Ps4 pro

Remember when the Ark dev Jeremy Stieglitz compared the PS4 Pro to a 900$ PC in performance? Well he is a lying sack of shit.
The PS4 PRO runs on 680p on 20 and lower frames.

DF just BTFO his existence.


Other urls found in this thread:

is it me or unreal engine 4 can't into open world ?

>pony's will defend this

No. Unreal Engine was advertised as the ultimate open world engine. The devs are just terrible at optimising anything.

What just blows my mind is that the older PS4 is able to run at 720p and somewhat more stable 30 frames than the PS4 Pro. What are they thinking ?


he's not lying

the game actually runs like complete shit and it does takes a 900 dollar pc to get 20 fps

How are so many people playing it on steam if majority of steam users have 970 or below?

>it does takes a 900 dollar pc to get 20 fps
are you serious dude

for 900$ you will get more frames and a free pizza delivery on top

>the game actually runs like complete shit
>defending a dev who had this game in development since forever

maybe the ark devs should do more than just spread lies to hype up their game and make the ps4 pro look better when in reality it is the opposite

720p 30 fps
On Pro

Sonycucks caught with their pants down again shilling a shitty netbook system

Jeeze what a surprise

>On a 4K console





This thread had a lot more posts yesterday when sonyggers were in denial.

its just time for xbox scorpio seeing this

How does Ark run on the pc?
Can a 1060/970 handle it great or you need 1080s or Titans to achieve alright performance?

Someone posted a vid of a 1060 playing it at 40 fps+ on high at 1080p.


It's the half assed method of just forcing checkerboard 4k rather than just using the extra power to increase performance. Like FF XV, Tomb Raider, and Shadow of Mordor are the only ones with better performance modes.

on a GTX 1060

his build is below 900$

hahaha I can't believe there are 50M idiots that bought this supercharged toaster.

Where are all the sonyggers that were in this thread yesterday?

Post sonygger wojaks itt.

Reading comprehension, retardo

Goddamn does ark look like absolute fucking dinosaur shit

Kill yourself weeb, go play your shitty VNs.

>implying its actually sonyggers replying and not just other shitposters pretending to be sonyggers to keep the shitposting active

Triggered? :^)
