Daymare: 1998

Now THIS IS Resident Evil 7 i wanted

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then you're the cancer that killed Resident Evil in the first place
fuck off

>character is some special agent guy with high tech
>dark places
>no fleshlight

the game looks like shit.

this is a bait thread but im still mad as hell. fuck you you resident evil 4/5/6 faggot.

t. someone who just finished my 20+ playthrough of Resident Evil (HD)

More like Resident Evil Revelations 2 you wanted.

>yfw 1998 is starting to be used as an "ancient" date
feeling still young grandpa?

A good start but needs more to it

Seems like a mix of RE4 and oldscool RE

>Seems like a mix of RE4 and oldscool RE
It's called Revelations.

Oh, are they good?

>RE4 is now considered bad
Last time i checked everyone and their mother loved it. Is this a new meme?

Only people who pretend RE4 is supposed to be a horror game say its bad

Stop shilling your POS game. Its fucking abhorent that you even referenced it in the same sentence as Resident Evil

I liked Rev1, but wasn't a fan of Rev2, at least after first episode, I have yet to finish it.

It was a good game but it changed the formula to shit forever

RE4 was good once

It doesn't work anymore

4 was good. 5 and 6 are dogshit. And thats what OPs stupid game looks like

>using canned animations for enemies being hit
>in current year

5 and 6 at least had more than 2 enemies onscreen, same with 4

This game is trying to play for suspense and slow pace but with actiony mechanics, although it works better with high tension like 4/5/6

Looks alright, but I'm not really 'wowed" by it. I'll play it when it comes out, but i'm still interested in RE7 proper.

i miss tim and eric awesome show so much


Who the fuck thought of that name? The dev's niece?

>third person shooter
>memes on wall posters

Dropped like a sack of shit.

i've been using daymare as my nickname for years
i mma sue this company for stealing my cool ideas

i wanna ask a real question.
this is not a bait i swear.
how do you play in that hideous camera angles? camera is always moving some stupid angles and i can't even focus the game.
i tried getting into RE series with REmake. camera really bothered me.

Except you know, Dead Space 1 and 2 which were huge hits.

RE4 is good, but it's the lynch pin that started the decline in the series.

Dead Space was good but lacked the god tier pacing RE4 had

The angles are great. Pic related is a great example of how they used them to create a scary effect. The first time I entered this room I about shit my pants thinking there something under the table watching me and was going to jump out and attack. Doesn't help there was a comment if you inspected saying the footprints disappeared under the bed.

If you try run an Sanic speeds until you know the layout you will get confused. Take it slow like you should in any unknown new territory and it's not confusing at all.

To steal an article title i read once, Resident Evil 4 is the best game to ruin its own franchise.

Nothing inherently wrong with trying to make RE4-6 style of game.

It's just that this shit just looks terrible. More Umbrella Corps than RE4.

>wood plank falls off
>retarded invalid player slowly backs and looks at it like a fucking inbred slow poke
I just to ear fuck the person who was in control.
also this

>Not fucking your way out of a zombie infestation

>mfw I first entered the main rec room double doors of the servants house
>I had no face.

That's probably true. It's great the first time you play it, but each time after gets more and more tedious when you realize it's just the same dumb enemy fodder thrown at you in bigger waves.

that angles would be perfect for a movie. but this is game and sudden and frequently changes of camera is really annoying for me.

It might be an acquired taste. There's very few areas that will really throw you off because of it. The forest leading to Lisa's cabin always does still, but I have the rest of the game's layout memorized so it doesn't bother me. Feels so good to speedrun it too.

>everything is dark because that's what makes a game scary right guise

It's a good game but set a shitty precedent for the series.

this is it. right here. camera angles create the atmosphere and tension in each room just right.

this is also one of the most satisfying games once you learn it back to front and experiment with the mechanics.

so different tastes for different games then.

>Daymare: 1998
Is this a sequel to The Order: 1886?

>like oldschool RE

>2 shots not even in the head to kli the zombies
>runs past the big zombie

Rockstar are the only ones at the forefront of this unfortunately. Euphoria engine should be spread around and used in games that arent simply Rockstar games.

The Ship sections in Rev.1 feel like what the series could have evolved into in another timeline where RE4 never existed. Everything with Chris is what we've come to expect though.

>checks magazine
>12 rounds
>i'll just throw this on the floor

d r o p p e d

The new engine used for Yakuza 6 does this too. Looks really nice.

12 year olds fan fiction of an RE game.

Looks like hot garbage.

>no puzzles
>shitty guns (I guess this part might be old school)
>just occasional backtracking for stuff

Oh really, Im suddenly more interested, animations can do alot for how a game feels.

>no fleshlight


get me a vid here

Revelations 1 was still good, but not "classic RE" as it was advertised as. The path you take through the ship was linear and organized in set "levels" (chapters) with minimal backtracking. Having a wide open ocean liner to explore would've been cool but you see just such a small part of it. And all the flashback segments kind of broke up the rhythm.

the revelations games are good.

OP's game doesn't look terrible, looks like RE1-3 if it played like RE4.

That said it doesn't look anything special, controls look clunky and the enemies look as generic as they come.


The title alone will turn people off i thought it was a joke.

>neglected cleaning my fleshlight
>got moldy
>had to throw it out

I miss you...

>tank controls

go shove it up your ass shill cancer.

It actually looks pretty cheap and amateurish, like those greenlight titles that appear on Steam. If Capcom presented something like this as RE7 I wouldn't like it.

Just wash it with bleach. It was still good.

you're a fucking idiot, kill yourself

underage leave

>putting bleach on your dick
you know the flesh absorbs that stuff, right?
best video I could find

start at 24:53

25:23 in particular actually
watch the way the dude takes the body blows

>Bullet flies past the zombie's right shoulder
>He reacts as if he got shot in the right side of his chest

those are canned animations too


25:36 is cool too
when Kazuma starts wailing on the dudes head notice how his head turns

Reminds me of ORC for some reason

>We're extremely excited to announce the Kickstarter campaign for Daymare: 1998 which will start in the first months of 2017!
I'm not surprised

You rinse it off first.

this shit looks terrible

Those are canned user, granted, when you are knocked over it ragdolls but the actual hits are canned. A punch to the head will make them do a "punched in the head" animation and punch in the ribs will do the "punched in the ribs" animation, its not the model reacting to where they are hit its doing an animation based on where they are hit.

As always, first post is the best post

Euphoria was bought by Zynga in 2014

I wanted the fuse to be the last thing he got but instead it was just behind him.

it looks great but those are canned animations
except when they're thrown and stuff, then there is some ragdoll/animation blending but it doesn't look like an AI driven euphoria type thing

Ah, gotcha.

Took a 2 hour backtrack to get that locker key though!

My dream has always been an RE set in a big mansion with Re4 style controls.

But how do you avoid it just being a hallway shooter? The most boring parts of RE4 are the later parts of the base where it's just hallways and Road Warriors.