What does Sup Forums think of this game?

What does Sup Forums think of this game?

Looks fun.
Waiting for the remaster to start it tho


I think this game is responsible for the most comfiest Sup Forums threads. Let's get this thing going.

Finished the bachelor's story a week ago, took a break, started the haruspex yesterday.

Still have a bunch of unanswered questions from the bachelor's story, but waiting on to finish the other two in case they get answered.


It's in that sweet spot where it's obscure enough for shitposters not to bother and known enough for the threads to reach 500 fairly often when they do appear.

The game itself lacks a lot of polish (combat especially), but it has so much originality and charm that it's easily one of the most influential games I ever played.

High hopes for remake, since The Marble Nest was fucking amazing.

You learn so much more in each of the other character run throughs. You get a totally different perspective on everything.

It's pretty great

There is absolutely nothing 2deep4you in that game unless you have a learning disability. Almost everything is explained, major plot points are flat out spelled out for you.

Semantic drift.
Deep doesn't mean what it used to.

Its like reading a boring ass book nigga

Functional illiteracy, you mean.

I understand that, but there's stuff specific to the bachelor that still casts some confusion for me.

Like, was Simon an immortal soul, housed by the Polyhedron, who then reincarnated into other family members, or was he an actual immortal? Ruben says he made the white vaccine out of Simon's blood cells, which were immortal tier strong, so that conflicts with the reincarnation theory.

Also, the olgimskys learned that shit was about to go down, but they never elaborate on how they knew that it was suddenly going to get bad when the town's been drilling wells and the polyhedron's been there for a while now.

If that gets answered in the other characters' playthroughs, feel free to just let me know.


What is this game about? is it on steam?

It's about a lot of walking, a lot of reading and a lot of running away from things.

It's on steam.

May involve killing

>tfw you can just jump on the chest on the left as soon as you enter and they can't even reach you while you slice them up

>What is this game about?
Suffering and despair. and hope.
>is it on steam?

Daniil is too badass.

>not just getting six-for-six headshots, and then desperately scrambling to reload your revolver before the last guy catches up to you or pulling out a scalpel and gutting him

>infection that high

Not my screenshot, but
>not travelling around and keeping Infection as high as possible for mad spooks when you get infected
I've been meaning to play the whole game again and take plenty of screenshots, I just haven't got around to it yet.

>tfw you never got to thank the mod for not banning you for lewdposting last week
T-thanks, mod-senpai


It gets worse than dizziness and blurred vision?

A bit too much walking back and forth

Bachelor was right.

Polyhedron MUST survive

It's fucking amazing and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody

>It gets worse than dizziness and blurred vision?
Do you even need to ask, user? It's Pathologic! Of course it gets worse!

The dizziness and blurred vision get worse and worse and at a certain, high level of infection (it's about 75% I think) whenever you get infected your vision starts blacking out entirely whenever you get infected. Which is not particularly fun, especially if you're trying to quickly loot a house or you're trying to avoid a Plague angel

The story is interesting.
But this has less gameplay than a VN.
All you do in this game is "go there and talk to this person then go over there and talk to that person"
Can someone tell my why Sup Forums hates walking simulators but love Pathologic?

>Bachelor was right.
>Polyhedron MUST survive
This. Bachelor was best boy, and did nothing wrong.

This is actually one of the best summaries I've heard.

Because its simply not true. Pathologic has plenty of gameplay, and player agency is absolutely CRUCIAL to the entire experience, unlike most so called walk-sims.

Pathologic is not fun. It's extremely slow, frustrating, poorly explained, unsatisfying. But unsatisfying or more precisely not gratifying =/= not existing.
The main issue a lot of people have with walk-sims is lack of player agency, the actual relevance of being a player in the story. And Pathologic definitely does not lack in that regard.

Sup Forums doesn't love Pathologic, it's a VERY niche game, that happens to hit all the right cords with a small but dedicated following.

The atmosphere, the music, the lack of hand holding, the unclear moral choices, the Russian-ness. It's great.

