Witcher 3

>buy this on GOG sale
>it's the best thing since DaS1
why hasn't Sup Forums told me about this?

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I love it too when he game plays itself

the story telling is cool and all but I could never get behind the combat.

>lock on
>mash sword and dodge while watching TV
>sometimes use a spell if the enemy requires it or is just being a cunt blocking a lot
Killing humans consistently feels like a chore and monsters are often just as bad

combat isn't perfect, but it's light years ahead of anything Bethesda could ever pull out

well yes but being better than bethesda combat is a long fucking way from being good

Have you tired playing on difficultly higher than normal.
Its obvious by now all modern games are normal are actually on easy.
And easy is for modern game journalists and girl gamers.

>kids complaining about combat
this is why ROLE playing games are dead

to be fair, the only ROLE you can play in this game is that of Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf

At least in Bethesda games you can bypass 99% of encounters.

if the combat isnt supposed to be a major selling point of the game then they shouldnt have made it 90% of the gameplay.

And yet somehow you have more impact on the world and choice than the games that have custom characters.

Its not 90% of the game play.
Count all the hours you spend talking to people or exploring the world.

Contrary to popular belief dialogues in games cut scenes and exploration of the world are also part of the game play and game content.

Play on deathmarch, it's way more fun
>Don't lock on, and just switch between targets in a flurry of steel
>Can't rely on just your sword. Use signs, oils, bombs and potions throughout the fight
>Read a monster's glossary before fighting it to prepare, and figure out its strengths and weaknesses
Deathmarch definitely makes the experience feel more "witchery". Stop complaining about the combat being dull if you're playing on babby mode

because Sup Forums has shit taste and likes to eat shit

It's popular so it sucks.

The combat wasn't that bad.

>Mix of light and heavy sword attacks with a couple special moves to unlock
>Stat-based swords with option for condition effects
>Choice of parry, counterattack, dodge or dodge-roll for defense
>Potions, oils and bombs
>Crossbow for cheeky headshots

bretty good imho. What else do you want, stealth takedowns?

well it is rpg so often the combat is gonna be pretty damn simple

you guys do know that you can run from non-scripted encounters, and half the quests have non-combat solutions, right?

running around is 80% of the gameplay, combat is like 10% because it's so easy and fast

>Bunch of peasant gobshites barge into the inn while I'm trying to enjoy my wodka
>Mouthy wanker calls me out and demands I get out of their pub

>Option A: Bar brawl with swords, kill all the knobbers

>Option B: Buy them all a drink like a fucking beta

>Dark souls 1 was good
In what universe did THAT happen? It's still the same outdated crap it was 5 years ago.

Nothing wrong with playing on easy depending on the game

I play on easy mostly when it's a RPG. Running Rune Factory 4 on easy right now.

>Why hasn't Sup Forums told me about this

Were you living under a fucking rock?

the same universe where your mom choked on my cock
oh right, it's this one

>>lock on

There's two expansion packs downloadable content add-on for the main right? I just started the base game again a few days ago after loosing my save.

How many hours of content are in either one of the expansion pack downloadable content add-on for the base game? Just want a general idea

20 hours for HoS and 40 hours for BaW

Holy crap thats a lot of content. Yes! that's pretty awesome to hear.

Hopefully by the time I finish I can find a good deal on it on PSN, I think it's full price right now but Ishould've bought it before since it has gone on sale before

If you aren't one for doing every side quest or point of interest on a map it is roughly 12 hours and 25 hours respectively for the main story content of each expansion.

don't lock on like a faggot then. i swear and don't even know how to lock on in this game

Just found the Baron's wife with the Crooks in the swamp.
level 10
how much game is still left?

I also freed the tree spirit in the swamp, is that a problem?

The game is on it's way to be 2 years old, nigga.

I usually do all the side stuff, right now I currently ran out of side stuff to do at my current level and have to proceed with the main story quest because there's no other choice. I still hope to see those kinds of hours though from the expansion packages for my base game, it just sucks I have to go sleep now and can't play the game more tonight

You barely started the game.

Of the main story? You're probably 20-25% into the game. Of the entire game, maybe 15% or less.

I'm about to beat B&W.
Thank god I still have Skyrim in my backlog (I actually beat the base game on a pirated copy of launch, but never touched the DLCs) that I can do a full playthrough of after it to dampen the inevitable feeling of emptiness to come.

Also Steam Christmas sale in a week. Been watching a lot of FO4 LPs and thinking of getting it, but everything points to it being utter shit not worth my time. I've heard there is only one big city and it's a major disappointment.

Less than 20% and ya dun goofed

Dodge roll puts you too far from the enemy, overall staying in melee distance or closing in is really clunky compared to other arpgs.

what mods

how long did you play ?

Fuck you at least the children arent eaten by the hellrazer trio.

You can dodge towards an enemy and to the side when they strike, effectively putting you behind them for an immediate attack.

Also don't neglect simple running (shift and move) for simple combat positioning.

dont even compare it with ds. its 3rd game in the series and the combat is still too fucking shallow. its literraly just lock on and mash x/y

it does look comfy thogh

Just remember to pick the best girl

>Hold L2
>Look at red spots
>Get on horse and ride to quest marker
>Get off horse and look for more red spots

This is essentially the game. The combat encounters are so shallow and boring that it doesn't even need to be mentioned.

Witcher 3 is a glorified visual novel.

Dodge roll in meant to evade AoE atacks and avoid getting mobbed by large groups
The step dodge is the one you should be using to dance with enemies

I missed out on many cool sidequests it seems, completed all the main stories, should I bother with NG+ or just do sidemissions like this

>combat starts

We need more vocals in game soundtracks.

