fuck off idiot

I'm actually looking forward to the iOS version a lot. It's such a great game & having it right there on my phone is gonna be pretty cool.

Why does Afterbirth+ look better then afterbirth?

>new floor
>new final boss
>mod support

I can't wait to try all those "balance mods" where people completely throw shit out of wack for personal taste, all for the one guy who gets it to make something good.

>get explosive tears/high damage as judas

>steam role the entire run until I accidently kill myself on mega satan with my own tear


I have it on my 3ds and play it the most in my car. Makes a really good mobile game though the biggest issue is curse of darkness makes the game unplayable for how the backlight works


lest it really incentives black candle huh

you will get pyromaniac with ipecac one day, friend
some day :'(

>13 hours played
>got to mom boss once

Why do I suck so much

>get sticky bomb tears
>tears are now useless on most bosses since their jumps make the explosive tears drop

fuck that item

Yea since black backgrounds are impossible to see spiders on besides the faint flashing red. But besides that its still a good 3ds port

Suicide vest/bobs brain/mirror tears are the most useless/run ruiner items in my opinion


>cursed eye
>chocolate milk
>tiny planet

accidentally picking any of these up is instant restart for me

I love chocolate milk honestly depending on my damage/speed. Without brimstone meteor is useless

>mfw there's literally no reason to pick up Soy Milk unless you have Libra even though the concept sounds of Rapid Firerate with Far Less Damage sounds fun if only because enemies take fifty hits, including flies and spiders

>3 dollar bill
>rainbow baby
help I don't even know what my tears are doing anymore

I'll take it if I have piercing shots maybe. without that it's just suffering

I really hope for a sandbox mode to test different combos

couldn't they have made charge tears just charge all the time, and fire when you press button? it seems like that would be much easier than holding buttons down for 90% of the time

>get a meme active item on first floor

>haunt is the boss with less than 2 attack


I blame Edmund for focusing on nerfing strong item combination instead of buffing weak items/combos.

This ain't megaman nigger

>balancing a single player game like a moba

This annoys me for some reason

And this MUH BALANS comes from a guy who literally only plays his own game whenever it's in co-op with his wife.
Hence, all the fucking babies.

there's no reason it should annoy you

afterbirth sucks


Shutup and enjoy your tough overcooked steak you entitled little bitchboi

Why is Northernlion the best youtuber ever?


>have a great Cain run, gonna finish up The Hush and Mega Satan
>have both key pieces and I'm in Utero 2 in 20 minutes
>accidentally take an unid pill I had on me
>telepills to the black market
>no way out and I had the Polaroid so I can't even do Mega Satan now

fuck pills, they're all trash except Tears Up. never taking a pill again

Curse of the Tower, Strange Attractor and Cursed Eye are the only items I never pick up.

Otherwise I nearly always just take whatever shows up unless the synergy is hellish.

uhhm the thread you are replying to ended around 12 hours ago. This is just a generic isaac thread


>first planet coaster run towards the end
jesus christ NL what were you thinking


>have 18 items
>only 1 of them is a tears/damage upgrade

his post make sense if you look at this thread

you need to take a break

It's what we talk about in every Isaac thread though.

>not picking it up anyway for funsies
It spawns so rarely, the least you can do is say fuck it and try to make it work anyway. I find that there's more combos that make Soy Milk decent than one would think.

>get a tonne of babies
>BFFs won't show up

Jesus fuckin christ, Northernlion ever had hair?

We all do things we regret.

Still holding out hope that the final boss of Afterbirth+ is True Mom or something like that.

Kinda sad that she's been forgotten since the original game and she has no cool powered up form boss fight like Satan or even goddamn Greed got.

>NL with hair
Oh this just ain't right

Edmund said Afterbirth would have a "new final chapter/boss", and what we got was an optional midgame boss in a tiny floor

I think he's learned his mistake this time, but I would still have a bit of doubt

>somehow got two steam sales on greed mode
>all items are free
walked into mega greed with 100 gold and 10000 spiders and flies. boss fight took five seconds

another time I got the rune bag without any rune but abundance. fun times were had

What Edmund actually says about Afterbirth+

- a new final chapter! (yes i said chapter)

So not a new floor. He did the same thing with the original Afterbirth when he said "New final area w/new final boss", but not that it came after ???, Lamb, or Mega Stan.

