Did it happen to you?

Did it happen to you?

Yes. I'm on a board where Halo is now considered good.

Yes, I don't understand nostalgia for games like Halo. Fuck, I saw Youtube comments reminiscing about fucking Fallout 3.

The moment it became clear that MOBAs weren't going away anytime soon.

Yes it happened to me, I dont understand all this modern cancer like overwatch, dota, csgo and league. Why the fuck are they so popular yet so shit?


"Why don't they make games like Mario Galaxy anymore"


Yeah. Modern games are garbage. I just stick to emulation.

No. It was but then overwatch came out and I haven't had this much fun in a whole.

Shame because MGSV and FF15 were my most hyped games that were disappointing pieces of shit

Mobas, Seeing what CS 1.6 and source lead to due to microtransactions.

I watch lets plays on retro games only because it's cool to have another perspective on tackling challenges you faced previously.

Don't get me wrong, I like new games. Played 120 hours of MGS V last year, MH 4u and Generations. Bit of Mario Maker, Warhammer Eternal Crusade and the new Dragonball Xenoverse.

if you're asking me if I remember a time when vidya consoles didn't ask me for my credit card info and asked me to make a stupid avatar then yes.

I hate Mario, actually

I teach high school, whether I want to or not I'll always understand it even if I'm not a part of it.

To be fair, most modern games are either shitty story driven walking simulators or pay to win/play trash with 8 gigs of un-optimized hat data.

At least yooka laylee looks good.

Plz don't be shit yooka laylee I believe in you!

You're also on a board where people genuinely talk about enjoying post Modern Warfare Call of Duty.
I don't even feel old, I just feel betrayed.

>he gets to see hot teen girls all day

Damn son

The worst is the contrarian shitposting. You post a 20 year old game and some bored guy with too much time on his hands goes all "lmao aged like milk" in some stupid attempt to get more of the (You) drug. In all likelihood he doesn't even mean it but who can tell anymore.

>everyone here says shadow warrior reboot is a good old-school style fps
>get hyped as fuck
>it's literally modern video game level design 101 but with healthpacks and more than two weapons
>have seen people defending takedowns in nudoom

I just don't know anymore.

Strangely enough I'm immediately turned off once I learn a girl is still in high school. It doesn't matter if she's 18 or legal in that state. The only way I could think to describe it is if most straight guys found out a really hot girl had a dick. Doesn't matter how attractive she was before, it's an instant turn off.

It probably developed from dealing with these kids shit all day but I'm not really sure.

Except games do suck. Objectively. The industry is not the same as it use to be, and nothing is better. If the industry went on the right path, we would have the best case scenario with usage of DLC and we would have some of the best games being made with proper use of budgeting and investing in risky game design.

>modern fps fans
These are the same people who buy a fake gun skin made of a gold texture for +100 dollars, modern fps fans are cucks by definition.

>The only way I could think to describe it is if most straight guys found out a really hot girl had a dick. Doesn't matter how attractive she was before, it's an instant turn off.

You're in the wrong place son

The dick just makes it better user. I'm saying this as a straight guy.


apparently bae stands for "before anyone else"

i just learned this yesterday

Movies not so much, but music. Yeah.

Games? Only PC steam shit.

get out, I always thought it was just babe without the second b

>Sup Forums unironically listens to Kanye

I legit thought it was a bastardization of "babe"

(You)s are Sup Forums's equivalent to karma points. Shit posters also happen to be redditors partaking in the epic chan culture too so it's not surprising they'd be obsessed with harvesting up votes, I mean (you)s


go back to the rest home grandpa

there were always halo threads here at night
granted it was normalfags who made them but still

you're a idiot

Probably is and then they turned it into an acronym to save face

I've just come to accept that modern games are designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. The last AAA game I bought was Fallout 4, and it was among the most disappointing purchases I've ever made.

The fact that Todd is rolling around in hundred dollar bills and every normie on the planet sings praise of the game means that there's no place for me in the industry.

Yes, when I realized the majority like open-world and that it's the future for the RPG genre. All I want are comfy semi-linear games but my days are coming to an end.

no u

Around 2012 but I think that was when the internet I knew was dead or dying, seemed to be the stopping point where no machinima was being made, flash was a dying medium, games you'd find for free on newgrounds are being sold on steam

Yeah it's pretty horrible. There's a clear difference between Fallout 2 and the modern FO games. The only reason people play the latest games, at least people who grew up in an era when we had a variety of them, is because it's the only thing we have. We want good games, but we're better off being handed whatever little tidbits of casuality they can squander. Fucking insulting.


