The PS4 is nothing but an early access machine

>the PS4 is nothing but an early access machine

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's a PS4 jealousy thread


seen it

*changes channel*

What are you saying?

Nioh not exclusive.

>mfw gamng PC as main platform + PS4 for those cool exclusives
Best of both worlds.

The PS4 is for casual retards who aren't passionate about video games. That's why the biggest sellers on it are GTA, Call of Duty, Fifa, Madden,etc. Multiplats. Wii U exclusives sell better than PS4 exclusives.

>"Multiplats don't count because they aren't available for Nintendo consoles"


My nigga




You shouldn't be allowed on the internet if you can't read.




Wait... Nioh is coming to PC?

>Gran Turismo

no it's just you being baited

>Wii U exclusives sell better than PS4 exclusives.
why didnt people buy w101 or bayonetta 2 then?

>m-m-muh niche genres!

>PS4 console exclusive

what did they mean by this?

daily reminder the exclusives (apart from bloodborne) ALWAYS

>turn out to be shit
>get released on PC
>get cancelled

Ever noticed how it's always future releases being pointed out, instead of current games?


nioh is literally published by sony
if you think it's coming to PC you have brain problems

>bad farcry
>a racing game that is 100% serious no fun allowed
>walking simulator with some low tier puzzles thrown in
Although nioh looks pretty gud

WiiU exclusives sell better because they're all what Nintendo users have; meanwhile PS4 exclusives sell less because Playstation users, like PC users, have too many choices.

>Platform has six games
>Said platform's users own those six games

>Platform has one hundred games
>Said platform's users own "only" a dozen games

4 years and PS4 has 2 whole games.

>You're not passionate about video games if you buy a PS4 and you're also a retard
>Wii U is great!

I own both and a good PC, as well as both handhelds so I can play everything I want to, because I'm passionate about games. If the Xbone got a couple of games I wanted I couldn't play elsewhere I'd get one too, I was close but then they cancelled Phantom Dust. Guess which system has the fewest games I play on it? You guessed it, Wii U. If it wasn't for XCX the thing would be removed from under the TV so my Saturn could be wired up again.

>turn out to be shit
nioh already had 2 great demos
>get released on PC
published by sony
>get cancelled
maybe, i guess we'll see in 2 months

Bloodborne is merely average and Nioh is worse than it. So nah.

>daily reminder the exclusives ALWAYS
turn out to be great
get not released on PC (you can't release controller-only games on PC without gettting review-bombed)
get a successor, even when niche
are paid and supported by a console maker

>console exclusive
never EVER they said, but fucking master race wins again

WiiU has like 4 games that aren't yet another Mario game or Smash.

You have no variety. It's all the same autist shit only Nintoddlers love.

PS4 has dudebro trash, weeb trash, art trash, Ubisoft trash, and some good games in between.

Both PS4 and PC have the variety Wii U lacks. And it's getting emulated soon aswell, so it's dying. Everyone is cancelling their game for WiiU because it's a shit console everyone, including Nintendo abandoned.
Meanwhile the fucking PS3 keeps getting games.


Tell me more about Starfox and Pikmin.

Seriously even if you're a "PC gamer" who doesn't own at least one of the consoles? I mainly play on PC but you need to get with the times

>not better than yet another boring soulsclone
top kek


So... Wii U are for people passionate about games while PS4 for casual? First time i saw a bait like this.

Sony are publishing it everywhere except Japan

What, do you think KT are going to put it on the Japanese Steam or something?


Why Nioh looks so cheap and ugly?

KT fucking love money. You'd have to be stupid to think that they'd give the full rights away to someone else.

Facts vs "You'd have to be stupid to think saying it's exclusive is true"

Because they totally dont milk their property for all that it is worth. DOA5 totally doesnt have thousands of dollars worth of DLC that they still release on PC for a chance that some dumbass will buy it. They fucking love money and like I said before - You'd be fucking stupid to think that they wont milk it after all of the years it spent in development hell.