>go down to the dark room
>use jera (double the chests)
>8 chests
>they only spawned spiders and troll bombs
Fuck dark room and fuck this game

Are those spikey door rooms ever worth it?

even if you're trying for guppy the drop rates are fucking shit

>play Rebirth on steam, clock 40 hours
>never beat mom once
>get it on 3ds
>beat her my second run

Dark room is only ever something to do if you're one item away from Guppy and want to mix things up. Either way you'll probably get jack shit from it.

I thought heard that in the dark room you get a higher chance for chests to spawn than in the chest itself, is that true or bullshit? That would help with the balance at least a little bit.

One heart isn't all that precious a lot of the time, it's worth it pretty often. You get souls hearts inside of them pretty regularly anyway.

Curse rooms? Yeah they're worth it. You get spirit hearts often enough that you'll break even most the time. Just mind you aren't going dangerously low on health by trying

I installed the "items always spawn in Dark Room" mod and never regretted it.

But ludovico is amazing.

Yes, unless you're super low on HP.

But then he mentions

- a new final boss!

Key word being "boss". Unless there's another hidden final boss like Mega Satan, this seems to imply that the new chapter is a single floor with one boss.

>open a red chest with curse of the blind
>it's an item

Do you pick it up?

Does anyone know if there will be an Android port? My computer is shit, so I've only been able to play this at a friend's house, having it on my phone would be awesome


Worst case is that it's cursed eye, and even then I can deal (even though it absolutely fucking tanked me when I fought that shitty champion version of Mega Maw on one run).

I feel like the only time cursed eye is really fun is if you have triple or quad shot cause it's like having a cool shotgun blast of tears (like a better monstro's lung) so I always get it to try and reach that dream and it often lets me down.

what happens if cursed eye + monstro lung?

pic unrelated, I

Well what I mean is that the Hush's "area" was not a "floor" in the sense that the Basement, Caves, etc are. So when Edmund says a new final "chapter" and not a floor so it could be another Hush situation or something similar.

And sure, new final boss. But again, it's probably another Hush where it's added after Mom or Mom's Heart (remember these are also final bosses) as an optional area where the game ends once completed unless you've already unlocked deeper content.

I'm just saying don't get your hopes up by expecting another full floor after the chest/dark room.

I feel like Lilith just doesn't really work all that well. It's nice that Ed tried making the 15 or whatever useless baby familiars have a reason for existing with her, but unless you have the leash you still have little reason to get them. They still suck and just take up a spot in line that would be much better off having an Incubus there instead.

Is it normal for the game to speed up by 2x randomly when you enter a room?

It becomes a fast, long range Monstro's Lung shot I think.

it's not comfy

If you picked up the broken stopwatch, yes.

My biggest hope is that the Hush is available as a secret character. That would be amazing

That would be sort of cool if they have some way to incorporate his going under the ground mechanic into an item or something.

I never got this big again

I have not

I also got so small Isaac was not even a pixel anymore

>when you get multiple all stat up items

It feels sooooooo good

>Magic Mushroom

lilith works really well on greed mode, provided you get item martyr or another charge-increasing item by the time you get to mega greed. for all rooms you can effetively double, triple, quintupple your fire power. even with firepower spread out, theres a so much t overpowers any boss

Well, that's not normal but I couldn't tell you what's causing it.

When you get polyphemus in the first item room then get magic mushroom after the first boss


is this supposed to be the best item

Fucking hate how this faggot has become synonymous with Issac on this board.

The game is bad enough without it.

S Tier, but not quite the best.

What system are you playing on the smooth hearts and everything looks disgusting

Unfortunately, there are no plans for android. They said it's because the market is too fragmented. I mean, they could barely get it on 3DS, can you imagine them trying to get it on all of the different Android devices?

It's a valid point, it still just sucks though.




She's OP in Greed mode even AFTER being nerfed, considering that the reason she was nerfed was because Greed mode existed.
Nerfing her did no good in the first place because the normal game mode balanced her out anyway since her box of friends only works for one room.

That's the smoothing option, it's on all platforms.

____L A R G E
___________A N D
_______________I N
_________________C H A R G E

>trying to unlock lilith
>start greed mode as azazel
>ludovico technique
>daddy longlegs
>spider mod
>shitloads of health up items

ludovico and the tiny planet make up some weird ass runs tho

I always played with the smoothing option so now it feels weird for me without it

Greed mode is fun because you get so many interesting combos that you usually wouldn't get in the main game.




I fucking love ludovico technique with brimstone, but it get way too easy and boring after that

You were a big guy.

If he isn't literally /out guy/ than I don't know who is

Nah, /you guys/ are just faggots who can watch hundreds of episodes of the exact same thing and think it's great.

Probably teenagers too.