>Sup Forums unironically listens to Kanye

FTFY. I'm 27 and all I do is listening "dad rock"

Nice meme! Upvoted! :)

same thing why nobody listens to jazz but want dubstep. it's evolution of man

>The only way I could think to describe it is if most straight guys found out a really hot girl had a dick

You chose the wrong analogy. The dick only makes it better

Fuck no. I just turned 30, started with SNES. Gaming is better than ever, PS4 is the best console I have played to date. Gaming will only get better.

I was made in 92, memory is a little shaky but I've been gaming for most I can remember and online gaming since I was 8.

I'm probably not as old as some however I don't think it's quite happened yet but we're getting there as mobile gaming seems to be taking off more.

He said straight guys, not faggots.

[you dont know who you're dealing with]spoiler[/faggot]

I turned 40 this year. It happened to me a long time ago.

>started with SNES
>PS4 is the best console I have played to date
do you only play JRPGs or something

almost 30 here. How does it feel to be ten years away from the big 50? Does it get any easier?

Pic related is not it user.

You like traps btw?

it happened to me when facebook became a thing

or smartphones at the very latest

turned 30 this year btw


Other people finding out I fucked a man would be a disgrace honestly, even if he was a hot girl

>PS4 is the best console I have played to date.
Embarrassing. And I say that as a PS4 owner.

Sure you do, PCuck

I play most stuff that comes out because I gameshare, which makes everything dirt cheap. I'm just able to find enjoyment in most genres. I think lots of people just ignore the fact that trash and shovelware has always been a thing, it was just less obvious because we didn't pay attention to it in the past. The industry hasn't changed at all. The only development I dislike is the focus on mobile gaming because I don't like touch controls, but I don't believe this has really affected mainstream gaming yet. Might change soon though.

It means you're a low level gamer, and you're too stupid to realize how stale gaming has become. If anything, you are probably too much of a youngfag to realize how bad you have it today.

>not the godtier golden era of JRPGs

I only own a toaster. All the best genres have their best games elsewhere. The most fun I've had with my PS4 so far are ports or remakes.

>being surprised people lie on an anonymous board

Oh boy yes it did.
>sandbox MMOs
>sandpark MMOs
>grindy single-player RPGs
>adventure games
>3D platformers
>tfw not a target audience anymore
Yes there may be stray games made by independent developers but those whose quality is on par with AAA titles from a decade ago are too few.

>mfw threads having nostalgia about CoD and Minecraft
>mfw threads hating on turn based combat and SRPGs
>mfw the average Sup Forumsirgin wasnt even born when i got my first console

>those whose quality is on par with AAA titles from a decade ago are too few
not exactly your genre, but Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun came out last week

Okay, compelling argument. I guess 30 is really too young. I also guess I should not finish games and only play fps like the low level gamers you talk about. I'll also sell these low level machines and play steam greenlight stuff instead.

This all the way. It's just the truth, and no nostalgia scapegoat can say otherwise. I don't want Super Mario Bros 3 again. I just want gameplay on its level or higher to not treat me like a kid. Or maybe a new spliter cell kind of game that increases the depth of it, instead of turning into a cinematic shitshow. Or new game design concepts that aren't part of the same formula. Fucking anything.

It means you really are retarded and never grew up.

>how bad you have it today.
This is a fucking stupid post.
Nothing is stopping anyone, no matter what age from going back amd playing snes or what not. And then when some teenager points out how shit some game you have hardcore nostalgia glasses for, it's his fault. Honestly it's fucking stupid. There are plenty of great old games. Plenty of good new ones. The problem is three faceted . One you have become more jaded/critical. Two you have refused to develop taste passed a certain point. Three gaming has become bigger and sees a lot more releases from both sides of the budget extremes and that you gives a lot of shit games to zero in on and makes the gems feel like a needle in a haystack even if there are just as many good ones, if not more, as before.

>lowlevel gamer
Kill yourself /reddit/

why would you lie on an anonymous board though?
nothing is gained by that

If I never grew up I'd still play Nintendo shit, user.

