Overwatch Christmas Skins released.
Who here excited?
Thoughts on Mei's Snowball Fight brawl?
Overwatch Christmas Skins released.
Who here excited?
Thoughts on Mei's Snowball Fight brawl?
It's OK I guess but I can tell I'm gonna get bored of it would have rather had a survival mode where u fend off evil snowmen
I got santa torb so I guess im happy
meis skin is a trash recolor not worth the price, but it turns her ice cube into a snowman. all the skins are 10/10 except for zarya, lucio, mei, and tracer
>halloween and lucio games
>get at least one purple or legendary every 2-4 boxes
>holiday event
>boxes are gimped due to being able to earn three extra ones a week and havent received a purple in the 10 boxes ive earned so far
doesnt help meis snowball fight is the worst mode put out
Its terrible since all my team mates are retarded shitters.
>Thoughts on snowball fight brawl
I played it once for the loot crate, don't think I'll be playing it again
what the fuck is the point of this gay ass webm fuck that alien looking bitch
Mei's snowball fight is literally Overwatch's version of One in the Chamber. Honestly great. Only problem I have is whenever I kill someone we kill each other at the same time, gets annoying but oh well.
Some skins are highly disappointing, but most are great. Don't really care for snowball fight brawl. I was hoping for another PvE scenario like the had for Halloween.
>all are 10/10
>except these ones
Speak better
>Have "You have to let it go" as Mei's voiceline
>It changes with the Christmas skin
Surprised they'd do something so specific.
snowman invasion = missed opportunity
make me
take more risks
They aren't gimped. I got two legendaries in my first four boxes.
Why dont they put that kind of effort into balancing
A lot like Hanzo's wolf skins change "I choose you spirit dragon" to "I choose you spirit wolf"
all those skins look bad
Is Genti the only character who gets a skin from playing hots? Are they any other skins for playing other blizzard games
He's the only one you can get from playing other blizzard games.
I got the zarya emote in my first box
>i'm putting a rock in this one
This is why everyone hates the chinese.
The snowball fight mode is more fun than I expected, but after playing like 15 rounds of it to get everyone's 9 weekly arcade wins done I'm burned out on it for now
Mccree's skin is supposed to based off of Uncle Scrooge from Ducktales, but I don't see it.
is this bait?
Wait they made a live action version of Duck Tales?
This. Except that I had to play it 3 or 4 times to get the crate because of people throwing their snowballs in spawn, and also nothing infuriates me more than the Counter Strike idea of making your ass wait for a round to end to spawn back in which could be minutes away, I don't even stick around for PotG or Cards because that shit is meaningless, just get me back in the fight.
His beard looks like an ass
When I thought people could not be more pathetic than me, I see this.
>excited over skins
i bet you waste money on loot crates
Skins suck except a few. I want the Winston one so bad.
>arcade is meant to be a dumb fun mode to mess around in
>but there's box rewards so every buttmad shitter and tryhard is there, spamming Thanks! when they don't win a game mode where you have random heroes
well he's right, not everyone is a femdom fag
>Mei is a low energy recolor with a hat instead of the slutty santa we should have got
skins are ok
brawl is dogshit, achievements were a mistake
>Symmetra got buffed
>Therefore I must play her in every game even if it is clearly not working
Is there a way to get these achievements in like a single player co-op
Getting 4 kills in row without missing is actually hard
>oh nice I got two rar-
I used to think zaryas new skin was trash
Until i saw the gun
Now its a solid 10/10
what's it like?
Hot pink
>Works on MY machine!
>not even asking for T&A like they usually get on the forums and still gets downvoted
Wonder what triggered them. Probably the last paragraph. I mean it's obvious that 60 year old Ana is the hottest by far. Fucking ageists amirite komrades?
I hadn't seen the gun. I'm not upset anymore.
>Symmetra's buffs sent her from three stars to two
>mei gets a recolour that has one model change (iceblock)
>zarya gets a skin that is her previous white one plus sleeves and frosttips in hair
>pharah and reaper just lazily have ice slapped on them
Roadhogs is cute, and i like Zens. Tracers shouldn't be 3000 really either, it's mostly a recolour. Torb is a garbage meme hero anyway so who cares?
Nowhere near as good as halloween desu.
Yeah, dumbass, because the odds are the same for everyone.
>No slutty santa costume for Mercy
The biggest let-down of the year honestly.
If I had to choose, I would've much rather had Christmas Mercy than Halloween Witch Mercy.
oh i forgot a few. Sombras is decent, Winstons is pretty cool
Mcree's is garbage and wont replace Murrica
>6 boxes
>all I got what the shitty lucio skin
I got some voice lines and end game poses but fuck man give me some not shit skins.
Bought 50 boxes and got jingle tracer fucking 4 times
At least I got the zenyatta nutcracker and enough credits to buy a skin of my choosing though
>playing overwatch
Kek, loser neets.
Made me laugh
Truly cements her underlying evil nature hidden by her bubbly cute exterior
>playing OW last night
>friend tells me to look out the window at the home screen
>fucking Mccree's standing outside peering at the others like a fucking home invader
>lose my shit
>he buys the boxes
>buying free stuff
You should kill yourself desu.
I got it in my first game using a controller. Get fucking good
>hating Tracers and Lucios skins
Lucio looks cute and Tracer jingles when she blinks
>first time hearing this last night
Mei what the fuck is your beef
what is this fucking me me?
Stara don't mean shit in this game. Gengu is still set to 3 stara when Deflect is unironically a thing that exists.
>bought Scrooge McCree
>Got Nutcracker Zen in 2nd box
I'm okay now
>no Zenyatta with a santa hat
>waifushitters in a nutshell
Gotta shoot then immediately use the ice cocoon thing.
Because we all wanted Junkenstein part deux
>those recolors
>snowball fight is OHK and even then its just boring
Then go lust after someone more suited to your taste.
While I'm not a huge fan of Meis snowball offensive I'll play a couple games just because of how cute Mei is in it.
>pat pat pat!
I'm this close to making her my waifu she's adorable.
>"I..uhhhh...got you something"
Winston losing his spaghetti is the best
I know it's best to get boxes and buy skins on the last day but holy FUCK I want that Zen skin so bad. The nuts are gold if you have his golden orbs, GOLDEN FUCKING NUTS.
>she still looks cute
>but the skin is boring
>3000 credit
>mei brawl sucks
>no new highlight intro for my thicc asian
Tbh, i guess a kiss would have been good
snowball fight is pretty bad. got all the achievements in 2 games though
Roadhog should have benn the fat santa and toblerone should have been a shitty elf
But Rudolph Hog gave us this
There's always valentines day
And Labor day.
You guys should visit and spread some holiday cheer over there.
Their daddy Valve didn't give em anything for christmas.
Zen main in comp and got Nutcracker in my 3rd box.
It's a shame I've stopped playing so much now.
This. I'd rather have a rehash of Junkensteins Revenge.
>smissmas isn't coming this year
I'm glad I switched to overwatch
That's just depressing
They skipped smissmass last year. We're hoping they remember this time.
I don't think I'm even going to bother unlocking the achievements, the mode is that bad.
I got a urge of installing again for those skins but after thinking back I stopped myself. All the wrong things about this game are still there, and I don't think they going to fix them anytime soon.
I like the mode itself enough but I cannot be fucked to get these achievements this time, and I got all of them in junkenstein's revenge
>Still no D.Va legendary skin
I hope there's an Easter event and we get D.Va dressed as a bunny girl in a mech that looks like a giant colored egg
There's four D.Va legendaries and three of them are pretty good
>Mccree's skin is supposed to based off of Uncle Scrooge from Ducktales