What kind of games does Malik Obama play?

What kind of games does Malik Obama play?

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The forgotten brother of Barack Obama, who was ashamed he had a black brother.

it's a fake account

verified, bitch.


literally who gives a shit

it's not hard to get the "verified" badge, it's still not him

Meme Wars 2: Electric Boogaloo

The game of destroying OP's internet and raping him in the ass.

obama's brother converted to the alt right, as his invocation to the Kek divinity shows

>I offer no proof but believe me anyways

keep telling yourself that

the guy interviewed on Fox news specifically talking about his twitter rampages and how he's a big trump supporter

its absolutely him cuckold

reported :^)

Probably none

None, because the creative process is incompatible with the alt-right.

I'm alt-right and I'm an artist for one of the top game franchises in the world right now.

kill yourself famalam

most unfunny group of people ever, besides actual GoPers

You're a fucking retard

It doesn't matter what you are if you can't express yourself. You don't exist. Progressiveness won, get over it.

Can't take being wrong?

>those tweets

holy fuck

i refuse to believe this is legit

is he one of us?

no it's just that the world would be an objectively better place if every self described alt-righter put a shotgun in their mouth


So you're a slave to leftists who work on upper levels of the game?

'Obliterate' is the opposite of creative.

>implying any group has a worse sense of humor than the alt-left (muh BLM, muh radical feminism, muh marxist ideology)



Much as I dislike their ideology, from what I've seen, yes. The left actually make jokes, they actually pull from a wide range of areas and have to be creative -- whereas it seems the right more commonly rely on cliche and literal repetitions of LOL NIGGERS and LOL KILL THE GAYS SO FUN E, etc.

Believe it, user.

He truly is /ourguy/.

>hereas it seems the right more commonly rely on cliche and literal repetitions of LOL NIGGERS and LOL KILL THE GAYS SO FUN E, etc.
But you are describing liberals, just replace niggers with white males and gays with straights.

small hands, Drumpf BTFO

Because they are trash excuses for human beings

>a nigger
>one of us

? retard

How so?


sad you DIY commune got shut down for building code violations?

The one kind of nigger I hate the most is a magic nigger.

Malik Obongo is no exception.

These booby trapped signs are fucking great. I don't care for politics or Trump in particular but I want to do this.

>one retweet
>most likely from a false flag account



There is literally nothing wrong with a wise magical negro

Show us your twitter account with that verified badge then faggot.

eh it's not every time but it is most so I'll allow it

Will Malik Obama be our next president after Trump 2nd mandat? I sure hope so, it'd be epic kek.


they are textbook literal cucks, that's degenerate

they should reagroup in africa not bend over to everyone else


as much as i hate Sup Forums, that's incorrect.

You're probably in high school if you believe this. SJW shit is everywhere, it will probably calm down with Trump as president though.

Those manbabies ACTUALLY BELIEVE that white people deserve to exist. I know free speech is important and all, but they shouldn't be allowed to say that shit.

why does Sup Forums hate Jews? there's literally nothing wrong with Jewish people

I don't browse Tumblr, so yeah.

Gen Z faggot cucks think shit like gender neutral bathrooms and tranny acceptance is normal

I hate the self importance social media perpetuates, man. Like who cares?
It's definitely been like that of late.

I thought they were more conservative.

jojo reference?

What is he going to do, pass a law outlawing a certain mode of thought? Will progressive inclinations out of existence with his sheer being?

There's nothing wrong with Gary, the Jewish boy who bags groceries at the local store or John the butcher at the local deli.

It's the Zionist Jews that are the problem. I say this as someone who feels the same way about the Vatican.


They are. He meant millennials. Either way, this stuff is everywhere nowadays.

Because of some (((Buzzfeed))) articles? wew lad

>Will progressive inclinations out of existence with his sheer being?
Yep. Just look at the effect he has, nearly everyone who actually listens to him or meets with him joins his side. Kanye West just did, the guy is charismatic as fuck, and right about a lot of thngs.


Has anyone actually caught a retard with those?


What does Obama think of his own brother allied with his worst enemy?