>Fuck, I saw Youtube comments reminiscing about fucking Fallout 3.
ten years ago

>Nothing is stopping anyone, no matter what age from going back amd playing snes or what not.
Stop fucking saying this shitty explanation. I don't want to fucking play on the snes again. I already played that shit back when that was the visual and audio standard. I want the same quality that we have today, except with gameplay that doesn't treat me like I don't know where the A or B button is on my damn controller. Faggots like you are everything wrong with this industry, and everyday I grow a little more pissed off that you enable the shit devs get away with. Games lived and died by their quality over thirty years ago, and now any game that is half complete or not even worked on yet (fucking kickstarter) gets a free pass cause consumers are too dumb to realize when they're being fucked in the ass.

Fuck you, you son of a bitch. Retarded millennial faggot.

Im 20, does it feel being well over the best age?

>Sup Forums unironically watches youtubers doing lets play

My hair doesnt grow as fast as it use to be, but I'm still in my prime.

most of you are probably 18 jesus christ

Teaching seems like the most common career for oldfags on Sup Forums. I'm pursuing that as we speak. Intentionally staying away from high school because I'm a horndog, and based on my experiences and evidence back in high school I'd say it's extremely easy to sleep with students, as a male or a female teacher.

I dont think so, actually

>i don't want to play old games
>i don't want to play new games
Maybe video games just aren't for you user?
Maybe you should just fuck off and never come back.

That being said, vidya has reached the point where there really are games for everyone. It's become like movies music or books in that regard. Truly varied. But i guess know one has been spoonfeeding you like the baby you are.

Halo is good, people watching streamers, MOBas, giving a shit about e-celebs, people defending 2 fast 2 furious movies, paying money for early access, kikestarter, it all makes no sense.

>my favorite genres are dead
>my favorite franchises are either dead or completely changed to appeal to a younger audience

I dont even know what im doing here anymore.

you going straight for the kindergarteners, huh?

>where there really are games for everyone

And this is where you're ignorant as fuck. That's the point. Most games made today are made for two people

>a target audience under the age of 30
>a target audience that only plays the most casual genres

Yes, but because I don't have to teach to a bunch of bullshit standards, and children are disgusting.

>using sadfrog
found your problem

2 fast 2 furious was a good movie, though not as good as the orignal. It had a cool need for speed vibe.
I get ecelebs. Most retards want to make it seem like we all worship them like some weird teenage girl and gossip mags. But it's just like enjoying a show. I don't get the difference between enjoying Colbert and enjoying dunkey for example. Nor do i get why it's not okay to discuss the latter or make a thread if they make am interesting point about vidya that could prompt discussion.
Everything else i agree.

Yay for someone feeling the same

If you grew up you'd realize that you should judge games based on their merits and not the system they're on

I know why I hate ecelebs. It's the same reason I hate indies in any industry. When the barrier of entry becomes easier, the quality becomes lower, and it's going to hide anyone that is actually good among the mess.

I'm getting pretty sick of seeing jimmy nu-tron everywhere.

It's never about discussion though, it's just a) Personal drama, b) choosing side, c) some sort of weird personal investment into some guy they never even met.

Sorry, I honestly think he looks like a guy that'd be fun to hang out with. I probably would hate his online presence but in person I'd at least be able to talk about vidya and weed with him.

You sound like a faggot so I bet you two would get along well

I do, which is why I named Nintendo. They never kept up with the rest of the industry, and in essence their games are the same as thirty years ago. Fine for new people, but I already played Super Mario Bros., I don't need to play 3D world anymore. I like when stuff changes.

Except you don't care whether that change is good or for the bad.

Protip; most modern games didn't grow up, either. They just hide it beneath darker colors.

>i only know about call of duty.
Yeah nah, casuals like you need to fuck off. Really. Either lurk more, go find vidya you like. Or just pick a new hobby. Really this boars isn't here to spoonfeed you. Hundreds and hundreds of games come out each month sorry if you are to stupid to find ones in the unspecified genre you like, or that have to cater to +30 whatever that fucking means.
My dad is 62 and has, for whatever horrible fucking reason, purchased every major release of NFS since the orignal. Saying games have to pander to a certain age group is idiotic. Despite what bullshit you tell yourself.

>calling me a casual for wanting games that actually build off older experiences

I'm sorry, I didn't know throwing away the design innovation that the industry built up in twenty years, just for it to be thrown away in five for the sake of appealing to a broader audience was meant to be the definition of hardcore. Woe is me.

Like fucking what you retard? Just tell me what type of game you like. And just being the generous guy I am, I'll tell you a good game like that. Cause appearantly you only know about the call of duty games that advertise during your Seinfeld reruns. Really begs the question of why the fuck you are here.