Yet the fact remains that Sony Interactive Entertainment is the international publisher.


again, facts vs your assumptions

I could dump my entire smug anime girl folder and it still wouldn't be enough to describe how much this tickled my funny bone.

Because it's not annouced yet for PC.

Yeah that is infact what it says on the wiki page. Your point? Sony is the publisher for their console and their exclusive deal. How does that affect their own rights and the eventual PC release?

But I am PS4 owner. So again. Why does it cheap and ugly?

>Nioh is a dark, samurai-centric, action RPG currently in development by Koei Tecmo Games exclusively for the PlayStation®4 platform.

>Experience a new world of dark samurai fantasy developed by Koei Tecmo Games exclusively on PlayStation®4. Official site with news, trailers and more.

stop contradicting my strawman


This means literally nothing.

whereas "It's not exclusive because I say so" does right? I'm done think whatever you want

this is absolute cringe.

Yes exactly! Do you see why these discussions are fucking stupid and instead we should talk about the game itself and not the shitty console politics?

And you just validated that pure cringe's existence
Good job, faggot.

Nioh threads here never get more than about a dozen responses unless there's either platform war or exclusivity shitposting in the OP post.

It's depressing, really.

What a fucking fantastic community.

That's most threads on Sup Forums, though.

I have a ps4 and all that you posted looks like the most boring shit garbage.

I was excited for the last gaurdian ten years ago. These days not so much.

If you want to make anyone jealous all you have to do is post let it die. Literally a 200 dollar free to play game since you need to get a PS4 to play it.

I never bought my ps4 I got it for free after using hotel points that would have expired that were paid for by my job at the time. I never knew it would be worth having 3 years later. I mean bloodborne was pretty cool I guess but only recently have I started actually playing PS4 over my PS3 or wiiu or 3ds or vita.

the real question is what games are on xbone this shit has been gathering dust for years and I actually paid for the damn thing to play the original titanfall.

I agree. PS4 is more for the working man or women. When my wife is asleep I play some Let It Die and some Paragon. After work my wife plays Mafia 3 since that's not my bag. I used to be a computer fag and would play league and other shit for 9 hours a day before my wife. About a month after we got married my computer broke and I never cared to fix it.

Sorry, that should've been

>platform war/exclusivity
>trying to start shit with the Souls autismos for whatever reason

Though I suspect the latter is only one guy; probably the same guy who spams the same handful of webms whenever Souls, Onimusha or Ninja Gaiden are brought up.

During the beta the thread got a shitload of replies, just wait for it to release user

>early access machine
That's the PC, OP.

The truth is that gaming platforms have homogenized and only get a handful of exclusives each these days. We're probably going to move entirely to, maybe not open platforms, but generic platforms in the coming decade.

Damn bruv. I used my Total Return points from Caesars since I'm an employee too. Let It Die seemed really cool before I downloaded it but now god damn am I fucking addicted.

Sony is publishing it on Europe and America, just like Nintendo published Sonic Lost World in Europe. It's the same kind of deal probably.

When I started playing Let It Die I was sure this was just a demo because nobody would ever put this much time into a game. It kind of freaked me out too since it didn't really feel like a game. Maybe some alternative reality shit going on.

"Console exclusive"

Sonycucks get cucked again

Speaking as someone who has serious issues with Sony's business practices of late and is still on the fence about whether he wants to get a PS4 or not this bitching and moaning is getting fucking old. Have an opinion and all, but Christ stop going on the internet to whine and moan about things constantly people.

Shits getting old as fuck eh user? Again not my favorite games, haven't played one in several years, they sell millions and many people enjoy them, don't need to whine about it constantly because I'm not one. Imagine how much more tolerable the video game community would be if more people could realize it's a simple matter of entertainment and taste, not a matter of life or death.

Should I get a PS4 or PS4Pro?


>Thread is yet another a thinly disguised Consulwurz thread redux with the same old arguments and shitposts

Oh the thrills and originality of the gaming community. Still 2 weeks to go in 2016 even and Christmas vacation releasing all the underages unto the internet doesn't officially kick in till next week as far as I know.

