>Q: What is 2B's gender?
>Saito: "a girl... type?"
>Yoko: "It's a secret."
What was meant by this?
>Q: What is 2B's gender?
>Saito: "a girl... type?"
>Yoko: "It's a secret."
What was meant by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Robots don't have gender, they can be retrofitted to be anything, currently she is fitted to be a girl
It's going to be like metroid but gay
Well she's a robot.
I guess that's what they're hinting at.
There's an optional penis attachment that comes standard with every female robutt.
14 hours till the Stream
What are you expecting aside from a playthrough of the upcoming PS4 exclusive demo?
a very kissable Toobie
>More SJW pandering garabge
Video Games are dead.
This is neckbeard pandering.
>Implying it's SJW garbage
2B is a robot and doesn't have an actual gender. He called it a girl type since it only looks female.
SJWs would freak from this though. 2B isn't a disgusting hambeast
>Transexual trash
Go back to your cuck shed you Californian faggots
2B probably doesn't have any genitals at all shes a robot and nobody can reproduce in nier universe anyways
She's a futanari.
She's a female robot (male)
the best type
>floating weapons
when did sheaths become taboo or should I say 2Boo?
You're not helping your case you mentally ill degenerates.
The mystery only makes my dick harder
You're delusional if you think that has anything to do with transexuals. She's just considered a robot in universe. Taro was just giving an answer to a question he never thought of before.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Been a while since I've seen this. Keep fighting the good fight user.
2 bingos at once.
Fuck off back to Neogaf you sonygger trash.
It's more efficient to have them floating on the robots. Sheaths would just slow them down. Not everything has to be realistic or practical when it comes to futuristic shit. Hell the clothes are probably just a cultural thing humans put on the robots as a motivational thing since they've been at war with the alien's proxy army of robot soldiers for THOUSANDS of years according to some of the info about the game that came out earlier this year.
just look at that buldge
That an animation bone weighting problem. the frontal crouch area appears to pop out when the hip bends sharp. It is really noticeable in DOA games.
I hope that she has a bigger dick than mine
>a director had a futa character once so that means every girl in his games must have a dick!
>cuck shed
This is why futafags are some of the most cancerous fetishfags out there. I liked Kaine as a character but her having a dick was a mistake just because of the shitty fanbase it attracted.
>what is 2b's gender?
>a girl type?
>a secret?
>uhh, no they just meant she's a robot and doesn't have a gender.
Bullshit. That's not a secret. They would just say it if that was the case.
She's a girl "type" i.e. a futanari
Spears in action
New Pod guns in action
Details on Plugin Chip system and some example chips particularly ones that show how the chip system can be used to really alter playstyle, by changing control schemes, HUD readout, and basic abilities
Footage of excavator fight
MAYBE PC news but I doubt it
And a whole bunch of shit about the story from the VAs, but we won't be able to understand it until the next day when Rekka posts her translation because she's gonna be at a company party and won't be watching the stream.
It's a "secret" because YoRHa are created by passing memories forward from one iteration to the next to develop not only combat skills, but human emotions. All YoRHa have memories of a human life they never lived. YoRHa are like Replicants, they are at their core made from a human "soul". It will be revealed that 2B is, in fact, Nier, and thus in a way her gender was "male" all along
The director is a faggot, now fuck off shill.
What's worse is that the director's last game didn't have any futa but every futa poster ignores that.
It seems like people don't even know what that word means anymore.
vintage memery
I'd be fine with this though I have come to despise the meme. Still hope she's just a standard female cause fuck you fags.
It has to be something, they don't say "her gender is a secret" if it's straightforward.
I agree people are a little too willing to read "Kaine v2!" into that, but it's obviously not as simple as "she's a female"
The game is shit.
The last game was shit.
Every game made by these faggots is shit.
Kill yourself you shill.
Pathetic, you have nothing left to shill about.
Just end your life.
>MAYBE PC news but I doubt it
I mean, it's a Dengeki Playstation stream so...
>it has to be something
It did have pegging
It is an android without human sexual organs. Despite this it is designed with the image of the female body.
Actually Nier is in the game as a mysterious man named Amalgam. He literally dicks around and doesn't do much other than challenge you to a fishing match. You can hear his voice in the Now Loading trailer. Father Nier is now considered canon which means all the Brother Nier anons can take a flying leap and this is also why Taro said people would be confused if they played the previous game, especially in japan.
Mikhail's voice is in the game, he is hiding in a cave and never appears physically but you can talk to him.
Stop shitposting and continue working on the game,Yoko Taro.
From where did you get that info user?
I pm'd Taro on facebook and he told me.
You also do fetch quests for Mikhail and it's basically him asking for clothes that remind him of Zero
Is Caim still ripping and tearing?
I cannot say any more on the subject
Oh so you're just sharing your made-up theories?
fanbase for this shit is aids, holy fuck
Why is Jack Skellington posting on Sup Forums
The futa fanbase is the most cancerous around.
>Surprised a bunch of whyfoo faggot weeaboos that predictably buy into shitty games devoid of any substance are cancerous
Why Taro is so perverted?
Why aren't you?
The real question is how does he has such good taste?
le horshoe theory
So much cringe ITT.
As long as she has a feminine robo penis for me to suck on for milky milky and to drill my manpussy, I will be happy.
Into the gas chamber faggot.
Post screenshots then ya nig, or else it's bullshit
I am not gay, I just like feminine penis.
It is a mystery.
feminine is shit
only female penises are good, and they're for mistreating, not for sucking or pegging
Only your penis is for mistreating. Female penis is for plowing your ass.
Feminine dick is what they meant
You must be new here
legitmately not sjw shit
the first game starred a hermaphrodite
these characters are hermaphrodites, not tranny freaks
Jesus fucking Christ it's shocking how many LITERAL faggots are on this board.
There was a study showing that actual gays have zero interest in dickgirls, it's all straight guys who are into this shit.