Never understood what this picture meant.

Day 7 - the inquisitor arrives.
She's putting her hands over his eyes, therefore clouding his vision - deceiving him to further her own goals?

>Never understood what this picture meant.
Have you reached day 7 as bachelor?

I finished the Bachelor line. Still trying to muster the motivation needed to play the other characters.

I never liked people who promise for a utopia.

Come to think of it, I'm dying to know what "miracle" Clara did that made everything go happily ever after. I don't want to spoil myself, though.

What else happens on Day 7?
There is no way to save her.

Oh, shit, Eve dies at the start of the 7th day as well.
Yeah. Fuck me, I need to hurry up with the other two playthroughs so I could discuss the story properly, because I have no idea which mysteries are revealed and which are left for interpretation.

Have you played the damn game? VNs/walking sims have no lose states, Pathologic has various forms of quests, combat and progression, and several lose states.

What does Sup Forums? Whoever anons are on and care to reply.

Me? A random user?

Cool game that I probably will never finish my own proper playful of ONE path, because it's too much of a mindfuck stressful fuckfest for me to deal with.

I appreciate that it exists, but can't appreciate it as a 'fun' experience, not that it's really meant to be one.

What was she trying to achieve by giving her soul to the cathedral?

the "journal" in Marble Nest is terrible

What's the deal with the cathedral?
Is it elaborated on in any of the playthroughs?

>What was she trying to achieve by giving her soul to the cathedral?
What Kains have been after the whole time: achieve impossible, create a miracle. Except her attempt was actually clearly doomed to fail from the start, it's more of a selfish and petulant act of revolt than it was a true well-meant self-sacrifice.

Actually, it's absolutely fucking brilliant, and perhaps the best mechanical addition they have done in the whole thing. If that really reflects how they want to do things in the final game, then hats off, seriously. It's fantastic.


Then why did she show up in the end? She also said herself that the miracle worked, but what was the point beside getting to say "I knew it"?

>What's the deal with the cathedral?
It was a failed experiment, much like the stairways to heaven it was just sort of a stepping stone on the Kains project for creating utopia. I don't think they actually bother dwelving too deep into what specifically failed about it, but it's pretty easy to assume that in more broad sense, it's just IPL's comment the iffy position of church in modern world (and modern-day Russia in particular). It kinda needs to be there in the whole idealism/pragmatism/faith triade the game has going on too.

It is quite possible that the studio may had originally planned for more extensive role of the structure, but eventually cut a lot of down, perhaps even realized that making the cathedral literally under-developed may be more fitting the story to begging with.

ice-pick is literally "great ideas - terrible execution: the studio"

But the execution of Pathologic and the Void are brilliant, what are you talking about?

>Then why did she show up in the end?
Well, she did not fail entirely. Her soul was indeed preserved. It's just that the miracle did not happen, she did fuck all to actually help the city and anyone around her. The cathedral did not save anyone, it did not do anything. Which is kinda terrifying when you think about it: she is now eternally damned to exist and reflect on her stupid life choices in that damn place. Unless, of course, you blow the whole city to high heaven in the end.

As for why did she do it?
I think the entire point of Eve and her story is one of jealousy and feeling of unimportance. Eve is the the lowest of the highest: she is one of the Ladies of the city, hell, she even has the predispositions to be a Mistress in theory: but in reality she knows she has absolutely no chance. She is and always has been the "second", or even less. Maria is everything she wanted to be. Hell, even Capella is more relevant than she is. Fuck, even the Stamatin brothers, even Dankovsky himself ultimately listen and pay attention to Maria instead of her.

Eve is consumed by jealousy and feeling of being irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. And that is what I think drives her to off herself in such a massively theatric manner.

It mostly does, in Klara's and Artyemiy's routes respectively.

Thank you.

>tfw you forget the thread for half an hour because you're too busy Asukaposting elsewhere
S-sorry, Actors.

