Overwatch or Splatoon? which one is objectively better Sup Forums?

Overwatch or Splatoon? which one is objectively better Sup Forums?

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I'll tell you when I buy a switch and can finally try splatoon.

Splatoon because squid lolis

They're both completely different games, coming to a conclusion on which is objectively better is close to impossible.

t. someone who has 100+ hours in both

Why would you possibly compare them

I haven't even played splatoon and it's most likely a better game

if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike

Splatoon w/ Splatfests > Overwatch

Both have lackluster single-player, but Splatoon's are slightly better

Online options go to Splatoon

so I guess Splatoon

Why not? they both are arena team based shooters. I see Sup Forums comparing quake or doom to anything, why is this different?

but wasn't splatoon new meme

Nobody compares quake or doom to Splatoon.

Overwatch. Both are trash, but at least Overwatch is enjoyable trash with support beyond 1 year.

Metal Gear Solid or Metroid Prime? which one is objectively better Sup Forums?

That's how retarded you sound OP

It's been a year now since a few of them were announced and happened. Man, I miss them already.

Splatoon cause it requires actual skill. It doesn't have autoaim.

Splatoon is just that good

splatoon got free support for a year and a half you mongoloid

are you above 5? Overwatch. Otherwise, enjoy coloring rooms as a kid-squid.

Metroid is objectively better though

And Overwatch is guaranteed to get 3 times that. And also it isn't in an irrelevant and soon to be dead system.

they're both shit

No it's just a completely different type of game.

Prove it.

>Both games are team based arena shooters
>th-they can not be compared

Metroid has Samus. I rest my case.

Splatoon is so incredibly fucking boring with nowhere near enough variety to keep me interested. Overwatch may be lacking in content, but Splatoon even more so.

Honestly, Splatoon is the better game by far.

Ironically, I'd say it's less of a casual experience as well.

fanbase of both games is autistic though

Splatoon has more game modes, more maps, character load outs, character customization, a small single player campaign, challenge modes via amiibo, and it had Splatfests.

There is no way you can say Overwatch has more content than Splatoon and not be baiting or retarded.

Overwatch has 3 gamemodes, abritrary cosmetic items locked behind a soft paywall and RNG, and seasonal events.

Boys play Splatoon to paint up rooms.

Real men play Splatoon to satiate their top tier taste for spats, squids and loli.


How do i get as good as DUDE?

I like Splatoon but as a older gamer it feels awkward sometimes, you should learn Japanese a bit so you can have fun with their crowd which are really fun people. I enjoy how you can show people your artwork and everyone loves showing theirs so it feels nice sometimes. All the guns feel good and rewarding, the Overwatch guns are all the same just different styles.

Splatoon has gotten such a high skill ceiling that its like that stupid Mei's Snowball minigame but all the time, so its underratedly intense of a game.

Overwatch has that multicultural American aesthetic so you can be a bit more proud of playing it in public. You are going on the Jewish Blizzard Treadmill (tm) so everyone understands how far you came. The squids in Splatoon don't have the same dramatic styles. I think pros of Splatoon have more respect for each other somehow, Overwatch everyone blames comp or says you got lucky to win. If they lose rank they always blame others.

I think people are waiting for Splatoon 2 rather than hoping for patches but Overwatch players are happy with their product. That is the rub, if you buy Splatoon now you might just get replaced by the Switch version. Overwatch is for years to come.

Overall is correct but people would probably prefer the safe mediocrity of Overwatch you can admit playing to friends than the shaky unknowns going on in Splatoon even if the game is much better and community.

>wake up
>still not a squidloli
endless nightmare

Asking that on Sup Forums is idiotic. The actual quality of the two games is irrelevant as this board is such hardcore Overwatch shit suckers that its unreal. Its fucking upsetting to see this board devolves into this shit.

>I think people are waiting for Splatoon 2 rather than hoping for patches

Since there are no more splatfests, that's guaranteed. Might as well hop on the new entry with all the new additions.
For me, it'll be the only reason I'm getting a Switch aside from the possible new Xenoblade.

Overwatch isn't even a year old yet, user.

whats a squid feels like?

Metal Gear Solid or Splatoon PLUS Ika Musume?

>baby music playing constantly with lyrics like "agoogoogaga quack quack"
>orchestrated music sets the mood and really hypes up a good POTG at the end of the match

Squishy bags of woomy

>fantastic 4
>Snake being held up by Ika and her squidloli cousin

What the fuck am I looking at?

>good POTG

>orchestrated music sets the mood and really hypes up a good POTG at the end of the match

I'm so fucking tired of hearing that shitty theme now, you don't understand.


Trick question. They're both shit.

Considering you have to hear it unless you mute the music entirely for every highlight and potg, I don't blame you

They should have character specific themes for highlight intros so it's not as repetitive

At least it's calmed down somewhat from when the game first came out
Whole fucking board was filled with overshilled generals and absolutely nobody thought to go to /vg/ with their trash
>b-but /vg/ is too sloooooow!
Why the fuck is that board even still a thing when it's apparent that people don't care to fucking use it? Never mind the absolute lack of mods kicking that sort of shit out of here and into there.

