Which game is better?
Which game is better?
Am I going to get shit on for saying I liked 2 more
>which turd is better
Are these prequels to Fallout 3? Is this like a Battlefield 1 thing?
bruh we can have a real discussion without you having to false flag your own thread. Come on son.
2 overall, but i liked 1's ending better
When I first played 1 I told everyone and their mother that I was a vault dweller and where it was. I got so scared by the repercussions that I didn't play it for a few weeks afterward.
Overall 2 is the clear winner. Refined game mechanics slightly, bigger quests with more varied solutions based on your skills and stats, in general just more junk to find and more stuff to do.
Being a "forced" sequel or having tacky writing doesn't change those facts.
>which turd is better
bigger ones always feel good. number 2.
One by a clear mile. Avellone turned the series into memes and pop references interspersed with dry politics.
Hipsters will say 1 is better. 2 is objectively better.
They are both outdated and don't stand the test of time.
90s had enough worth playing, that you can skip this.
Reminder: 1 and 3 are the only true fallout games, maybe Tactics as well.
> Arroyo
> Temple of trials
> Ants
> Missed
> Missed
> Missed
> Missed
> Missed
That should tell you all you need to know about 2.
Of all the games from the '90s, Fallout 1 and 2 hold up amazingly well.
I liked 1's story, final boss, and ending better, but enjoyed the world of 2 more.
Just run through it pussy.
>not just having a savefile after the temple where you can just edit your stats to start a new game
I played Fallout 2 on my brother's PC when I was like 6 or 7, so I like that more, most because of the nostalgia desu. Story wise I think fallout 1 is better because its just more fucked up
All the early CRPGs try to replicate tabletop RPGs, but without the flexibility and imagination of a human game master, so you are not really properly role-playing.
It took awhile until RPG games managed to become their own thing and flesh out their game mechanics to become enjoyable. That didn't took place until the early 2000s.
I feel like FO2 is more of the same, the problem is that it starts too drag on for too long
fallout 1 is one hour long and has ten quests
fallout 2 simply has a lot more content
>decide to do a jinxed playthrough in FO1
>that fucking rat cave outside the vault