No no no that's PC

>they are cucked because they are getting games

Must be great to be cucked I guess.


>console exclusive

so it's coming to PC then? LMAO and I was actually considering pickup up a PS4 on the cheap


No, it's a mistake .... user... wait ....

PS4 Pro isn't worth it unless you have a super curved bullshit tv. Then maybe? It might help VR a bit if that's your intention.

Cuck cuck something cuckadoodledoo, I target you, off to reddit or something I guess.

But in all actual seriousness see and blame the utter lack of moderation and shit people just having the run of the case. I'm personally still working on a solution for a place to still have actual discussions about video games and shit cause not much seems viable anymore and everywhere is full of people that just want to fling shit and have the same mind numbing arguments only they care about thread and thread.

honestly I'm curious from where this image comes from. Some new email from sony?

Oh look here's Sony cap fag.


Yeah clearly that's fucking it. Sony made it themselves, you've got it user that makes total sense.

>ps4 pro for bs TVs and VR

Got it. I'm gonna use it with my 1080p monitor I hope it works so the normal ps4 should be enough. Thanks.

>Neofagger experiences Sony Wojaks for the first time



this is quite obviously bullshit. all it says is PS4 owners value CoD and FIFA over PS4 exclusives
and PS4 owners don't own a dozen games each, the highest selling game has only sold 14 million on a 40 million install base
it's literally a netflix machine

Honest opinion here, it's been a really REALLY bad year PR wise for Sony that's slowly turning into more of a mixed bag as from my perspective they've been getting less and less shitty about things in recent months and the big games are finally starting to make their way out onto the market after a comically record breaking level of delays for a single generation to have. I'm not sure if that trend will continue or not, but one can only hope. Seems like the communities raging shit fling fest over the company is going to continue indefinitely though.

Like with regard to Nioh it strikes me that the only reason Sup Forums is having threads about it right now is that it's the next big hyped pseudo first party game to be released so now people have to be stupid about it. FFXV was the target for the longest time but now that it's finally out it's shitposters have been released to go after the next one.

Pretty much summed up the entire year for the gaming community. What a complete embarrassment and what feels like a distorted form of purgatory. Good thing most of the world has been too busy worrying about other shit and has bigger fish to fry that I doubt it really noticed the stinking festering shit now emanating from the greater video game community. Maybe in 2017 they'll start to wretch and gag like I have.

Can we please start doing this again in 2017 gaming community. If not frankly fuck you forever and I just pray to god quality games can survive all this shit and developers continue to tune it out for what it is instead of starting to take it as serious feedback. If anything THAT's what I'm worried about happening at this point somehow more than anything, that shitposters voices and presence continues to get louder and louder until it's directly influencing game design decisions. IMO it's actually started to impact developer culture and PR if only slightly and in an experimental sense.


I think he's talking about the Nioh OP image.


this looks so boring

mah nigga also
Miss the 360 days though.

Is Ni-Oh as good as Dark souls if you like exploring stuff and discovering secrets ?


I can't be the only one that just doesn't give a fucking shit about all this "is it coming to PC or is it staying exclusive to a console" shit that Sup Forums never fucking shuts up about anymore can I? Like who possibly gives this much of a fuck? Like just who really cares?

I could almost just say who in their right mind honestly cares about this shit to like half the topics on this board right now and have it be my honest sole contribution to that thread because it all just seems like somebodies baggage over something that happened to them years ago. Maybe it's time to stop obsessing over this one tangent already and start talking about games themselves again.

Its has seperated levels you select on an overworld map. You can find little kodama hidden all over the levels and theres shortcuts you can open up along the way.

Like Demon's souls so ? or Dark souls 3 ?

Honestly right now I'm just getting the same vibe I got over Genji The Samurai as a supposed killer app way back with PS3, just better hype marketed. I've seen Sengoku era Samurai action games before, I've seen ridiculously hard die in a couple hits Team Ninja games before back on the original Xbox. Not really sure what is supposed to set this one apart yet aside from the Kurosawa script ties and it having a heavy marketing push in the west from Sony like all the games they publish