>ctrl+F Shantae
>0 of 0
Mighty No. ½
>ctrl+F Shantae
>0 of 0
Mighty No. ½
Other urls found in this thread:
shit thread
wii u codes are out
We all know why this thread was started, please get to work on it.
Glad there are still some semi-sentient folks ITT
Anyone got those danimarion gifs?
Color swap?
Makes me think, what would you do for a co-op Shantae ala New SMB-style?
Would Shantae give the best lap dance out of all other video game characters?
>expecting Sup Forums users to back a kickstarter
>expecting backers, people who presumably have jobs, posting threads of a game they would rather be playing than posting about at 12 PM EST
>that comic
only if there are bikini costumes
You might not know this but the Earth is actually a sphere. That's interesting enough in and of itself but it also means that there are many places where it's not 12pm right now.
Is she okay!?
Where the fuck do I get my light crystal. I got a cold and went to the doctor and got a lollipop. Now what.
i know what you mean, user.
I'll make a thread when I get my code
Did you get the mouse transformation?
Yeah. I gave the guy all the remains already from those places.
>the game is pretty average, not that great
>similar to MN9
>won't get shit on because of waifus
I got my code, beat the tutorial boss, Now I'm just waiting for the official release patch next week before I continue.
People already found game breaking exploits with being able to afk farm gems early in the game.
Everything look good with Shantae clothes,
Go to Mermaid Falls. You'll figure out what to do next once you check out the platforms in the first area.
Unlike MN9, Shantae isn't a broken mess.
god damn I want to get killed by Rottytops
What's up
It runs a hell of a lot more smoothly at least.
If only they'd make a Shantae more like the first with the polish of Pirate's Curse.
Seems like no one wants to talk about the game, so might as well risk it
keppok is great, keppok is good.
wew lad
Shame he'll never finish this.
This comic needs more tentacles per round orifice and MUCH more liquids per cm^2 of Shantae's tanned, tasty looking, springy, glossy skin. Same applies to Rotty, except she's probably not tanned at least her zombie body.
On topic of discussion, I find lack of torrents rather admirable, considering that alot of people on Sup Forums seem to have backed game and should have had their copies playable already. It's gonna be $20 and releases 20-th, right?
mega link when
Jake did it again. Dammit.
it's a damn shame he dropped nuren, I liked the guy before I found out he was a self-centered asshole with commitment issues
dude makes some damn good music though
Doing gods work, user
>Stuck at 99% completion
What the hell am I missing?
It was finished, you doughnut
Why are people so desperate to shit on this game without even playing it? I backed this and MN9, and this one is actually playable (I didn't even finish MN9)
I just wish it wasn't a "soft reboot", I would love to see more stuff from the Shantae universe. Gameplay is tight, music is fucking amazing as always, it looks and runs good. Gameplay could use some more puzzles, though
Talk to the Mayor?
Yup. Already got my infinite magic headpiece.
Did you beat the final boss again?
>Why are people so desperate to shit on this game without even playing it?
Sup Forums
Did you trade all of Tuki's tradeables at least once?
Did you buy a potion yet?
Wait what? What do you mean "soft reboot"?! It's not continuation of Pirate's Curse?
No, and no.
never mind. I fixed it. At 100% now.
PC did happen, but the stories aren't connected.
No. Risky is evil again for some reason, and it's like the partnership never happened at all.
It's a self contained sequel.
Risky never turned good.
I'm the biggest Shantae fan in the world. I own every game in perfect condition (including the first) every piece of official merchandise, a ridiculous amount of custom merchandise, am friends with most of the team at WF and also Cristina Vee, and I even married a Persian girl 'cuz Shanty.
All that said, "ctrl+f no Shantae" because I will never discuss Shantae with you dicklicking faggots. Eat my asshole. pic related.
Risky only allied out of convenience, not because she had any good intentions.
Into the trash.
Poop Toot
That doesn't mean what we had wasn't special!
Eeeh... Well, okay. At least it's still same universe.
Team of Shanty and Risky was cool, though.
Actually, now that I think about it, would Shantae make a good cartoon? Not that I want WayForward to go ways of Conman, but their characters and plots could be adapted to show without much, if any, problems.
The Pirate Master, Genies, do-gooders, girl scouts, compromise, Scuttle Town, boring people, obstacles, lists of "loves," rules, bilge water, small cakes, egalitarianism, losing, lawmen, ponytails, scrapbooking, mayors, simple hats, modesty, your ugly face, waiting, inanimate ships, puppies, honesty, mutiny, whole grains, scurvy dogs, being corrected, quaintness, paperwork, emoticons, coexistence, licking envelopes, vegetables, whatever you like
they poke fun at this with a random woman commenting on a thing she likes and she's not sure if it's a reboot or not
In theory, sure, but the fact that nearly every character is varying degrees of attractive girl makes it nearly impossible to air in the US.
Gonna spoonfeed fuck it
Rave in the Grave keppok should find what you want
What did he mean by this?
I have every console and a pc
Where's my link to this shit, ill take it on anything
Will there be a separate code for this costume or is it already included in the backer's copies?
Did you give Wayforward 35 bux during the the kickstarter campaign? If not then you're stuck waiting for a while yet.
Separate and probably post-launch.
This is sad. I'd prefer my children if there were any to watch cartoon about oversexualised girls then... Well, I'm not actually very well informed on what's hot on US TV right now.
Anyway, will next Shantae's game be kickstarted aswell, or it will be more regular from production PoV?
Damn it, it's almost a week before I get to play new good platforming game, I need my fix faster.
> shantae fags were BY FAR the cockiest of all kickstarter fanbases on Sup Forums
> constantly shit on other projects for delays even though thiers was delayed to hell and back
> finally releases, not even the best game in the franchise
> no open world, just linear platforming stages, short campaign
> need to buy the other characters as DLC
Sweet Karma
> inb4 I'm a Mn9 backer
Backers don't need to buy dlc.
It's too early to tell whether or not they'll KS the next game. I'd assume no, considering they have a shitload of assets they can reuse from HGH.
>space after >
Reddit much?
Neither do pirates, cuck.
>> no open world, just linear platforming stages, short campaign
Shit that sounds like my game. I always get bored on other shantae games cause I have no clue what to do.
Sat down and played through it all last night, it's hard to stop playing solid platformers. I'd probably rank it second after PC, which I think just barely edges it out gameplay wise. Visuals were god tier of course, I've never wanted to fuck every female character in the series this much before.
Can someone sauce me on that comic? Fucking archives not working anymore.
can you not read the fucking thread holy shit
i wanted to buy the game at launch but all this talk of the stretch goal rewards being paid DLC on top of a $40 game has me weary. I want to support WF but I also don't want to pay out the ass for some characters and some DLC minisodes
> virgins will overrate the game this highly because muh lonely peenus weenus
no it's a soft robot rabbit
Squid Baron and the fact that Shantae knows who the barons are at all should confirm that everything in the past games still happened.
>stretch goal rewards being paid DLC on top of a $40 game
the game is $20
shantae is a mediocre series that owes its popularity to "lewd" character design because you faggots will eat up any shit if it reminds you that you have a dick
I am more surprised that Shantae hasn't set his sorry as on fire. I know I would have.
Not like anybody in that sorry backwaters town could do anything about it if tinkerbats are a menace to them.
>you'll never suck shantae's toes
Why do you hate fun, user?
Would Shantae make a good gf?
Yes. She would be eager to please you and would let you do almost anything with her body.
She does look kind of cute when she is pissed off.
still no steam store page and all the links i've found that talk about price are for the physical versions at $40