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Why haven't people caught on to Vanillaware yet? Is it because there is a new generation of suckers playing their games for the first time? Their games are repetitive to the point of boredom. Odin Sphere had the exact same plotholes as the PS2 version, it was sickening.
Just buy a PSTV. You can literally play every good Vanillaware game on one, and the next one is coming out on it too.
It's not that interesting. Once the game takes away free portal, it becomes a grindfest to gain money to choose location as well as upgrade or buy items.
It's literally fun right up until then
Sony had a 4k demo version of it running on like 4-6 PS3s taped together to showcase their 4k TVs like 3 years back so I guess it is possible after Vanillaware gets that mech game released.
You're supposed to choose locations at random and carry on your adventures for more than one dungeon while going for the routes you need to get through, that way you get some progression and you can also get that sweet bonus on score, money and treasure, the cooking system and the different bags are there for that very purpose.
After you're rolling in dosh you go back to town and clean up the few dungeons you didn't do.
This is patently false. By the time it "takes away the free portal" it doesn't you should have enough money to use it ten times in row with any one of those uses making you enough money to use it another several times.
I thought it was just the regular PS3 version being shown. Do you have more details on how it was achieved?
Vita version is terrible though, slows down all the time when a lot of shit is happening.
Are you implying GrimGrimoire wasn't good?
This is all I have, sorry.
Vita version is fine. Yes slowdowns happen but slowdowns happening isn't the end of the world
Who is best girl and why is it Elf?
>have been trying to get friends to play this for several years
>none of them have made it far enough to unlock co-op
fuck you guys, I just want friends to play this with.
>grindfest to gain money
>takes away ability to choose your location
you're wrong about both. The stable only costs a tiny amount of money to choose your location (like a few hundred) and each single dungeon easily gets you 10-20x that amount.
My highest level character is only level 50 or so and I'm sitting on a few million gold so I have no idea why you're talking out of your ass.
Elf is shit and all you fucking kick shitter elves ruined so many games for me. An elf is the only class I don't like to see in my games.
Can't tell that to the fanboys, but that is precisely when I dropped the game.
Elf is truly best character
I dunno what you're talking about unless you have to buy back into the game 20 times a match. I'm sitting on more money than I know what to do with and I don't go out of my way to get it.
being able to navigate through touch more than makes up for the lower framerate and slow down.
Though there's no touch control on the Vita TV so it's just a shittier version played that way
I tried but all the random stats and grinding for loot that does 1 or 2 more damage or has 1 or 2 more defense isn't my cup of tea.
No, fuck you. I spammed fire arrows nonstop.
Just cause you like grinding doesn't mean everyone else does
Congrats on being the 1% then. I'm not willing to take the chance. Most zons sorcs wizards dwarves and fighters will be at least decent.
Most elves are garbage.
grinding and playing the game are two different things.
Did you even play it for more than 10 minutes after opening the stable?
Just get a used PS3 and pirate it.
because somehow they decided to give us their most unpolished game from the ps3 era instead of this.
>paying for playing online
yeah, nah
I'll wait for a PC release.
Has vanillaware ever released on pc?
there was the 8bit flash game made to advertise the odin sphere remake
I don't think so.
But I read somewhere they'll try to.
No but they should. They would guaranteed get more sales from PC than they have with consoles/handhelds. I don't want to see them go bankrupt.
I like chicks who are jacked like Amazon but are also insanely cute
is this normal
that was a bullshit rumor with no source
but Sup Forums eats up any PC release rumors
Do you really think that? I can't say I agree. I'm an idort with no bias btw.
Seems like a weird thing to advertise on a system that can't run the game.
I haven't seen that.
>that was a bullshit rumor with no source
No it did have a source and it wasn't bullshit.
it was bullshit though and there's no source
Rumors only ?
I thought Kamitani had a word about this.
That's over 2 years old so they've reached over a million sales now. The budget they had for the game was a bit over a million US dollars too:
Vanillaware is doing just fine.
I do. Look at how well those 2d shit indie games sell on Steam.
>so they've reached over a million sales now
You cannot say things like this because you just don't know. Sales drop off the face of a cliff after the initial launch, there are a few factors involved in that used games being one of them.
Good point though, but I would like them to find more success.
>a grindfest to gain money to choose location as well as upgrade or buy items.
that's the bullshit fake news right there
It's not fake or bullshit, it was on his facebook.
It's not confirmation so why are you so anal? This would only help the developer and their gorgeous games would look even better than they do with or without updated visuals because modders would update the visuals either way.
>but I would like them to find more success.
Yeah on PC where they only buy game on cheap sale?
there's no facebook post
these sites make up bullshit to get views, and it works amazingly well
I just want them all on one platform without running like ass
>This would only help the developer and their gorgeous games would look even better than they do with or without updated visuals because modders would update the visuals either way.
Do you even read what you're writing?
>there's no facebook post
I just want more games like what they make to be made in the future. They're unique.
Have you ever seen Amazon's idle animations?
>posting a 20 year old game that didn't have textures you could update without changing the art completely or celshading it
Do you even realize how stupid you look? You can run Vanillaware textures through untold amounts of photoshop filters and you would retain the art style while adjusting it to your tastes. The modded textures of Muramasa look better than the official Vita ones as an example of that.
