A cute girl just doing stuff with no bullshit "plot" force-fed to me and just enjoy looking at the scenery and maybe start a family
Is there a game where I can be
Animal Crossing
Real life. Start your hormones ASAP
Try life. As in getting one.
>just doing stuff with no bullshit "plot" force-fed to me and just enjoy looking at the scenery and maybe start a family
sounds boring as fuck
Is there a pc version? I don't own consoles
Anime isnt real life, I cant get what I want man
>Arrive in thread to make the same point.
>Someone already here spreading the good word
thank you user
>only in anime you can look at scenery and start a family
go outside sometimes
>Anime isnt real life
And do what, I dont have any friends. Ive just afked outside sitting on a park bench before, went home after 30mins of just looking at nothing
>And do what,
look at the fucking scenery, isn't this what you wanted?
If you're not going to do the obvious thing and become a girl IRL. Stardew Valley is probably what you want OP.
Scenery in real life except for certain pictures of Switzerland alps look shit irl, lets face it, city areas look like complete shit.
Im not gay dude
why would it be gay if you're the girl?
You can play as a girl but its for PSP I think
Atelier Sophie where you can enjoy your everyday life with your lesbian book.
sims 2 or 3
Gone Home
Serious answer?
Stardew Valley
Cute is subjective
Anyway, Sims.
>mtf trannies
>actually female