Which is better written, Skyrim and its expansions or The Witcher 3 and its expansions?


its Sup Forums

Only thing they know is being salty

I'm this guy:

This user gets it

Latest patch has an option to have lower level enemies scale up to you. That should let you just jump to most side missions and do it that way.

Thought some side-missions auto-fail after you reach ciri.

the only Bethesda game anywhere close to "well written" is New Vegas, and they didn't even develop it

Should I play the whole game again with different choices or just jump straight to expansions?

The first option is a lot of time.

Can someone explain to me why Bethesda continue to employ this spic as their sole writer? In Fallout 3, Skyrim and Fallout 4, he's credited as the only writer, and every one of those games suffers from dull, dreary writing.

With the budget those games have, surely they'd be able to hire more than a mexican slave laborer for their writing department.

Because they don't need to. Why bother putting in the effort when you can get away with less?

That's why Todd's highschool buddy does all the animations.

Because it's a subjective thing. You don't like it so move on and quit being a little bitch about it. It's one of the most simplest things in the world to figure out, do you believe everything is tailor made to your tastes and interests? You realize you sound like those faggots constantly crying about irrelevant bullshit in games that offend them right?

Just use your previous save.

If i had it lying around, that wouln't be a problem.

>playing on easy

so youre not playing, youre watching

Up to you then user. I just replayed it, didn't really change any of my decisions but tried out new builds. Only a few minor details change in the expansion, effected by romance etc.

only thing outdated about it was graphics and it's a console game so that's expected, even shit on ps4 looks outdated if we are talking about what PCs are capable of

>tW3 combat as good as DaS

trolling is done on Sup Forums

>playing on easy

meta as fuck

I'd argue it's more enjoyable. DaS is just roll and slap the game. But I'm sure you'll return to tell me about how good you are at DaS and how it's the best game ever.

Roll and slap.

your post better be meta
DaS combat is way better than press x for cutscene ''''combat''''

This game gets away with too much shit. The PS2 lord of the ring games were better than this shit.


wow, to suck even at shitposting...
I feel sorry for you user, you ain't going far in life

Boss seems bugged, isn't counter attacking like he's suppose to and isn't following the script of shielding and summoning shit.

Nice try though.

I've had this sitting on my PS4 since Black Friday. Time to fire it up I guess.

>that is NOTHING compared to the shit you see in New Vegas

Sounds like dying light

Fucks sake I keep finding new shit on this game on my second playthrough.
>You can save the wife of the Baron and the children

lol no

The griffin fight and the ability to do drive-bys on Roach were what hooked me

I was dreading starting it since I really liked the first game and didn't care too much for the second, but so far the wild hunt seems way better. I'm only in Velen though.

>free the spirit
>the kids are saved
>if you lift the curse, baron's wife can say a proper farewell to her family, and is freed from her misery through death
>the townspeople get slaughtered, but who told them to play with fucking witches?
>baron commits sudoku, but he was an asshole anyway

>kill the spirit
>kids are soup
>half the townspeople hang themselves anyway
>baron's wife gets alzheimers and can't tell left from right, with low chance of recovery
>the baron is stuck with her to the end of his shitty days
>they exit the story anyhow and you're left to deal with the asshole sergeant

There are just no "right" choices here, just like in many other quests. Fucking Lambert, you asshole

The game is fucking amazing.







>Nudity and sex

Fucking stupendous. Without it the game would be great. However, with the nudity and sex the game rockets pass game of the year and into the realm of game of the decade. Runner up for best game ever developed.

The game fucking blew my mind.


How does the sex compare to Bioware's sex scenes?

Go to a porn site and watch a gay sex scene.
Then switch tabs and watch a FFM threesome.

Bioware sex scenes compared to Witcher 3 sex scenes are like that.

Why does she have no facial animations outside of mouth movement? She has that same exact facial expression during normal gameplay.

>those face animations
looks worse than Bethesda's

i really want to get into this anons, but i can't be fucked to play the first two games

is it necessary?

Not really. First game is loosely based on Sapkowski's short stories and has little relation to the rest. 2 and 3 have a continuity, but 3 has a little scene with the recap and past choice simulation, after which you can probably fill the gaps yourself.

not really.
you'll miss A LOT of references, though

The second game is like 1/30th of the third game's length and costs a couple of bucks on steam, so you might as well run through it first. Not really necessary, but helpful. Reading the short story collections is better for getting you to know the characters.

Or, you can always ditch both of those cunts, have a refreshing affair with Shani and continue with your life of being a lone Witcher?

this guy gets it

Call of duty has better writing than skyrim.

Triss and Yennefer are your average Slavic shrews, the less interaction you have with them, the more you'll love/like them. I always laugh at Westerners who believe that Slavic women are angels with a pure heart who'd be willing to please all of their desires till the day they die, any other Slavic man will confirm my claims.

I tried to get it on with the other girls, but the more I interacted with them the more I was reminded that they're not Yennefer.

>it's light years ahead of anything Bethesda could ever pull out
Its not like its hard to be better than Bethesda.


i did

>Can someone explain to me why Bethesda continue to employ this spic as their sole writer?

Hasn't stopped their games from making millions in sales and building a loyal fanbase who will buy anything they shit out.

Playing FFXV has made me really realize how shit and overused the Witcher sense was. It takes all the challenge out of it. I remember doing a quest in FFXV and wandering a spot for ten minutes trying to find a frog, and that was cool, because it meant I had to actually survey my surrounding. Witcher had so much potential, but in the end, it's just too generic.