I can't be the only one
I can't be the only one
I always play the left one first
Gotta go to the yellow palace asap
Getting that button pressed was always first.
"There's a castle to the right, and some unknown something or other to the left. I'd rather see what's in the cool looking castle than climb a bunch of stairs" ~ 5 year old me.
I play the "real" first level first now but for some reason as a kid, in my head it was how I put it in the picture
I think the one on the left was my very first level, but I usually play the right.
Don't you want the yellow switch?
Yeah, that's why I play the left next.
Nobody in my family liked playing that level because the moment you beat it they get to go to the switch palace and get all the coins.
....after Donut plains they lose interest.
Does that make Yoshi's House level -1 then?
It's a half-level.
>not avoiding switch palaces for added difficulty
I did that once, didn't do so well embarrassingly enough.
A level is a level, you can't say it's only a half.
you don't know the yellow palace is there on your first play
I can't see the world "half" without thinking about a stupid meme any more
I did because I read Nintendo Power.
My cousins owned an snes before I did, they played first and I watched
>be 4 years old
>never play a mario game in your tiny life
>play left level first
>baby koopa slides down and hits you if you dont learn the controls and move out of the way in 2 seconds
what did they mean by this?
The ladder looks like more of an optional path than the castle so I went there first
It means jump or die
A very valuable lesson in SMW wouldnt you say
my first level was yoshis house because i possible clicked some button at accident
Fuck off """Henry"""
It's not a baby Koopa. It's a shell less Koopa.
it's a half koopa
You knew. SMW was huge.
They'd tell you things like this on the back of cereal boxes, just to spread the word.
Turtle in a half shell
>jump on a yellow koopa
>he reenters his shell
>he is now a fucking demigod
What was that about anyways?
It was never referenced again I dont think.
>Have Yoshi eat him
>YOU are now the demigod
Guys, it's called a Beach Koopa when they have no shell.
stairs that lead up into the fucking stratosphere?
fuck your little fort I'm going up. Think big, son
The special shell effects for yoshi were cool as fuck, same with the different color yoshi effects.
>I don't
>finish starlevel
>welcome in never ending halloween Theme Park
A koopa is a koopa, you can't say it's only half.
regardless of this, i still went left just because I saw that ladder and mountain
no, I didn't
No, the right one is the official first level
It introduces the mechanics the same way the other games do and the game's main power up (Yoshi)
Left one is supposed to be your very first out of the road exploration level
whats this version? why is the right one a red point? red points normaly got 2 finishs with 2 ways opening
First time i played it, i was too interested in the castle first before climbing up
yoshis house got the first textbox with story not your "first" level
>tfw finding this level
Fuck me if I don't refret it. My friends would go all the way back from the Forest of Illusion just to grab some power ups.
Yoshi's was just that, a Textbox, not a proper level
> finding that unlimited 1 up generator level for the first time
Did the yellow shell ever showed up in a mario kart game?
Always thought it would have been neat if it was like a green shell that, when hitting a player, would cause an mini earthquake (ala bom-omb) that would hit any nearby players
Artificial difficulty at its finest.
Forgot the pic.
Which one?
I did it in one of the castles where you can hang on a vine above a skeleton koopa.
it's that level that's just a single screen, five blocks, they contain any power ups you don't have, 1 ups otherwise
I went back from chocolate land and further.
Oh, I did it by having a skeleton koopa keep regenerating under me.
That way you don't have to do anything but wait for the time to run out while the 1 ups keep piling up.
so a blue shell
lol, slow
Someone interested in exploring wouldn't choose to beeline to the obvious objective, they would see where that damn ladder goes.
it wouldn't be homing like the blue shell
>it's a ghost house level
TSA is inefficient for 1-up harvesting.
Vanilla Secret 2 with its gray P-switch is much faster.
Am I the only one that just cannot play Super Mario World as I aged?
The stiff slippery controls, the heavy jumps, the bouncy enemies, it all feels like too much for me, I wonder how I did so well in this game as a kid
I have that with Mario 3.
I can barely get past the first world now.
I'd go to that underwater level where if you entered on yoshi and caught the star that drops right at the start you could plow through waves of puffer fish making at least 25 1-ups per run.
smart people went left, dummy casuals went right
>Go to Yoshi's House
>Message says he's not home
>Go to level 2
>Get Yoshi
>Take him home
>It tells you to go to level 1 if you haven't, already
I love little details like this.
>I didn't realize that red levels meant that a level has two exits than one when I was a kid
>only realized when I was about 17~18 when playing some rom hacks.
I only edited the NUMBAH ONE mario, must be another edit
I didn't realise that until your post.
I never knew what the different colours meant.
For some reason I knew this.
Even with the clicked ?-orb item to "clear" stages, you can't clear this stage and it bugs the hell out of me.
You walk off-screen and exit the stage before you can "clear" it.
what.......20+ years of playing this game and I never knew that.....
>notice this as a kid but none of my friends believe me
>Spend a bunch of time finding secret levels by exploring the red levels
>they still don't believe me
kids are dumb.
Because the worlds are longer and they function as save points.
Slippery controls for me
I fucking hate the boos though, can't kill them and they're fucking everywhere, they're literally worse than bloopers
>Yoshi's House after finding Yoshi
You found out, though.
That's how I learned about the secrets, from my older cousin and her friends. One of them literally knew fucking everything. I swear he had a Nintendo Power
>He didn't memorize every ghost house layout and speedrun through em for ez saves before his mom got home from work and beat the shit out of him for being a disappointing mistake
I have a harder time dealing with aquatic enemies than boos
I don't remember if Mario World had Bloopers, bloopers are the fucking worst next to Boos
that's what yoshi's house is for
This is how it's supposed to be seeing how the left level is way harder than the right one.
I shit you not for over 15 years I always wondered why there were no goombas in this game before realising they were the little apple monsters
There were no Goombas in the game, there were Goombobs
Why I have no idea
I don't recall bloopers, just rip van fish, urchins, cheep cheeps, bone fish, and torpedo teds. Bloopers suck, their awkwars movements make them difficult to deal with. The ones with the babies are the worst
I always thought they looked like tomatoes
I got a SNES on release
I am 30 now
I have never known this and always wondered the same until now
thank you kind stranger
Dinosaur Land, I suppose.
Looks like Goombas are native to the Mushroom Kingdom and parts nearby.
28 here, I started playing it when I was around 6 or 7. Always knew. Interesting to see people who didn't know this.
Who here /secretislandlevel/?
I always played with my brother and we would split up when there were multiple paths.
>Castles/ghost houses can have two exits
>You just don't get a visual representation of it
My last two levels before getting the 96 back when I was 15.
>That secret key in the last boo house
They're called galoombas, and they're basically "not-goombas".
>not being /vineunderthebridge/
Plebeian taste.
>block/coin snake to the ceiling for Back Door
>camera doesn't even look like it pans
SMW should have had secrets like SMB3:
cool and useful (powerups), but not absolutely required to 100%