Is Swapdoodle already dead? I remember seeing thread after thread when it was released, but no one seems to still talk about it.
Is Swapdoodle already dead? I remember seeing thread after thread when it was released...
Other urls found in this thread:
Wait, it's back? I thought Nintendo shut it down.
No, that's Swapnote. Swapdoodle is its successor and was released some three weeks ago.
Care to share your FC so I can add you? I don't post much, so I won't become a bother.
Yes, same with Doodle or Die threads, which were mostly the same just for PC in that website
Everything dies after 1 week of hype
Well, it really doesn't help that most of the people in the first week or so have already hit the friend limit. I'm still getting a whole bunch of new notes everyday in-game though so shit is definitely still active
That's the thing. I waited to see if the old contacts I had from 2011 Sup Forums were still around. After only 3 of them answered that they were, I deleted the rest, but now there are no threads to share FCs. I wanted to go on the Swapdoodle threads, but I didn't have enough space, and the people I had from Swapnote were pretty cool (Except you, Brianna. You spamming-with-stupid-shit poster).
I'd say the best you can do now is head over to the thread on /i/ and add people there. I think they're mostly Sup Forums users. You can also make the occasional thread here on Sup Forums every now and then for the small chance that it'll be active
Hm... Found a thread on /i/, but the thing is that I'm not much of an artist, hence why I didn't post much on Swapnote. I liked it because people would send random messages of their day, their pets, experiences on Sup Forums or on vidya news...
Oh well. I'll just hope someone posts their FC in this thread and call it a day.
I just got a 3DS. Can I get swapnote and a friendcode without updating my firmware?
I doubt it, since connecting to the eShop demands you to download the latest firmware.
The threads died because there's a Discord.
No, the threads died because the hype's gone...
teach me how to draw so i can participate
I haven't gotten any notes in a while. I need more friends.
Me too. My FC is 3566-1595-3249
Post Doodles! I'm sure Draw friends wouldn't mind.
I'd like to think that I improved since Swapnote days.
Friend list is still packed even after trimming no-shows since the old days.
>Friend's list is full
>Discord has massive list of all the most active people
>Lewd artists don't feel like adding anyone anymore
Mostly dead.
I wish it was easier to get clean shots of my doodles. Any that can tend to lose the ability with the constant updates and all
you don't need to know how to draw
El bumpo
Not that guy but what's yours? I don't post much either. You're much more likely to see me playing MK7
Added you, I'm
>you don't need to know how to draw
It does help, though.
Came in late, need some friends. I've got like 60 spaces free and this is all I doodle on atm. Just got back into drawing cause of SD. Add me somebody. Share some art. I don't want any more inactives than I already got.
Mostly lewds, don't add if you don't want 'em
Added you in other /i/ thread.
Friend list is very limited, though, but FC is : 2320-6663-2158
Oh, I saw that post but I didn't think it involved me. Gotta let people know yo. Will start the backtrack sending shortly
Fair warning: most people friended will recieve a huge backlog of notes.
can I see the gardevoir please?
Please post your work if you want ppl to add you. Don't just shout out add me add me like a faggot
Yeah, just open the spoiler. Or get on SD dude, come on. You're not missing much you couldn't find elsewhere anyways, sorry. I just cropped those and censored them for the collage. I deleted the single images, and don't have the lewd anywhere but SD right now.
check the Name field; 3583-3335-0967
here. I've already added
, and
>No picture uploading.
>No sound files.
>Main gimmick is free shitty paint app on a fucking handheld.
Could just use Colors 3D or even Art Academy, post them here and have a much better experience. In fact that was awesome when Art Academy came out and everyone was posting their first lemons and shit.
>free shitty paint
Not only that. They charge you about 3 dollars per color. You only get black and red free, and one shitty silver glitter pen deal they had for free. Also ink and note-capacity limitations behind a paywall. So yeah, I got jewed hard cuz I gave in to about half of em. Overall, they want like 70 bucks for every color.
Yup, it's dead
Who is this Discord and why did he fuck swapdoodle?
Added you. I'm
>tfw no nintendo friends to swapdoodle with
i wish they had a function to recieve doodles from random people and send to random people.
that would have made swapnote amazing.
or maybe some sort of groups that you could post to.
