Look, we're all fans of gaming, so we do we need to argue over every single thing. People like different things, it's as simple as that.
Let's have a thread where there's no arguing, that's the main challenge, and we discuss games we like and why.
I'll start:
> Fallout 4
I like it because it's the best game in the series and much better than its predecessors. It's got much better combat, graphics, a larger map than any other fallout game, has full customisation of all weapons and armour, power armour plays a major role in the game as opposed to being a token add on at the end you get when you don't really need it, it's more challenging than any other game you've seen in the series before and the settlements addition is fantastic.
Okay now guys, it's your turn. Remember, no hate or arguing please, respect other people's opinions.
Adrian Ortiz
Witcher 3 is better than any Fallout game, especially the garbage that is Fallout 4.
Zachary Brown
>baiting THIS hard Fallout 4 is none of things you said. New Vegas is way better and only falls behind in the graphics category, and not by much.
Christian Smith
You both failed at the first step.
You just couldn't help yourselves could you?
Jose Cook
FO4 has the best combat, that is not up for debate.
Tyler Bennett
>everything in the Fallout universe is powered with nuclear energy >countries still fought over oil and other resources which led to the nuclear war Makes you think.
Jaxon Kelly
>liking video games reddit is thatta way
Brandon Sanchez
>Look, we're all fans of gaming
that's where you're wrong, friendo
Nathaniel Russell
Adam Nelson
>> Fallout 4 > >I like it because it's the best game in the series and much better than its predecessors.
Julian Bailey
>fans of videogames
Luis Roberts
no, bad meme it's a shit RPG because they removed all the skills and watered down stats and perks it's still a shit FPS with bad recoil/spread mechanics, terrible weapon variety, and now they added skyrim enchantments to weapons because they're retarded
Noah Martin
Final Fantasy 15 is a piece of shit.
Juan Harris
But undeniably better than NV
Alexander Morris
>I have shit opinions >but you're not allowed to be mad
Angel Davis
> opinion > shit
Doesn't work like that user....
Landon Thompson
>taste is subjective this meme needs to end
Tyler Cooper
> what is oxymoronic?
Isaiah Morgan
I disagree
Evan Scott
The Witcher series is utter rubbish. It so touts itself being a true CRPGs but lacks even the most basic of RPG elements. No complexity to any of its mechanics, no build variety, no meaningful choice, no customisation bar the superficial. It's the exact same streamlined, regurgitated garbage we've been seeing since Skyrim: an action game pretending to be an RPG. And much like Skyrim the hyper aggressive fanbase will create a maelstrom of hate if you say it's anything other than gods gift to man.
William Green
Overwatch is currently the gayest game out there and if you play it you are no better than a Muslim pedophile. There won't be any arguing because this is the only truth
Cooper Carter
I have been enjoying NFS 2015, the storyline is kind of cringy, I have autism and SAD and it was literally making me uncomfortable to exorbitant levels for a video game. The customization is nice and there have been few cars I did not like driving. Of course, for some vehicles that customization is completely lacking in terms of body kits and replacing stuff for more of the higher end cars, but those cars look good enough on their own.
I have been playing Insurgency again after a long break, it's a lot of fun but I pretty much mostly play the support class and sometimes people don't understand what suppressing fire is at times and think you are going to shoot them
Are you going to use Nuclear Energy to make synthetic fabrics? No, so to answer your question, it doesn't make you think unless you are a literal ape
Lucas Scott
>tfw wanting to strangle OP for being a shallow bitch
Anyhow, I like Fallout New Vegas better than Fallout 4 for numerous reasons.
First of all while the combat in Fallout 4 is much improved, it is still robotic and sometimes even worse (AI hugging the wall when I'm literally right behind them, AI clipping through wall).
In some cases, it's simply the same creature AI of charge at closest opponent, just better animations.
Second of all, most of the Fallout 4 "gimmicks" are copy pasta of Fallout New Vegas's mods. Settlement making was originally a mod on F:NV (RTS). The improved crosshair, rapid stimpack usage, and fast grenade throws were from Project Neveda. They even copied some of the quests, such as Autumn Leaves. Not to forgot tens if not hundreds of hours worth of time you can spend on some pretty decent quest mods, like someguy's series.
Now tell me why I should pay for an excess of $120 dollars for Fallout 4 and DLCs when I can get the same on Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition for $20 and slap on some mods?
Third, the weapon variety in Fallout New Vegas is much larger. Nearly double that amount in 4.
Before anyone says "but you can mod the base weapons". Yes you can mod them, but that doesn't change the base gun. You now just have a gun with a slight improvement. That's like adding a sticker to your desktop monitor and saying I now have a completely different monitor.
Fourth and finally, consistency and story. Fallout 4 wasn't really consistent. Much of the lore was written by Emil Pagliarulo, which has become Fallout's C.S. Goto / Matt Ward. Or on Sup Forums's term, Anthony Burch. That enough speaks volume.
Don't get me wrong, Fallout 4 was a fun game but kinda stupid.