Wind waker

>Wind waker

>Breath of the wild

Other urls found in this thread:

But BoW is cartoony as shit too.


BotW is cartoony, but not in an endearing way. It just looks bad.

But they did ruin everything with Wind Waker. Not even because of the art style but because the game's a half finished piece of shit with an awful gimmick.

The people complaining about WW are not the ones complaining about BotW

I don't care about zelda but I care about your education level. Come on user

But what if I think both look great? Then what?

I like the artstyle for both. Especially BoTW since it looks like a Ghibli film.

you might be retarded

Honestly, I would pay big money to see what a fully finished WW would look like.
Scrapping the other temples and putting the triforce chart hunt was sad

They look good

Wind Waker looks better IMAO

>too realistic
who has said this

Then you're a reasonable human being that understands not everything is made specifically for your exact tastes.



Who the fuck ever said this?

Both games look great

TP looked okay. SS looked like ass

>Wind Waker looks better than BOTW


That's at least partly because Wind Waker is a finshed game and BOTW isn't. The WiiU doesn't output direct feed colors well, if you're an extremely cartoonish colorful game like Wind Waker you won't notice a big difference, but a subtle and less colorful game like BOTW will look washed out.

This board has tons of trolls that think they're funny when they pretend to take that stance.

>Wind Waker

>things that nobody said : the thread

Windwaker looks amazing.

More like Sup Forums has a bunch of idiots trying to gather (you)s and attention.

>It's not colorful enough
But it's not. It's just different shades of washed out green and brown. If I didn't know any better I'd say the top image is the new Zelda and the bottom one is the older Wind Waker.

So what's her name again?

BotW is cartoony though, it's just that everything looks so washed out and blurry in every single screenshot.

Wind Waker embraces the "Toon" style and ends up working. BotW feels like it's ashamed to have the artstyle it does.

The game as a whole might not be "finished", but the art and look are finalized. The screenshots that people post are always the best ones, because we actually have good screenshots from the game since it's out and all. Don't argue semantics, user.

You know exactly what he meant

BotW is stuck between trying to look good and run well. It's clear downgrades are being made to try and keep the framerate as high as possible.



Second-best Zelda.

ST is cuter, WW is more well-rounded

Link in 2015 trailer had sharp eyes, but why have it changed?


Colors still look washed out on Switch, so you can stop using this excuse already.

Ah yes, you mean the beautiful Jimmy Fallon gameplay, where we watched a recording of a screen covered in studio lights and TV cameras filters.

The colors aren't "washed out" they're dull and simple in most areas and bright and lively in some others. That's an artistic choice. Anyone that can see the colors on screen when a big fire appears would know it isn't "Washed out".

Anyone that looks at BOTW and says it's ugly or too washed out is just dead inside. Learn to have fun again, Sup Forums.


Sup Forums never had fun

I think Sup Forums thinks the opposite about BotW.

Personally I am pretty hyped about it. I don't care about the graphics as long as the game is well made and doesn't run like complete ass on the Wii U. So I'll wait until release to properly criticize it.

Most of the people here knew how to have fun before they got here, though.

But then we learned that fun wasn't real to begin with because it wasn't built on factually correct opinions

Wait it's actually E3 2014

E3 2014 is a shot of him in battle with an enemy. 2015 is a shot with nothing really going on. It's natural for the eyes to differ.

I just want to play BotW so fucking bad

its almost as if people have different preferences

Neither was Wand Wanker.

Same here. Is WEBM user still here? I need another dump, my withdrawls are beginning.

The whole game probably won't look like this but you easily fix the colour grading with a higher contrast and a bit more saturation and you'll get this.

we all do brother.

got ya sempai

I will Byerns you down (see the pun)


How can anyone look at the neon fucking grass and say this game is washed out? If anything different areas have different tones and colors to match the mood and setting.

Thanks user.


It's Byrne

What the fuck? How does this kind of pussy pass for Hyrule's hero of legend?

Winter is so fucking washed out, why hasn't god patched Winter yet?


Let's see you kick a metal chest hard enough for it to open up from the impact and go back to exploring the stone cave barefoot afterwards.

fuck off

Good to see the game punishes your mistakes and doesn't just say "Oh, you fucked up and bombed yourself? It's ok, it's only a quarter heart of damage!". Some bombs will straight up kill you, this guy was lucky he got to keep half a heart.

fucking retard

Look at the webm. That was barely a full force kick. Even then you've got to at least have some dignity

I actually like the ragdoll physics

That shot looks good because it doesn't highlight how bad the environments look.


>That tongue movement

He kicked the chest with the tip of his toes. That always hurts like hell.

the only bad thing is low poly mesh, i'd kill for a SS version with more complex geometry.

And why the fuck did he do it? If you're trying to act cool you have to follow through on it until the end

He kicked hard enough to literally pop a metal chest open without even kicking the part that opens.

I like the ragdoll physics too, it's gonna be fun wiping out when shield-sliding down mountains.

WW doesnt make link look straight up anime though. It resembles his manlet charm from zelda 1 we all grew up on. he was even going to have the same color scheme to compliment this.




...Does Link have a weak immunity to fire when he uses a fire rod or something? His "temperature" gauge and his body were literally on fire for a second there, but no damage?

I love that fire rod though, it's cool. I hope they put a bunch of rare magic shit in the game, my favorite parts of Skyrim were finding and using shit like the Wabbajack.

>scripted shit: the game


>This is bait
>The first image was a graphical demo
>2016 looks the best

There is nothing wrong with a tundra biome.

So is that a helmet or does Link have customization with his hair? He has some sort of topknot in this one.

i guess the rod absorves the fire before it burns him.

You mean games aren't made of advanced other world AI technology that just do things on their own without any programming or human intervention?! OH MY GOD! I DEMAND A REFUND!

Pssst, everything is scripted in games. Period.

I'm thoroughly convinced Nintendo is trying to make Link as attractive as possible to get those who want to deny being gay fall for him unconditionally

I mean fucks sake when you remove his shirt i even fell for that fucker

Were you expecting the demo to not have any cool scripted scenes to find? Next you're going to tell me all of the cool abandoned houses full of skeletons that tell an actual story in Fallout are bad because they scripted them. Just because the skeleton in a bathtub with a toaster or the skeleton with old-world money surrounding it are scripted doesn't mean they aren't cool, and scripted stuff you can interact with is the best.

its hair, you can change it

He did it because the player wanted to, even though he know Link is barefoot.

Consider it as a little joke, like when you get a game over in some games if you say that you don't want to go on an adventure at the beginning of the game.

I think I came.


Get with the times gramps, we all grew up with WW Link.


You think they'll add a "Survival mode"?

Stop shitposting about the colors being washed out. It only looks like that in direct feeds because Wii U doesn't properly output full RGB to capture cards. The game looks vibrant and beautiful when viewed on an actual TV.

He actually turned 14 yesterday.

the whole game is a survival game. its like MGS3 of zelda games

You got hunt for food, all your weapons degrate, you need to hunt for ammo,

>using the hot air current to propel yourself up
Holy fuck that is amazing

Link went full Legolas


Wow, the combat looks awful. Whats the point of making a big deal of this game if it has braindead AI and awful combat with QTEs?

The dungeons shown look awful too. Feels like Skyward Sword all over again.


>What is Zelda cycle
>What are shitposters and trolls are Sup Forums being contrarian just to be contrarian

Nuke this fucking board

Literally gimmick shit that is impressive to look at, boring to execute.