>Unreal Engine 4
>Unreal Engine 4
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Whats wrong with UE4?
what i'm worried about now tho is that the game is going to be ps4 pro only
or might even get delayed till ps5
Dont worry they will remake the whole remake half way as usual
>hating on what is easily the greatest engine of all time
nah, any game developed for ps4pro has to be able to run on ps4. Same with the xbox scorpio thing.
Better than Luminous.
Is it true Square dropped a ton of money into Luminous only to switch to UE4?
Whatever happened to their own amazing engine?
I would say that's only true in regards to how much easier it is to work with. FFXV even on console looks better than that picture of the FFVII remake.
Yes. They still plan on using the Luminous in the future, but in its current state, it sucks. They are using UE4 to basically churn out their most requested games -- FF7R, KH3, and possibly FF16 if rumors are true.
>code FFVII on unreal 4
>never have to release a new remake or update ever because autists will upgrade it and create content for it until the end of time
>implying there's better engines out there
The west creates the best engines. Japan is pretty much irrelevant nowadays.
Still better than the shit they used for XV
>UE4 is bad meme
It might actually come out this decade without one of Square Enix's shitty engines holding back development.
they will place jewnuvo to make modders sads and make Tifa flat as table in spite of it
t. numale hipster cuck working on an old nintendo game in ue
Why is UE4 bad user?
>FFXV even on console looks better than that picture of the FFVII remake.
It doesn't really and that's alpha as shit footage they showed. FF7 is more consistent, XV looks like Skyrim most of the time.
>They still plan on using the Luminous in the future
No they don't.
Because weebs are intolerable human waste that can't handle the pressure of the real world and the west doing infinitely better than the east.
>No they don't.
Tabata: We developed the engine alongside the game so there so there is a good chance that we may use it again in another game. But there is no solid plan at the moment. It could happen.
That confirms what I said.
>Pure virtual interfaces
Oh dear.
so what other modern engines do we have that they'd be able to use (so not Frostbite, as an example, considering it's EA only) and what would have been preferable to UE4
>what would have been preferable to UE4
Fox Engine
>All that work into building your own engine
>Use it for one game and abandon it to go back to ue4
>that they'd be able to use
actually scratch that, just use Sucker Punch's engine
I haven't played it, but from what I hear, infamous second son can have a lot of particles on screen and still manage to look good.
FFXV's Luminous engine is a true, masterfully crafted work of art and it shows.
Wish they had stuck with it for FFVII.
Wait, they developed their own engine only to use UE4 ???
This company deserve to die.
It was their only option.
>It doesn't really
It does tho. FFXV is one of the best looking games this gen PC-friendo.
Now post the actual game and not a bullshot.
>mfw KH 0.2, KH3 and FFVII running on UE4
>mfw because it's still hard to optimize it for consoles it will run like ass on PS4 but will work wonderfully in PC
>that gif
Even in that carefully cherrypicked shot there's aliasing everywhere. FFXV isn't a technically-impressive game by any standard. It looks worse than XIII in many scenarios (primarily due to the move to an open world, but still).
False. Street Fighter V runs perfectly fine on consoles.
Also, KH2.8 is coming out in a few weeks. From what we've seen and what others have played of it, it runs perfect as well.
Fuck now I have to go fap to Private Teacher, thanks faggot.
Sour mayo is not. Sweet mayo, however, is fucking disgusting.
>(primarily due to the move to an open world, but still).
FF13 was a PS3 game, this point is irrelevant. FFXV just looks bad.
>it runs perfect as well.
>looks last gen
>only runs at 30fps
Not anywhere near perfect.
>believing the corporate lies
>The filing was made on September 12th by the publisher within classes 9 (games), 41 (online games) and 42 (design for software)
Sure they don't.
It's obvious this loser doesn't have any friends.
That pic is what happens when you take a pic in the darkness using flash.
Found the rectal ravaged basement dwelling neck-bearded PC "gamer".
Nice plans. They've said they had one though so uh.
What is wrong with UE4?
>Keeps posting screenshots that aren't even in the game
Luminous would be great if it ran on a high end pc
It looks muddy as fuck on consoles and some textures are plain ugly.
No it wouldn't. The engine is buggy as fuck and looks awful.
Yes it would considering how good 2014 builds looked.
I liked how the game looked on Ebony the most anyway.
>They can't optimize the engine for a select set of hardware the game it's being made for is releasing on
>but they can "optimize" for high end pc's which can have an endless variety of hardware
Fuck off memeboi
They didn't look good.
anything outise character models is pretty ugly.
at least controls and animations are good enough for me not to drop it immediately like i did with witcher 3
>but they can "optimize" for high end pc's which can have an endless variety of hardware
Where did I say that. The devs built the game on a high end pc first and the engine was optimized for it first, not the consoles
FFXV looks pretty shit even on PS4 Pro
The aliasing is still really bad, how hard is it to do some good AA these days?
AA is really taxing so I can kinda forgive it
The screenscape reflections on the other hand is pure garbage
The character models and animations in Witcher 3 are better than the ones in FFXV.
>Fox Engine
Fuck Konami for never releasing this to the world.
witcher 3's characters have SSS ??
Yes but that's post processing not models. FFXV models look crappy.
Yeah, Skyrim and fallout sure have some polished and crisp engines.
I can't believe Cloud looked better in a 10 years old PSP game.
The Witcher characters are constantly stuck with the expression like they smelled a really bad fart.
good one
>console cucks are so desperate that they have to use engines that have been developed on PCs
Nah, Remake VII look way better than XV.
Bethesda's software engineers are just fucking terrible in general. Even if you give them another engine they would find a way to fuck it up.
I wonder why squeenix slacks on skin textures.
Should've used the AC hair on Cloud, original Cloud hair doesn't look good in photorealism.
this honestly already looks at least 5 years outdated
well at least they have a proper sss.
They would have a ton of work to do regarding optimization and they're Japanese .
Everything about the AC character designs were shit. Fuck you.
oh no, i thought engines were developed on iphones.
If you think pancakes are proper asses.
>consoles are superior :^)
>oh well but we can't develop on it but that's because we choose to and not because they actually suck
Gimme more of that
do you realize how dumb you are ?
Give me one engine which was developed on a fucking console. Or maybe we don't speak the same language.
>mfw some fat kid is trying to preach some tree hugger bullshit
There is none, that's the point. Consoles are cucks.
Take a load of this retard.
notice how you have no pics to post because I'm right
As somebody owns a PS4 Pro that is bullshit. As of right now, the only way to play the Last Guardian at an acceptable 30fps is by getting a Pro and setting the resolution to 1080p.
Both the upscaled 4K mode and the base PS4 run at a silky smooth 22-24fps
One fucking screenshot and already looks better that the shitty combat on XV.
I like how Wedge looks in it.
Too bad he gets rekt in no time
>Console games are developed on PC
>PC players can't even play it.
Whos the cuck ?
user, sss means subsurface scattering.
There's something really off about all these character's designs. Like, it fits the world and story I guess, but its a little off putting.
how do you know that ? because of the UI ?
his arms freak me out
Consoles, because without PCs there wouldn't be consoles.
and ?