forums, but can anyone here direct me to where I can find songs similar to the one featured in FFX?

What songs in particular? Game had 3 composers.

Granted I've played the game start to finish 10 times so there's not much I don't remember in the game.

Flux, Natus, Yunalesa, Spectral Keeper and Evrae were all great bosses. The optional boss Lord Ochu in the beginning was very challenging as well. I wish certain bosses (Omnis, Jecht) were great as well since they definitely soured the game's ending.

I really liked FFX's atb system but I didn't like the reliance on the rock paper scissor formula or the switching characters back and forth frequently. Minor gripes though.

>Sinspawn Gui
>all of Seymour's fights
>the machina crawler
>that standalone kimarhi battle
>Spectral Keeper
>Braska's Final Aeon
>all the dark aeons
>some of the monster hunt bosses

FFX had phenomenal bosses.

Machine Crawler was kind of bland to be honest and Kimarhi...while a fun fight suffers a major flaw, that you didn't level Kimahri so the fight takes for fucking ever. If I recall everyone does like 1 damage and has 100 hp since it scales, but boy does it take long because of it.

Dark Aeons and Penance are Haste, Quick Hit, Mix of 9999 and Overdrives. The rest are pretty good though.


This is probably my all time favorite FF song. It is so god-tier.

>Hands down best hallway and rock paper scissors simulator I've ever played.
You literally just described Fate/Extra.

Hamauzu is one based motherfucker.

I've been fucking around with my Vita and still see that I have Fate/Extra installed. Is it even good or should I just delete it for the space?

If you like Fate, it's alright. If you like Saber, you get Red Saber.

I don't know anything about any of those.

Oh, well then it may not be for you. You can give it a spin if you want or delete it.

Last good FF.

because X does EVERYTHING and I mean everything better than 13 except graphics obviously. 13 tried to be another X but failed horribly.

a game can be linear as fuck and still be good

Welcome to Zankarlando.

Guess you haven't played FFXV.

Fuck off Tabata.

Well he is right about it be a hallway simulator though.

Final Fantasy XV is flat out unfinished. IMO it would have been fantastic if they actually finished it.

How's the HD remaster of x and x-2? Worth playing them?

It's really incredibly bad, made by the same people who fucked up Batman and Assassin's Creed remasters.

Emulate or play on PS2.