Whose artstyle do you guys like the best between Amano, Yoshida, and Nomura?
Whose artstyle do you guys like the best between Amano, Yoshida, and Nomura?
Yoshida by a significant margin. I started XIV as my first MMO largley thanks to his involvement.
According to that image?
Nomura's is pretty awful desu, way too faggy for me.
Yoshida's is pretty normal.
Amano's looks great, except the faces are the worst thing in the entire set of three images.
Yoshi. Designs cool armor and weapons that still look relatively realistic as weeb fantasy goes.
Amano actually looks like art and made the best covers
Nomura's looks great when it's armour/non-KH characters
Yoshida's is the most aesthetically pleasing to look at
Amano's is great in his unique art style and amazing colouring
Yoshida. This is not debatable. His works actually look like art.
12 year old autismo
12 year old edgelord
Unique style, pleasant to look at and resembling illustrations from some book, isn't afraid to draw sexy stuff and is extremely good at it.
try to argue this, i dare you
>tfw yoshida is a freelance now
It's all generic sameface weebshit, and the games featuring it are shit.
How about a game with an actual art style and gameplay?
amano out of nostalgia for the series and those SICK ffxi update screens
yoshida for general ingame art like portraits and world building fanart
nomura ehhhhh
For just the art style, Amano.
For actual ingame use, Yoshida.
All my fedora tips to you, good sit.
None of the above.
Amano wouldn't feel right without his faces. They're really unique and what makes him so recognizable.
They're terrible.
Yes of course. To see why you're wrong see
That's like defending original Touhou art.
Just because it's original and unique doesn't make it not a catastrophe.
The correct answer.
Yoshda>Amano>Nomura>>>>>Current Nomura
>if you don't like what I like you're 12 years old!
Contain your autism.
>all of this fags hating on Amano
I knew Sup Forums was filled with underages but this is baffling.
Amano is too good for videogames.
>Permavirgin weeaboo whyfoo faggots
>Not the fedora tippers
Nice projection.
I grew up with Amano but even with "muh nostalgia" his art style is bad. Like the autonomy is decent but some places needed work the faces just look like they had and arrangement with the pavement. His newer stuff is unarguably better tho.
All of them have their ups and downs, I guess.
I like how unique and recognizable Amano's art is, though it's hard to translate it without looking like shit. It looks tragic by nature.
Yoshida's art is really consistent, his character designs are great and it's the one who it's the easiest to translate. Though, compared to the other two, it's really not as iconic and impactful (I feel like it works the best with stories that have a slow build up and end up big, with a sense of melancholy).
Nomura is the other end of the extreme, though I guess Kingdom Hearts applied it in a way Amano's art could never be. It's also the most light hearted of all of them, without sacrificing it's style. I don't like how he overdesigns his clothing nowadays because it kills the cartoonish effect it has (it was never simple, mind me, but know his clothes are a sea of belts and shit).
Yoshida is the best over all. Amano is fantastic when it comes to monster designs and fantasy landscapes but his human designs aren't that good. Nomura is just plain trash, his designs are almost all complete shit.
Nomura created Lightning so he wins by default.
I really don't see the problem with his faces at all. Maybe it fits badly for FF art style to you series fans, but to me they're unique, charming, and make you want to look at the work again like all good paintings should.
Depends on the game. I love Yoshidas art but it wouldn't work with KH, also Nomura draws amazing monster designs and his P.E. art was great, imo he's still a pretty good artist, but goes a little too far into same face territory sometimes. Yoshida loves hips though so i can't argue with him. Amano is only good for old school pixelated games where his artstyle leaves room for interpretation
>It's not like my generic nipponese uguu animes! I hate it!
Wew lad.
>anyone picking Nomura over based amano
Nomura started out fine. X was slightly different, but not bad. Went a little overboard on belts, but that was mostly to fuck with the graphics team since they told him belts are off limits because they cant render belts correctly with physics.
His style fit disney pretty well (when he didnt go overboard) and when he has people tell him to pull back on the insane shit, it looks fine.
But when hes allowed to do what the fuck he wants, he always comes up with insane shit like this. This is fucking batman.
Amano because of how unique it is.
One could argue Yoshida but if you look at the designs above specifically with clothing designs Yoshida is far more generic or lazy (repeating armor plates to fill up blank spots)
amano is a fucking hack. his "art" looks like dogshit. other two look fine
I bought the catwoman figure, she's sexy. But i agree, i like his monster designs and old art from PE more, it fits KH though. He has some good moments every now and then thugh like that FF7 mobile game
his dissidia designs are pretty dope too
It's my dream to see a FF game that looks like a living Amano painting. His style really embodies what Final Fantasy is to me even though they've never done his stuff justice.
I have no fucking idea who these guys are, but I do know the way Final Fantasy games look.
Anyone rooting for whatever the fuck is going on in FFXIV should never, ever, ever be able to have an opinion on anything ever again.
Whoever did IX, X, XI should be given a medal. Kingdom Hearts 1 also is good.
XIV MAYBE looks better drawn but in-game it's absolutely terrible. And please don't talk to me about Final Fantasy MMOs unless you played FFXI for more than two years because you clearly were born after the year 2k and don't have the slightest clue when it comes to mmos
me too user. it's surpising to see all this hate in this thread. his art is in FFXV still, didn't realize people had such problems with him
I like Toriyama
Thats him being forced to stay within reason. He followed the original concept arts for almost all of the characters.
HIS designs, again, when left alone, are horrid
I like all of them and Amano is mostly just in XV because they kept the logo and the for the big bang thing that barely meant anything in hte end.
You've got shit taste mate
>XIfags still trying to derail every FF thread into XI > XIV circlejerk
kys desu senpai
the one on the left. If any of the FF games had ever looked like his art, they'd really be something else.
That looks great tho
cram it up your ass
They're all good.
I really like Yoshida and Nomura but Amano is pretty good even if I don't really like the style and the faces are bad
>People hating on Amano
I swear to Christ, Sup Forums
Toriyama captures some sort of childlike adventure in all of his stuff. Really odd to describe given his perversion lain throughout. I suppose its that adolescence aesthetic.
>not liking Nomura Batman
Shit taste
I like Amano and Yoshida pretty equally; I have a lot of respect for the long line of historical influences that can be seen in Amano's work and the traditional media he uses. Yoshida has a real softness and heart present that is hard to put a finger on, but it's a certain subtlety with regards to lighting, color, and facial expressions that I really enjoy. His anatomy is top notch, as well.
Nomura's just feels really Deviantarty, for lack of a better word. Too reliant on digital media, uninspired color palettes and downright bizarre proportions. Low effort.
I think my least favorite thing about Amano's art is how it always clashes so hard with the in-game sprites. Were they even trying to keep it somewhat consistent? So distracting.
I like them
They'd need to all draw the same character for me to decide.
the XIV art looks the best out of that.
I grew up seeing his shit as well. It's ugly.
>Posting a screenshot of the iOS remake
Please go
Current Nomura is fine. I don't know why it's so hard to understand that one artist can have different art styles or different variations of them. His KH art style is different from his FF art style, and that is different from others as well.
And you're gonna pretend like the pic your replying to isn't over-designed as fuck? Just look at his armor. He replaced belts for spikes.
Whoever does Granblue Fantasy is the best. Similar to Yoshida in style but generally has more plump lewd.