>(spoiler) at the start of the 7th day as well.
The moments of revelation you get in this game are great, aren't they?
>Fuck me, I need to hurry up with the other two playthroughs so I could discuss the story properly, because I have no idea which mysteries are revealed and which are left for interpretation.
Yeah, it's definitely worth it - both for understanding the story itself and because then you can come to these threads and discuss the game without having to worry about spoilers overmuch.
I can understand you not wanting to rush, though; it's a pretty arduous experience at the best of times and the paths take a while.

>What was she trying to achieve by giving her soul to the cathedral?
Like the other anons said, she was trying to create a miracle, and thus achieve salvation.

>it's more of a selfish and petulant act of revolt than it was a true well-meant self-sacrifice.
>I think the entire point of Eve and her story is one of jealousy and feeling of unimportance.
I can understand this, but I think you're both being a bit uncharitable to her here. Maybe it's just me being especially sympathetic to my waifu, but while these are parts of her motivation I don't think it's that entirely - she was just a person put in an entirely extraordinary situation she couldn't cope with at all. She's already got all these issues you described, then a handsome stranger comes to Town but he's seemingly clueless that she's interested in even though she gives him a room; then everything goes to hell so he has even less time for her and the pressure and despair gets too much, so she decides she'll try and help make things right any way she can.
I mean, even as early as Day Two you can see she's really struggling with her despair under the Sand Plague, and things only get worse from there (especially when Daniil promises to take her away but she backs out and the plan goes south anyway)

The new executors look really steppe-tribalish.

They look like the Skeksis now.

>The new executors look really steppe-tribalish.
Yeah, I really like how Steppe-fetishist it looks mainly because I'm a Steppe fetishist myself
At first I wasn't particularly enthralled by the new design because I completely fell in love with the first new design they used for the remake's reveal trailer, but this newest one has really grown on me.

And they look super-pettable now.

So I've been meening to play this gmae for a while now. Should I wait for the remaster?

>Should I wait for the remaster?
You can, but you don't have to. The remaster will be different both mechanically and at least partially in narrative/dialogue, and the recently-released HD Classic version has a proper translation so you can play the game properly if you want.
So it's entirely up to you, user.

I don't need the translation because I'm russian.
I suppose I'm gonna buy it then, I always felt kinda guilty of never playing one of our only decent games.

Oh, well, in that case I'd definitely say go for it. I can't think of a studio that deserves people's money more than IPL, and Pathologic is definitely unique. I don't know what the original writing is like but if it's even half as good as the English translation, it'll be worth it.

Just be sure to try and persevere, the first couple of days can be a little tough or slow but it's more than worthwhile in the end. You do have to complete the main quest on the first day, though, otherwise you just get an instant gameover (you can fail it on other days without instantly ending your game, though it does make things a lot harder)
Also, I'll tell you now that Anna is the best girl.

Nice wig lmao

Please do not bully Anna. She's entirely natural and genuine.

Imagine her scratching her scalp after taking her fake, dead hair off. A pile of dandruff on her scabbed fingers as she wheezes from the plague in her lungs.

Anna is cute and perfect. CUTE AND PERFECT!
She is a completely healthy, vigorous young lady and will stay healthy and young forever thanks to her strong constitution. And she has excellent taste in both fashion and jewellery, while being sweet enough to grant you a favour if you assist her!
Oh, and wearing somebody else's face. Can't forget that.

I wish I could waifupost some more with you, user, but I'm off to bed. See you round the threads.

jesus christ that anatomy

I might get this, what with it being the season and all.

The wider the feet, the more herbs sprout underneath them, user.

Ah yes, nothing says Merry Christmas! more than a bleak surrealistic take on Russian kafka-esque video "game".

It's the darkest time of the year, after all.


If you enjoy Pathologic and are in the mood for french absurdism, Camus' "The Plague" is basically pathologic without the weirdness and no doubt partially what the game was based on.

I like it, but a lot of the writing and story just goes over my head. Planning on trying it again once the semester ends tho.