Post your FC and add the ones already posted in this thread.
Adding you if that's cool
so how does this shit work if i want to receive lewd doodles?
im really shit at drawing so i dont even try but if i were to add somene i would receive their doodles?
Added. Only 12 slots left!
You doodle something, and then click from a list of friends who to send it too. Both of you must register each other's FC beforehand. Then the next time they check for an update they should recieve any notes addressed to them, but I doubt anyone would send you something for nothing
>Post your FC
>Register other's FCs
>Get Swapdoodle
>Get the doodles, and send ones if you feel like it.
I've been busy these past few days so I haven't drawn anything swapdoodle related lately.
I mostly do Lewds though.
What's your FC?
What's the limit of Friend codes I can register on my 3DS? I had ~30 befored I purged them a week ago...
friend list limit kills it
honestly i just gave up on swapdoodle and would rather see nikki lewds in these threads
yes. turns out this """""game""""" can't run on lewd alone.
adding I draw too.
Here's a drawing of some old shit I did
How's the drawing lessons
I'm thinking about buying those
Only 100 friends max
Got you guys, was just working on something and ran out of ink. Always happens. Gonna resend old shit before you get to see it though. Resending will probably take a good while since you can only send 10 notes per spotpass check, so yeah, incoming
>Want to draw some shit
>Can't because i want muh free games and i'm at 11.0
>Not owning 2 DS's once for free shit and the other for genuine shit
Fuck, and when I say a while, I mean a WHILE. I'm still in the middle of my first update and it's been 5 minutes, DAMN. Is it because I'm on a 2DS?
>not running A9LH
I can update AND install free games
But you can update any other CFW to do the same thing, user.
Even Cakes.
Swapnote is fucking lame anyway.
Also, check out the SMT games.
Discord is a text and voice chat program like Skype or whatever. Basically what happens is a thread about something is really active and interesting, then some faglord decides "hey, let's make a discord" because it's free and easy to do (because they sell your data) and everyone's doing it, it's trendy. So they make the discord and everyone moves over to it. Then because everyone is already talking in the Discord the thread dies, and because the thread dies no new people find out about the thing or talk about it, effectively killing discussion.
Discord is cancer, never use it in place of a thread, denounce it whenever anyone suggests it should be used.
>Where are we Marge?
dear lord
Hey guys, remember to add each other as Doodle Viewers. Makes backlog sending easier
Adding everyone that has already posted on the thread. My FC is 3566-1595-3249
nigga everyone sells your data, even this site sells user data
Add for draws
oh no not my public email address and nothing else because that's all they even need
I draw
Adding you friendo
>(because they sell your data)
The same way your ISP and Google and [Insert_Website_Here] do?
FC 2750-1740-7386
add me!
Discord shills detected. Use it to circle jerk and stop shitting up threads.
Sweet, I thought these threads were gone for good
Almost full, but add me for lewd things, cute things, silly things, and genuine attempts at communication
Added you
t. chink moot
Sold and added.
May I add you guys if you're still around?
I you have space.
Added. Add me back, please. (I'm not much of a sketcher, though)
I think the stuff you have to pay for is ridiculous.
I mean paying for more ink? Are you kidding me?
I only got a 3ds recently and don't have 3ds friends yet, might be fun to swap shit with anons once in a while. So if anyone wants to add me that's cool.
If you also play Animal Crossing that'd be super neat too. Would love to see other peoples houses.
visit /ic/'s sticky
don't bother with the board for now
sure np just donĀ“t send me weird stuff ok
also gotta leave now but ill keep the thread open on my phone to check
ill add tomorrow if you add me
it's too damn cumbersome
I was expecting a more public drawfag kinda game but it's just a small circle of friends that you have to add
and viewing notes is a hassle
I hate opening the app now cause I know I have 70+ notes to sift through
Add me Ill send replies and messages
How many
>text and voice chat programs
do people need, every month a new one pops out and the only different thing is UI. Why not just use Steam chat, quality of the call will stay same because of that one cheap mic shitter anyway.
I would have never known it existed unless I saw this thread
that's why it's dead