Indeed. Not to mention, they use the theme in trailers, shorts and promos. I liked it at first, but now it's a fate worse than death.
Time to listen to Splatoon's OST because I forgot how much I enjoyed it

>post amiibo locked content that's actually gameplay as a positive
>complain about paywall cosmetic items

>Overwatch has that multicultural American aesthetic so you can be a bit more proud of playing it in public
What? Nigga that shit is just soft edge Disney/Pixar art style with official art work leaning more towards "westernized" anime (though doesn't dip into that awful "faux anime" shit from the late 90s/early to mid 00s)

>Ironically, I'd say it's less of a casual experience as well.
>combines run/reload into a single button so you don't have to choose between each action
>you aren't even required to shoot other players to do good in the game
>has "Press Q to Awesome" that everyone complains about from OW though admittedly Splatoon handles this a bit better

Splat is only good choice

Splatoon was more fun, and I felt like I could fuck around more and play what I wanted to play, unlike overwatch where everyone gets butthurt if you don't play the characters in the meta.

It's a blank cover that people give artists to draw on.

Splatoon crossovers are the best imo.

Both shit, League of Legends tier

Can't beat the splat

This makes no fucking sense

I mean...really, what else can I say?

>unlike overwatch where everyone gets butthurt if you don't play the characters in the meta.
why are you playing comp if you don't want to work with others to make a good team?

If you aren't playing comp no one is yelling at you as much as you claim.



It's not even a contest.


Tower Control = Rainmaker > Turf War >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Splat "whoever pick the weapon with longest range wins" Zones

Fight me.

OW is the shitton wish it was

He's saying why would an Inkling wear a bathing suit if they can't get in water.


I feel it's pointless ranking the modes because their fun factor is heavily dependent on the map rotation.

Agreed. Everyone knows that when a woman wears a mini-kini like that, the material triangle covers only the top of the crotch including pubic hair, and the string "covers" the important bits.

I'm not sure.
They've both developed some high quality porn.

Eat some calamari.

If undercooked, it's rather rubbery.

>spats, squids and loli.
Is the single player game worth a purchase? Or is it all about multi-player?

SP is pretty fun but short. Last level is fucking 10/10.
MP is the bread and butter though.


It's like 70% MP to 30% SP.

SP is there but it's a short ride and really only meant to train your technique before going online.

Splatoon, because it actually have some gameplay depth.

Splatoon, or Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash?

I prefer Splatoon since it actually has fun movement. They're both very lacking in depth though.

I prefer Splatoon. Have been playing it since day 1 and it's still fun. Overwatch is just a playable meme.

>more game modes
All of which revolve around painting the fucking ground
>more maps
It doesn't really feel like it when they're locked behind a retarded arbitrary rotation system
>more character load outs
>multiples of the same five weapons with stat changes
>as opposed to the twenty-something individual characters with their own weapons, abilities, and stats
>character customization
More doesn't equal better. Most of Overwatch's cosmetics may be recolors, but they're more cohesive and generally better looking than your average squid kid mix mash. Not to mention how good most of the Epics and Legendary skins look.
>a small single player campaign
>challenge modes
Locked behind the amiibo paywall
Are Splatfests supposed to be impressive? It's just an event that locks you into the most boring and vanilla game mode. And for what? Some cute dialogue?

>Overwatch has 3 game modes
Sure, but it's the hero composition that makes each game feel unique
>arbitrary cosmetic items locked behind a soft paywall and RNG, and seasonal events
At least Blizzard gives them a chance to obtain them freely, if it were Nintendo, they'd sell it as an Amiibo and you'd buy that shit right up.

The weapons all come with different abilities. Like there's a few copies of the same weapons but one comes with a missile strike or an inkwall and such.

While I don't like the small map rotation Splatoon has, it is helpful in that you can customise your loadout for those maps so you don't end up with poor weapons for the situation.

I personally like games and think they're far too different to be compared anyway. I like all the different classes OW has, but Splatoon has much more interesting strategies imo because of the movement system.

>I like all the different classes OW has, but Splatoon has much more interesting strategies imo because of the movement system.

Being able to hide in ink, walking so that you're invisible to the enemy team on the map, swimming slowly so that you don't make ripples

I love how you can come up with a quick way of getting out of a dangerous situation without the usual "Get to safety" method. You could swim up a wall and pull some squid parkour while chucking a bomb.

shit meant to quote this

>Complains about amiibo paywall cosmetics that will be available all the time
>Defends "hey you want that sweet witch mercy? Well better pay up bucko or else it's gone forever once the event ends" RNG lootboxes

The difference is that the Splatoon amiibos have some single player levels with different weapons

t. owner of all Splatoon amiibos

>>Complains about amiibo paywall cosmetics that will be available all the time
Challenge levels (and sound check mode) are not cosmetics

Splatoon would be but it doesn't have voicechat and that's just fucked up.

More like shit tier taste

Who the fuck actually uses in game chat in anything nowadays?

I'm having some serious deja vu, is this pasta?

>All of which revolve around painting the fucking ground
That's as retarded as complaining about shooters being all about shooting.

I don't have to pay for lootboxes. And besides, there's always next year. :^)
Especially with how recently they've made a way to get a bunch of boxes in a short amount of time

Maybe this example has been used before
I was just thinking of shit you can do in Splatoon.

Less casual

>tf2 clone with less tactics
>Less casual

How's it feel to be so wrong by saying 3 words?

I play both, but Splatoon is much more exciting for me.

Splatoon is fast as fuck with a much higher skill ceiling.

Hows it feel to have your autism triggered by 3 words

With shooters, you're shooting people. Generally, people are moving targets that can shoot back. Shooting people, while a safe concept, is, in my opinion, a more interesting and challenging experience than shooting floors.