Are you glad that we're getting this instead of Silent Hills?

Are you glad that we're getting this instead of Silent Hills?

I don't know. Still have no idea what it really is or what the gameplay will be.

>A movie instead of potential video game

Of course not.

You strand Death.

What's not to get?


still don't know what 'this' is.

we don't even know what the fucking gameplay is, stop overhyping this shit up.

I know rite XD

Yes. This means Kojima can't ruin Silent Hill for us.

I'd be interested if the gameplay is something surprising.
I expect it to be movie/stealth crap like Metal Gear but I'd be incredibly more excited if it turned out to be Mecha or I dunno some kind of martial arts game.
Hell if it was a drift racing game that would be cool too.
I just want something unexpected.

>we don't even know what the fucking gameplay is
This. It's hard to get excited over nothing but ambiguous sci-fi imagery of pregnant men and literal test tube babies. Kojima's claim that he's creating a new game genre like he did with Metal Gear is pretty bold, considering the stealth action in the original MSX game was a fluke,

not really. would enjoy both

Glad? No. But it's better than nothing.

I have no fucking idea yet
all I know is that it looks cool at least

Silent Hills would have been PS4 exclusive, so Sup Forums would have still hated both.

We're getting Silent Hill + MGS in one game, what's not to fucking like? I will be buying a ps4 just for this, Nioh and FF7

Of course it's for the best. Konami is out of the equation.

pretty sure kojima doesn't have the rights to work on a silent hill game so i'm not sure why you'd be blaming him for making something else.

Yes, looks like the most interesting vidya world in a long time, just from 2 trailers

>death stranding
>not PS4 exclusives

No one is. Just asking if you guys think things happened for the better.

Of course not. Silent Hill is unique, this is just another stealth game with gimmicky ability.

ok then, the alternative is kojima is stuck working for a pachinko machine maker.

I'm glad he is out of there and able to continue making CUHRAYZEE shit.

Is this a joke?