Why are American games so shit?

Why are American games so shit?


really makes you think........


Not a shit as Japanese games

overwatch is fun though
nu-charted and firewatch aren't even fucking games


Always knew Warhammer fans were closet nazis.

>mobawatch is fun

europe > nip >>>>>>>>>> murica """"""""""game""""""""

Why are yuropoors so obsessed with America?

literally this
Sup Forums is exactly like the SJWs but MORE annoying because I'm exposed to them more frequently

this has nothing to do with nazism retard

Literally facebook tier



Is Spacehulk like EYE?

>American education
1 0 1

Yeah SJWs are bad....but...

>cherrypicking the image
>even when cherrypicking European games still aren't great
wow really makes you think



(You) for you


Wonder who I could reference to trigger nu-Sup Forums and make them go on spastic rants about Sup Forums



>kid writes in block letters
nice meme, this is fake as fuck

Religion is holding us back

imagine being so angry at an accurate picture you went out of your way to furiously scribble all over it like an autisic child to try and prove it wrong

S-shut up you disgusting dis white male!



I sometimes wonder about how little SJW shit I'd have seen in my life if it wasn't for Sup Forums.
I'm fine with it when it's just "lol look at this idiot" but so many retards have to get autistic as fuck and rant about how these people are a MASSIVE THREAT to ALL WESTERN CIVILIZATION while posting the same handful of cropped tumblr images over and over again as if that's proof that there's a war going on.


Japanese devs are artisans with a vision. American devs and European devs just want to cater to everyone because they don't make art they make products.
>Thinking europe devs are based after niggerfield

Imagine being so angry you made the original image at all. He must have been so mad.

But yes user, the person who typed some text on top of it definitely was more mad and put more time and effort into it than the artist did.



>Haha, the argument you use for your internet picture has a name, heh, better lock next time kid.

I think the better question is why do you keep picking shit games to play in the first place?

>>Thinking europe devs are based after niggerfield
Sweden doesn't count

Please have this secondary (you) in order to boost your power.

i swear if i could give you a million (you)s

He made the original image as a joke.
Does your autism make you unable to detect humor?

>better lock next time
learn how to spell mudslime

I have over 100,000 image macros, of course they're named you cuck.

I freely admit paradox is the king of 4X
Civ a shit

>m-my strawman argument is clever b-but your strawman argument is stupid

This is true


>all these SJWs

lmao, Sup Forums is dead

well deserved (You) for (You)

Well the picture is used all the time, so the guy who mad it originally must feel somwhat good about how it turned out.

>all the replies to this post
>47 posts with 29 ips
nice try SJWs

I want to assert my dominance kver that thing on the left and fuck it, but I'm afraid it'll enjoy it too much.

scribbling all over a joke image that took effort and talent to draw is not clever, no.

god damit have your (you) with this facebook shit, but you are right

>He made the original image as a joke
So the image doesn't represent how he actually feels? Got a source for this "just joking" claim? Sounds like you're making it up.
It is honestly hilarious how triggered you are about your JUST A JOKE image being mocked by another joke image.

#Sup Forumslivesmatter
check your privilege Sup Forums scum

Pick one.

Here you go

You sound like an angry feminist getting mad at "racist jokes"
go back to tumblr

someone taking the time to make a highly detailed picture of shit doesn't make it worthwhile or exempt from criticism

>Making fun of Muslims

Okay...WOW...Sup Forums is that way


>if someone hurt my feelings I should be allowed to throw tantrums at them
ok anita

I wish chinkmoot could just nuke Sup Forums and get rid of it.

Yeah, but it's not the fault of easily offende SJWs, it's the evil alt-right.

There's your problem.

>Be homo
>I'm fine with homos
I hit homosexuals. I don't want homosexuals hitting on me in games.

I'm sorry you got mad when I asked you to provide proof of your claims. You must be a feminist.

>Having characters represented in a much more cartoony-style is considered bad
I dunno I liked how Teddy looks, the characters are created in faith to Political Cartoons, much like how Teddy is represented like so back in the day.

cool blog post faggot, got a tumblr where I can read the rest?

too true

>It's not because you offend us, it's ecause we are easily offended.


>this image triggered at least 2 SJWs in this thread and made them reveal themselves

it still works


Excuse me, but Haaaa I bet you were already getting upset thinking this was gonna be a post defending overwatch. But no it really is shit.

Ubisoft is european

I like how tyranny is always brought up because of the fucking title

>I'm not being an obnoxious shit. I'm giving the unenlightened blue-pillers of Sup Forums shock therapy


or maybe because it's filled with pro feminist bullshit


You've earned it.

Sup Forums will repeat the mistake of the SJWs and lose everyone's favor simply by being obnoxious and demanding everyone agrees with them. Nobody likes having opinions forced on them, left or right wing and it's amusing to watch Sup Forums repeat the mistakes of their enemy.


>kill yourself for saying things that I don't agree with

typical SJW
link to your tumblr please

No it wasn't.

Gotta love the world's most self-defeating mspaint comic. Always worth a laugh.

kek it's so funny watching all these buttblasted SJWs, gg Sup Forums you really outdid yourself with gamergate

enjoy your ruined board

video games

you're still mad at how accurate that image is aren't you?

GET OFF Sup Forums

You seem to know a lot about tumblr, user. Are you sure you don't feel more at home there than in Sup Forums?

I'm not white so the sjw meme doesn't hurt my feelings.

>/bol/ is one person

You mean "fallacy" kiddo

Because 95% of American media is dumbed down to pre-school levels for its retarded population which needs constant spoonfeeding.

when you exile people that genuinely want corruption and politics out of gaming this is what you're left with

Yes, yes it is.