>it becomes a grindfest to gain money to choose location
You barely ever need to grind for money to use the portal though.
>a post that was conveniently deleted
Cute musclegirls a best
>Sales drop off the face of a cliff after the initial launch
Right, but this game didn't launch with something ludicrous like 800,000 sales. It was a slow burn that continued to sell well due to being a good game and having good word of mouth.
So yes you are right that I can't say that it surpassed 1 million for sure, but speculating that it sold another 60,000 copies over 2 years throughout all regions isn't a stretch of the imagination, especially with its frequent sales at half price or less.
I can't imagine much more successful than selling nearly 1 copy of your game per dollar you spent developing it. Not to mention they made a PS+ deal and made money through that. I know they didn't get all of that since they're going through a publisher and Sony, but it did so well that they literally doubled their dev team and now work on 2 projects at a time instead of just 1.
Don't get me wrong, I like Vanillaware games and I don't care on which platform they get released on but I'll stay sceptical towards the "but mods could make it better!" approach
It's not hard to run a texture through waifu2x.
Stupid soundtrack got stuck in my head for like a week after I saw the trailer
Is this in dolphin? That looks great.
I got the game on my Vita though, I don't think the extra content is available on the Wii.
Why does the face look so different?
The PS4 version of Odin Sphere made everything so much better. I'm usually not here for PS3 "remakes" so early but I'd def take one for Dragon's Crown
Pretty sure it's the same just upscaled, there was another pack that changed her for the worst though, but still looks alright. Not like you would notice it playing the game either way, the backgrounds are where all the work should go.
They butchered the face.
I was mad about that DLC. I emulated the game on Dolphin years back so when it came to Vita I bought it, then the DLC hit. I felt betrayed.
I think the eyes, eyebrows, eary and jawline look different
Yeah you're right, that's the alt texture on the right here. The middle seems the same.
What's wrong with the DLC?
I don't like buying DLC.
Didn't Vanillaware mention something about porting their games to PC? I guess they never did.
Even a year ago when that news broke on only one website, nobody could source that screenshot that was posted here with the actual facebook link
They said they'd like to, but besides that, nothing to report on. And I think it was only nichegamer, the same guys who keep saying a lot of shit from unknown sources and most of them end up being untrue.
I would so like to play this again but I'm not about to run out for a ps3 for 1 game.
Just let me buy the same game from you twice, vanillaware. Take my fucking money.
>be one of the few good Wizards, figuring out shit like the hover/dodge cancels
>level ~210, getting close to ready to beat the ancient dragon on Ultimate
>PS3 dies
>save lost forever
Why did Odin bother to try and demand the ring from Oswald if he was apparently planning the whole scheme with Gwen giving him the ring while Oswald thought she was magically in love with him?
Why do people insist on shitposting about games they've never played?
>ywn get as BTFO as that kotaku fag was
I really want them to port this to PC or PS4.
I put a lot of hours into it and I owned it for both PS3 and Vita.
I would pay full price again for a good PC port with a good community and half price for PS4 port.
use a dualshock4 then
Did they finally make a game where you don't mash square for 30+ hours while your character does some flash combo and everyone claims it's game of the year because of the pretty graphics?
Was expecting to see [BANNED] because he told that kotaku guy to fuck off
>claims it's game of the year because of the pretty graphics?
It's not because of graphics. It's because of the tits and ass, you dummy.
Imagine if they'd rerelease Dragon's Crown for the PS4 and gave it the same treatment Odin's Sphere Leifthrasir got. Good god my dick can only get so hard.
Good thing it didnt win a single award then.
Because Vanillaware rarely likes to rerelease their games. Muramasa was a weird instance but it was also weird the first time (a Nintendo console exclusive VW game? What?) and they just now got around to remaking Odin Sphere almost 10 years later. You might see DC on the next generation of consoles but I highly doubt they'll make the jump to the current crop.
>Because Vanillaware rarely likes to rerelease their games.
>They have rereleased two of their most popular games
Time isn't really a factor when 2 of them were remade over the course of a few years.
Wanna play sometime, dude? All I keep finding whenever I try to play are fucking Nips, rarely any English knowing players.
They released it on Wii instead of a Sony platform where their fanbase was established, and when it did finally hit Sony platforms it was on Vita. I'm sure plenty of people WANT to play Muramasa but they will never release it in a way that actually makes some fucking sense. It's a good game, though. And I want to say that DC is their most popular title by a decent margin.
fuck yes port it to everything. i miss this game so much, you homos have no idea
I wanna fuck that sorceress.
Miss it? It's barely 3 years old, user. Shit, I'd just boot up my Vita if I wanted to play it.
>not fucking Amazon ass
there is if you use a DS4
>Still no Kumatanchi translation yet
Why can't I take pictures of a cute bear girl and sell them to buy new things for her to do more cute stuff with?!?!
I enjoy the gameplay, I grew up with beat em ups. I don't really care about plot in my action games.
Amazon belongs to Wizard!
But the wizard and the warrior... oh dear...