What the fuck are they thinking?
What the fuck are they thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying this game will do well
>implying I won't return it after 4 hours when the nolstalgia factor wears off
I mean christ. I loved Banjo, and I love Rare, but the characters sound exactly like Banjo and Kazooie.
Thinking people are too blinded by nostalgia to realize collectathons have always been, and forever will be, shit.
>enemy art on the background is literally cut off at the top
Holy shit I can't unsee it.
how the fuck did they not catch that when making this screen...
LOL I know I got the same vibe when I first saw the image. It looks just like BK but I doubt it will be as good.
why are we deciding to hate this now?
because the game is cheap shit made to plunder the wallets of desperate nostalgiafags
hahaha all these butthurt nintoddlers, it's glorious!
Im not seeing it
Wow what original box art
>no wiiu version
that's why
Nintendo gaf
>wiiU canceled
>suddenly everyone hates it
geez I wonder why, it's almost like this site is filled with nintendo fanboys
Fck off Sonny.
these devs need to get their own ideas instead of copying banjo and kazooie
look at the top of the yellow dude's goggles
I've been hating on it since it was announced.
I'm a hate hipster.
>boo hoo, no wii-nu version
Right? Even the music got cloned
Those are his antennae, retard
Yeah, but user...
Looks great to me, can't wait.
Shut the fuck up you memeing faggots. The only one ITT that had a point was
Not me, I still play the games from time to time and I still think they're fun.
you.... you cant return steam games
>recycling and rehashing is good
All they have to do is add some hidden shit like Stop n' Swop and this game will attract gamer nostalgists like candy.
Jesus Christ this is bad. It isn't just the angle of the antennae.
It's more obvious on the left. There are a couple of thin black lines too even further left like something else got cut off.
>new game
>not $60 buckaroos not including dlc and season pass
Not seeing the problem senpai
Yes you can. Where have you been for the last year?
You can return it if you have less than 2 hours played.
How long do you guys think it will be?
I'm gonna say 4 hours and that's a best case scenario.
not after 2 hours
sorry i meant to mention that my bad
So what's OP's issue? I don't get it.
You're retarded. Thats the way his antennae are
I got it for $15 USD as a backer.
See it's literally the same artwork but mirrored and you can clearly see they cut off part.
Jeeze. That doesn't bear much promise to the quality of the actual game
see your shit eyesight is a cancer to the world
not seeing it
In other worlds
>I don't like collectathons so that means no one does!
Replaying old games made me realize how much I loved collecting things.
Now that they're giving the Toybox to everybody who preorder will they make that available to all backers aswell?
here is what they edited out of
It's releasing on the Switch, basically everyone gave up on the WiiU and moved to that.
20 bucks at mexico
feels good
It's similar, but clearly not the same picture
Look at the eyes
Isn't 20 bucks still expensive for a game in Mexico?
Look dude we get that it's embarrassing but this isn't gonna get you anywhere
Just fire up photoshop and upload the proper version to steam
460 mexican pesos and thats cheap actually
Well shit.
>Kickstarter game
>Wii U version getting canceled
>Sup Forums looking for another MN9/TORtanic debacle
It's not an AAA title.
So it is not 999 like it usually is.
I saw Infinite Warfare at 1,300 in Sam's.
MGSV is at 600 and mad max was at the same price initially but they raised it
I got it for 15 dollars when I backed it.
Holy shit, it really does.
True user!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY THINKING?!?!?!?! how the fuck do they dare to charge up a fair price for their hard work on a game?!?!?!?! are they insane??!?!?!?!!?!? what the fuck are they thinking trying to make some think tahts not main stream and then charge for it are they stupid!!?!?!?! they should give it for free and make no money at all is not like they put money time etc etc in it... this is insane!!!!!
Woah dude, chill.
$40 USD for a full-length 3D platformer isn't really that bad at all. It will probably go on sale after release anyways, especially if it bombs.
legitimate autism
I unironically don't want the game to fail.
off-topic but when is the Steam winter sale starting?
Just looked it up a few minutes ago.
Dec 22nd
>Dec 22nd
How many (you)s do you need user, I'll gladly give them if that means you'll take your meds
So butthurt Kek
thats so sweet you really think i need validation in some image board on the internet Kek
Should be £19.99.
Member when AAA titles on PC used to cose £35 new? How did we get jewed so hard that £50 for a PC game was acceptable?
Surely you care a little what others think of you
That's why you deleted your post, isn't it?
Nostalgia works for Nintendo pretty well and they can get away with much worse shit.
Nintenbabies got bitter when their dead console can't run the game
People still bought the game when they made it $60, simple as that.
>Member when AAA titles on PC used to cose £35 new?
been playing on pc for less than 5 years?
just think back to a time when when £35 was actually way more expensive due to inflation.
>MGSV is at 600
Only the steam and PS3 versions. PS4 was 899 and I think it still is. Also Steam does lower prices in Mexico.
Disgaea PC for example is 179 pesos if you're in Mexico which would be around 9 US dollars