>game has Sup Forums references
Game has Sup Forums references
Name 3.71 example of this
here is 1 to start off
Battlefield 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
any nintendo game released since 2011
>anime image
it's amazing how anime ruins everything
Team fortress 2 has a reference to Mr. Bones Wild Ride
Is this the single most accurate representation of gamedev in any media?
Nintendo literally raping a champion of feminism
I really really like this image.
Are they, dare i say it, based?
>People with mental illness don't remember Watergate Scandal.
Not surprised.
come on, they even referenced the five guys she fucked for reviews
Would you play Aoba-chan's game, Sup Forums? She worked really hard on it.
I recognize that bald guy.
Minus the fact that everyone in the studio is a young ish attractive female, yes.
All Neptunia games.
Even if they're really 2chan references, but it's close enough.
What's mao ze dong doing there?
"Fun Five Guys" name predates the GG shit by years
god thats cancerous
cute game user
I wanna fug that Jill
>when the game is entirely references and no inhouse humor
But you can't deny it's accurate
wat in the fuck even is this
its like looking yourself in the mirror isnt it?
our guys though
Looks like that stupid cyberpunk bartender "game"
Maybe if you're a shitposting weeb.
Nep series is practically built around shitposting on Sup Forums.
wat gaem
>game doesn't have forechan references
is this an ironic post
>game has Sup Forums references
>gets shilled to death on Sup Forums
case in point
Marvel Heroes
Yeah, I don't understand why people aren't more suspicious of a million threads obviously made by the creator of the game
Happens for shitloads of MUH PIXEL ART indie games
Only Nene will be shameless enough to do this.
Maybe is because the game was made by 2 actual Sup Forums users?
this is just referencing japanese imageboards.
Looks like S;G 0
Pretty sure that's what that user was implying, m8
Basically, Sup Forums being tricked into thinking other people love the game because the guys who made it spam threads
>game by Sup Forums users
>has no memes
Have this ever been done before?
I've pirated it, it was comfy and not that different from the fotm shit that sometimes gets spammed here
memes dont come from Sup Forums anyway
I've been playing Wuppo and although it has quirky writing I haven't seen any memes yet. No, I'm not the dev, but he sparked my interest.
I don't remember anything cancerous in Wulfhammer. Just a bunch of tabletop references, but those are no Sup Forums-specific
Notch is not really from 4channer per se. He just visited us here during indev (I think? I don't remember, maybe it was infdev), just like he did visit reddit, tigsource forums and random minecraft ones.
Some devs in larger dev studios probably visit Sup Forums, does that count?
>Have this ever been done before?
Unlikely, meme is mostly a cultural thing, and anons that happen to be gamedevs are unlikely to NOT be exposed to it on any board they visit.
>game full of Sup Forums memes
>from 2010
>still 100% relevant today
Plus ça change...
Was that an erotic VN or an actual game? They all kinda blur together in my memory
Also, Chapter Master was made by some guy on /tg/, right? And that doesn't have memes, just righteous purging
it's the Neptunia dev team
The ones Nick Doerr was involved with are particularly bad
I know for a fact Risk of Rain was made by a guy over at /agdg/, and both the game and the guy who made it seem pretty okay.
An RPGMaker game inspired by /tg/ and /u/
Only the character designer (Tsunako) is female, and I don't think she qualifies as young anymore. She also doesn't look very attractive, but at least she's not Batshit Wu.
That's amazing
Any other extremely successful games made by guys there?
This is post GG though.
I had a screenshot of it but have misplaced it but in Gunvolt 2 one autistic memer says "Can I get some (You) ?"
>millennials think everything is related to their retarded social media culture
its a reference to fucking watergate
the internet was a mistake
>game has jojo references
oh yeah, I remember those well-known Five Guys in watergate
Not sure, feel free to go ask em if you're interested.
dev stated pitter was based on Sup Forums and the words and terms used on it like trap
whats the point of going to Sup Forums if you are not a cancerous retard?
>muh sekret club only for cancerous retards
just read the website where i got that image
i forgot about the butthurt the word trap caused. the link for anybody wanting a laugh
Which means it is also post Watergate
do you work in hello games or something?
why you didn't make a new render for joe danger 2 cover?
Can I play with cute grill an wear that shirt with the S, L, U and T letters?
Sauce please
>Sup Forums - The Vidya Why haven't you got a girlfriend yet?
Va-11 Hall-A. Buy the game because the dev (or devs?) are Venezuelan and they need the money because the shitty government refuses to let them leave, because they classify as "culture creators". Not a joke.
VA-11 Hall-A
i wanna fug that cat
Steins;Gate has 2channel, which is close enough.
Who doesn't?
So are they /nuestroshombres/?
>game has a Touhou reference
That's not REAL cat.
It's built around 2ch
Get away from me with your non-existent chest.
where's he from?