Post your custom created toons

Post your custom created toons.






the fucktard that popularized that word needs to be shot.


>shitposting because someone uses a word you don't like
just post your fucking toons niggers


neck yourself cunt

And thats how you spot a bait thread

>people still getting triggered by this low quality bait


There's legitimately, unironically everything fine with that word. The textures are drawn-ish, and in motion.

He is my favourite 'toon at the moment.



Fuck off Sup Forums



kys you little brat


The clipping in this game is terrible. I also have no clue what I'm doing since I came back yesterday and I'm constantly being assaulted with information.






How the fuck this word came into existence regarding video game character.

From what I gathered over the years, it came from Everquest. I don't know why newfags use it though.





>Saw this thread
>My face instantly compressed itself
I'm glad I can finally agree with Sup Forums on something. I've heard this word for millennia and it's never sat right with me.

The only times I want to hear the word "toons" is if I'm playing Yu Gi Oh or Toon Town


Good to know that this word gets so many replies, thanks OP.

I use it once a week. Easy 50 replies full of newfags wanting to get their epic reaction in usually.

They just gotta get on that screencap, right? No effort at all. Makes me wonder what next summer's going to be like.



Try again without using a faggot non-word like toon


ITT scum of the earth try defending their horrible term

I'll be seeing you later today, fwiend.

>I was just pretending to be retarded!
>it was all part of my plan!

fucking christ

Toon is a cute word okay? What is your problem?


You're cute, what's your problem?

>o snot


And you wanted a serious thread


Don't do that.



>Fuck off Sup Forums
That doesn't make any sense.

Did you mean:
"Fuck off of Sup Forums"
"Fuck off, Sup Forums"?

Here are some toons


This is a toon

Your shit isn't a toon




>raggle fraggle



woah settle down


They just sent this fucker after you OP.

I don't see the problem


You guys are fucking autistic, even Reddit isn't this cancerous.

post tits



